Chapter 592 Take Money Quickly (7)

He Xiaoran said: "She can't communicate with people normally. If you take her out one day, she may hide secretly, or hide in a corner in front of the public. She will make you laugh..."

Yu Lingju replied: "I don't like socializing in the first place, and I probably seldom go out to socialize. If there is a situation where I have to socialize together, then I will accompany her. Anyway, I have never denied that I don't like socializing. .”

He Xiaoran added: "She has congenital albinism, which may be passed on to her children."

Yulingju laughed: "If she likes children, and she is wronged to do genetic screening after pregnancy, she is so brave, she will definitely not be afraid, and will not let the child suffer the same torture again. If she does not want children, the world will It’s not bad for one of our children. If she is reluctant to lose any of them, I will take extra care of them.”

"Your fans will also protest wildly, they will take off fans, they will abuse, they will attack your social media, and even affect your career, your endorsement will be cancelled, your resources will be robbed, your The career will plummet because of a little girl..."

Yulingju seemed to sigh, "Miss He, everything I'm telling you now is true. The nature of my work determines that as long as I fall in love or get married, I will definitely face such a situation, no matter who it is. Who. I debuted at a young age and have worked so hard in the entertainment industry for so many years. It is no problem to save her money to support her. I established an entertainment company three years ago. The legal representative is my aunt, and I hired professionals to take care of it, so the outside world cannot find relevant information. I don’t even know. My plan for the future is to work behind the scenes. So Ms. He doesn’t have to worry about work.”

He Xiaoran: "..."

"However, your parents, your relatives and friends will never agree!" He Xiaoran said: "A marriage without the blessing of your parents, would you like it?"

After Yulingju took a deep breath, "Miss He, although you are He Miao's older sister, I am an adult, older than you, I know what I am doing, every step I take is my own. The result of careful consideration. I can listen to my parents’ opinions, but I will not let them arrange my life. Otherwise, I would not have chosen to be an actor. Ms. He asked whether the blessings of my parents are important, of course it is important, if I didn't get their blessings in the end, and I prepared for the worst, so Miss He doesn't have to worry about this."

He Xiaoran didn't speak for a long time. Of course, she understood Yulingju's subtext. He was prepared to never get his parents' blessing, but he would not compromise because of this.

He Miao suddenly said: "This is He Miao!"

Why do you keep saying her name and not talking to her?

Yulingju responded, "Well, I know you are He Miao, and my sister and I are praising you."

He Miao proudly held the big helmet, "I will work hard to make money!"


He Xiaoran watched the car door being closed, sat and stared at them, especially He Xiaoran, when she moved a little, these people seemed very nervous.

The vehicle started, and not long after it started to accelerate on the road, the driver suddenly slammed on the brakes, and the huge inertia made the people in the car rush forward. He Xiaoran grabbed He Miao with one hand, and buckled the fence installed on the car with the other, trying hard Keep your body steady.

Yulingju instinctively stood in front of He Miao, fearing that she would bump into the iron railing.

He Xiaoran looked up, someone stopped the car!

Yu Lingju looked around and said to He Xiaoran: "Don't move, it might be my uncle's friend!"

After hearing what his friend said, Yu Lingju became alert and sent a message to his aunt in advance.

Sure enough, a lot of people got out of the military vehicle, and they all rushed towards the middle-aged man who got out of the vehicle with guns.

Lin Xiaoxian got the news, and hurried over in a car. He obviously didn't know the menacing major general: "My lord, may I ask you to stop the car for no reason, what advice do you have?"

The major general didn't know Lin Xiaoxian either, and many armed soldiers alighted from the military vehicle behind, and said directly: "I have received an order to bring a distinguished guest and his friend home, he is General Anup's nephew, and is also a A very famous star."

Lin Xiaoxian's heart sank, could it be Yulingju?Could he be the nephew of the famous General Anup?how is this possible?

Two people are not from the same country at all, how could they be General Anup's nephew?

Lin Xiaoxian said, "My lord, did you make a mistake? I heard that General Anup is a pure native of country T. How could his nephew be an actor from another country? What's more, that person's nationality..."

As a result, the major general didn't talk to him at all. With a wave of his hand, some of the soldiers behind him lined up in the boxing arena, and some were looking for someone now.

The other party didn't believe anyone at first glance, and just wanted to take away the person who should be taken away.

When Lin Xiaoxian saw it, it was too late to ask the organization for help, so he decided to give in, "My lord, is the person you are looking for named Yu? I know where he is."

As he spoke, Lin Xiaoxian brought the other party to the van and asked someone to open the door, "Mr. Yu, someone is looking for you."

In the end, He Xiaoran didn't wait for Lin Xiaoxian to speak, and suddenly stretched out his hand to push He Miao out of the car first.

He Miao was angry: "Sister!"

When Yu Lingju saw it, he immediately got out of the car.

The next second, the door of the van was closed.

After stealing the car glass, Lin Xiaoxian gave He Xiaoran a sullen look, and He Xiaoran looked back provocatively in the car.

If Yu Lingju got off the car first, Lin Xiaoxian would never give He Miao the chance to get off the car. If He Miao got off the car first, Yu Lingju would definitely get off after him.

The other party was confirming Yulingju's identity, and Yulingju said, "I also have an assistant in the boxing room."

He reported the number of the private room, and the other party sent someone to look for it immediately.

Yulingju said again, "There are still my friends in the car. Also, when will Mr. Lin pay for the bet won by the private room?"

The other party immediately looked at Lin Xiaoxian.The Yulingju in front of him is a big star and the nephew of his boss, so he must take it seriously.

When Lin Xiaoxian saw it, he immediately said, "My lord, we suffered heavy losses in the boxing match tonight. The boxing venue suspects that the person in the car participated in the fake punches. We cannot let her leave until the boxing venue investigates clearly. Of course, we You can guarantee her safety, and please don't rub your hands on matters related to the boxing ring."

After a pause, Lin Xiaoxian took a step forward and lowered his voice: "The income of the boxing field is related to the interests of General Bayu. If you let him know that General Anup asked you to bring people to General Bayu's territory to sabotage business, what do you think? Is General Nup choosing to break off relations with General Bayu, or is he going to launch an unknown person to take the gun for the dead ghost?"

(End of this chapter)

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