Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 687 The Taste of Missing

Chapter 687 The Taste of Missing (3)

Suddenly, the voices of He Miao and Xiaomi Mili shouted to each other in the bedroom, one called "Auntie" in a milky voice, and the other called Xiaomi Mili loudly.

He Xiaoran held the mobile phone in one hand and when he was crying silently with the other, but his face was full of smiles.

Look, this is what she wants!

She wants He Miao to be like all normal girls, understand missing and know how to connect.

She wanted He Miao to know that even if they were thousands of miles apart, as long as she wanted to, there was still a way to get close to each other.

She also wanted He Miao to know that not every day, every week, or every month of waiting would pay off, and many things in this world required her to take the initiative.

like now!

He Miao's voice was full of excitement, and she shouted loudly on the phone: "Millet grains!"

Millet put out all the energy to suck the milk, "Yi Yi!"

"Hee hee!" He Miao was happy, "Think of rice grains!"

Millet: " by one!"

He Xiaoran couldn't help but hugged Mi Mi into his arms, "Mi Mi, can we take a rest? Seeing that your little face is blushing."

Hearing He Xiaoran's voice, He Miao shouted: "Sister!"

He Xiaoran replied: "Well, if my sister is here, she will be there anytime!"

He Miao shouted again: "When!"

When did he quickly clear his throat, and said, "He Miao!"

"When!" He Miao shouted, "When do you want to!"

When did I break my tears into a smile, "I miss you too."

She reached out and wiped her tears, "How are you doing? Did you bully you? Did the beautiful mother treat you well? Is it fun in the palace?"

"Okay!" He Miao's happy eyes were narrowed into slits, and she was full of joy. She didn't realize why she was in the mood at this moment, but she knew that she was the happiest at this moment.

Since leaving her sister, now is the happiest time for her!

He Xiaoran heard that He Miao was getting carried away at this time, so she asked: "Miao Miao, are you studying well?"

He Miao fell silent for a moment.

He Xiaoran was surprised: "What's the matter? What about the tongue? Has the tongue been taken away by the kitten? My sister is talking to you. Is there an exam recently? Can you bring back some scholarship for my sister?

Then He Xiaoran heard He Miao's humming voice on the other end of the phone, but he just didn't speak.

He Xiaoran raised his voice: "Miao Miao, if you don't talk, my sister won't ask. Did you take the exam? How many points did you get?"

He Miao still didn't speak.

When is it a bit unbearable, He Miao called back for the first time, sister, don't scare her into calling!

He hurriedly said to He Xiaoran: "Sister, don't ask about this for now, wait for her to tell me first, and then I will tell you."

He Miao: "That's right!"

He Xiaoran frowned: "Why? If you forward the test results, can the test scores be improved?"


He Miao: "..."

He Xiaoran rolled his eyes, didn't make things difficult for He Miao, and began to ask her about her life there.

As long as He Miao didn't ask about her grades, she was willing to talk to her sister. Before He Xiaoran asked, she told He Xiaoran all about the court affairs during the period when she was not living with her sister.

She felt that her sister didn't come, so she didn't know.

Of course, He Miao's source of news is mainly Red King.

Her status in the court is very special. Everyone knows that she is responsible for taking care of Princess Arya, but she is not a maid or servant, so she is a very strange existence.

So everyone didn't dare to get too close to the Red King, so they stayed away very politely.

Red King is boring, so he chats with He Miao whenever he has something to do, gossips about others, and then gossips with He Miao about the news she overheard, although He Miao ignores her most of the time.

"What? Eminem's leg is broken, and he can't stand up after suffering from the injury for a long time? Did he break it?"

He Miao: "I don't know. I don't like it!"

He Xiaoran breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately E'Mu's leg was broken, otherwise she would have been kicked if she went to find He Miaozhua.

"You think the beautiful mother is annoying, why? The beautiful mother must be concerned."

He Miao said, "I keep talking, I don't like it."

It must be that Shimila was trying to get closer to He Miao, but He Miao got annoyed by talking too much.

"I don't like it when I talk all the time, so my sister keeps talking to you now, don't you like it too?"

"Sister is different!" He Miao said loudly, "Sister is the best!"

He Xiaoran laughed, "Sister is the best? Then Miao Miao, who is a genius Guoguo, should she also take care of ordinary Guoguo? How can genius Guoguo use genius standards to demand ordinary Guoguo? You Don't you think so?"

He Miao lowered her head and thought about it seriously, then she said, "Think about it."

"Think about it? Then Miao Miao must think about this issue carefully." He Xiaoran smiled: "Also, what did Miao Miao just say about the class monitor's name?"

He Miao replied: "Louis! Take them to practice!"

He Xiaoran said: "Ah, so the monitor is called Louis?"


He Xiaoran asked again: "Then, have you, Louis, brought them to practice now?"

He Miao replied, "It's getting dark, I'm going home, I didn't go to school."

He Xiaoran said: "Then Miao Miao has to think about it seriously. Why is it dark, and when Miao Miao didn't go to school at home, when Miao Miao said the monitor's name, she still asked him to take the students to continue practicing? It's so strange! "

He Miao was stunned, "Sister, but..."

He Xiaoran said: "But it's really getting dark, Miao Miao really didn't go to school, and Miao Miao didn't have a monitor around her. It's so strange!"

He Miao felt that she had heard what her sister said before, she thought about it hard, and remembered that Big Yu had said it too!
But what Big Fish and his sister said were different, why did he sound like Big Fish and his sister said the same thing? "

What is the difference?He Miao fell into confusion for a moment.

Then she said, "Sister, think about it carefully!"

He Xiaoran said, "Well, before Miaomiao goes to sleep, let's think about it seriously and carefully!"

"Miao Miao."

"elder sister."

"Miao Miao, my sister really misses you!"

He Miao hugged the phone, and when she heard her sister say this, she suddenly felt very wronged and very sad. Tears rolled in her eyes at that time, and then she began to cry.

At first it was a soft "woo hoo", and then it turned into a "wow" crying loudly, she yelled into the phone: "I want to hug my sister, think about when to boast, want to kiss with millet grains..."

"My sister also wants to hug Miaomiao, and Xiaomi also wants to kiss my aunt. When do you want to praise the genius Guoguo in person? Miaomiao, be good, and you can go home when the holidays come. Take when, Xiaomi, and Zhou Chenchen to the airport to pick up Miaomiao and go home, okay?"

He Miao wiped away tears aggrievedly, "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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