Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 715 The Big Surprise

Chapter 715 A Big Surprise (5)

The man is not afraid of her at all, he just knew that this woman's brain is not normal, she looks a little mentally handicapped, otherwise she wouldn't let a little baby keep the money.

Seeing He Miao's slender figure and soft voice, the man looked like a very young girl, so the man was even more unafraid, and even tried to tease him a little bit.

The man stood up and put his face close to the helmet on purpose, trying to see through the glass on the helmet. Then what does this girl's face look like? Is she a beautiful woman?

The helmet was pitch black, and nothing could be seen clearly.

The driver of the bus and the person escorting the bus just talked a few times. Obviously, they all knew who this group of people were.

Although some of the surrounding passengers were awakened by the noise, most of them did not dare to raise their heads. Occasionally, when their eyes met, they would quickly move their eyes away. In such an atmosphere, the man's arrogance was obviously fueled.

After the money was received, he didn't expect that there would be a chick delivered to his door. The man thought it was really good, and even his companion in the car was a little envious.

Satisfied in his heart, the man's hand also moved. He reached out and wanted to push away the dark mask on the big helmet, just to see what the face inside the big helmet looked like.

As a result, just as the man's fingers touched the big helmet, he was slapped by He Miao and slapped him around in a circle, before falling back to his seat.

After the slap, the man seemed to be dazzled, and sat in his seat for a long time without moving.

"You fucking..." Before he finished speaking, he was about to stand up when the second slap came down again, "Slap!"

The man was a little dazed by the slap, and when he tried to speak again, the third slap fell, "Slap!"

At this time, the man's accomplices saw him, stood up from several positions, and walked towards this side, asking for help, "Bitch, what do you want?"

As they spoke, the two accomplices stretched out their hands to grab He Miao's shoulders, and as soon as their fingers touched the tip of He Miao's clothes, the passengers in the car heard two loud slaps.

Other people in the car peeked around and saw that the girl controlled the three people at a fixed angle, and then slapped the three of them non-stop. While she was slapping, she kept counting, "Ten!" seven!"






Because the three were not beaten at the same time, she also counted the number of slaps on each person separately, so that no one could be wrong.

After hitting thirty times, she finally stopped.

The faces of the three people were beaten like pigs' heads, two of them were lying on the ground dying, and one was only breathing out of breath while sitting on the seat.

He Miao picked up Xiaomi Mili's small bag, held it in front of the person on the seat, and repeated, "I will pay it to Xiaomi Mili!"

The face of the person on the seat was completely deformed, and he could no longer see what he looked like just now. He opened his mouth and couldn't speak. He touched the bottom of the seat with trembling hands, and then took out a thick wad of money from the bottom. Wrapped tightly in a black plastic bag, I wanted to hand it to He Miao.

As a result, the wad of money fell to the ground because of his shaking hands.

He Miao regards money as dung and insists on being compensated for the small bag of rice grains.

At this time, the car had stopped in the service area, but no one called the police.

Because the drivers have been running this line for a long time, they all know that those people are members of the theft gang. If they report the warning and secret code, then they will encounter great trouble if they want to run this line in the future.

In order to avoid trouble, the driver can of course ignore it.

The other two people in the car were allowed to leave, but He Miao refused to let the person who scratched Xiaomi Mili's small bag go.

So, as soon as the bus door opened, all the passengers ran out of the bus under the pretext of going to the bathroom, even the driver and the escort.

In the car, apart from Xiao Mili, He Miao who were sleeping, and the man lying on the seat who dared not move, there were a few people sitting in the back talking.

Seeing that his two accomplices had already got off the car, the man knew that the accomplices would definitely call for someone, and there were a large number of them in the service area.

Because of the large number of people in the service area and the high flow of passengers, this place has always been the best opportunity for them to make a fortune.

As long as that woman and man call his accomplice, then this girl will die!
Must have sold her and that little bastard!


In order to stabilize the neurosis in front of him, the man trembled and said, "I, I can sew... sew it up!"

He Miao threw the small bag in front of him and said loudly, "Now sew!"

The man hurriedly said: "I don't have a needle...and no thread, I'll go down and buy it!"

He Miao: "You will run away!"

"I, I will never run away. You are so powerful, how dare I run away?" The man said swearingly, he felt that the girl in front of him was a fool and mentally handicapped, she could be coaxed no matter what.

He Miao looked at him coldly and thought for a while, then she said, "Okay!"

As soon as the man was happy, he knew that the girl was a fool, just coax her!

But in the next second, He Miao suddenly made a "click" to remove one of the man's arms, and the man suddenly screamed, "Ah—"

He looked at his dangling arm, completely out of his control, and then swung it back and forth, just like the alien in a TV horror movie, he was so scared that he tried his best to get rid of that arm.

"Ah, help, I won't run! I won't run! I promise not to run, you take me back..."

He Miao said: "My sister taught me that if you don't come back after counting to thirty, you will have no arms!"

Then, He Miao kicked the man's dangling arm vigorously, urging him to buy it, "Go buy it, buy it and take it back!"

The man agreed with his mouth, and he was about to leave. Before leaving, he used his normal hand to take away the wrapped stack of money.

As a result, He Miao stepped on the money and said loudly, "I won't give you the money from when, you bad guy!"

Originally, He Miao had forgotten about the stack of money. This villain broke Xiaomi Mili's bag and wanted to use the money to buy needles and threads, so he refused to give it!

The man scrambled and ran down, shaking his disobedient arms and howling loudly. Not to mention, he was lucky to meet an orthopedic doctor on a business trip in the service area.

When the orthopedic doctor saw that a passenger had a broken arm, he immediately acted like a doctor and wanted to help him put it back together. However, during the pick-up process, he found that it was not an ordinary arm dislocation, but a socket-in-a socket. All joints are dislocated.

The doctor was very curious, "How did you fall? It's unbelievable that you can fall like this!"

The doctor quickly suggested to the man that he should go to the hospital, as the bone could not be connected.

As soon as the man heard this, he lost all hope. He ran to the commodity store crying and frantically asking if they had any needles and threads.

(End of this chapter)

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