Chapter 814 Family (2)

He Miao also said that there was a snake at the back of the garden, and that snake was staring at the big mouse all day long, but because the mouse was too big and the snake was too small, so with He Miao's help, the two natural enemies did not invade the river for the time being.

He Miao told Yulingju again, "The hole is a rabbit hole, and there is a weasel on the mountain behind, staring at the rabbit every day. Later, the weasel was driven away and the rabbit was saved. But there were only two rabbits, but now they are gone." There are eight rabbits!"

Yu Lingju couldn't help laughing, "The rabbit cubs are so powerful?"

He Miao sighed and said, "Let them eat all the leaves of Tiantian vegetables!"

Looking at He Miao's cute little face when he sighed, Yu Lingju felt his heart was full of joy.

Why do people say nasty things online?
Obviously this girl in front of me is so cute and cute!

Yulingju firmly refused to admit that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. He felt that the He Miao in his eyes was the most real He Miao, and there was no need to apply any filters at all, she was truly lovely!pretty!
Yu Lingju sat on the chair, then he stretched out his hand to He Miao: "Come here."

As expected, He Miao skipped past.

Yu Lingju hugged her on his lap, wrapped her around her waist, and said comfortably: "Miao Miao, I have made up my mind. After you graduate from university and reach the age where you can receive a certificate, we will get married. After we get married, we will be a family." We are dead, when the time comes, we will be the closest people in the world, I can cook for Miao Miao, get into the closet with Miao Miao, and we can sleep with millet..."

He Miao immediately cheered up and nodded vigorously: "Yeah!"

Yu Lingju asked: "Then what else does Miao Miao want to do? Then I will do it with Miao Miao."

He Miao raised his hand without hesitation and said, "Work and earn red envelopes!"

Yulingju couldn't help laughing out loud, he nodded and said, "Okay, there is still work to earn red envelopes! Is there any more?"

"When will the money be given, and the red envelope will be given to He Miao!"

Looking at this little fool, Yu Lingju couldn't help sighing, and nodded: "Okay, when will the money be given, and the red envelope will be given to Miaomiao."

"Is there any more?"

He Miao raised his hand: "Buy snacks! Millet snacks, when's snacks, sister's snacks, He Miao's snacks!"

Yulingju nodded again, "Okay, let's buy snacks for everyone. Oh, everyone has thought of how our Miao Miao is so good, she is really a loving girl. Awesome!"

As a result, He Miao suddenly leaned forward, put his arms on Yulingju's shoulders, leaned towards Yulingju with pursed red lips, and said loudly to Yulingju, "I want a reward."

Yu Lingju looked at this heavenly blessing, put his hand on the back of He Miao's head, and blocked her mouth, "Well, I want to give a big reward!"

He Miao was lying on Yulingju's chest, drowsy and drowsy. She suddenly asked, "Is the big fish a family member?"

Yu Lingju paused for a moment, then he nodded and said, "Yes."

"Is sister a family member?"

"Sister is family."

"When is it family?"


"Where are the millet grains?"

"So are millet grains."


He Miao talked about the people around her again, and everyone asked if they were family members, and Yu Lingju patiently answered her one by one.

In the end, He Miao was a little confused: "Why are some people not family members?"

"Because not everyone I know can become a family member."

Yu Lingju thought for a while, reached out to support He Miao, looked at her face and said: "Then let's think about it seriously, if there is a person, Miao Miao wants to protect him, is willing to live with him If you have been with him all the time, he is your family. If Miao Miao has only met this person, but Miao Miao will not want to get in touch with him more, understand him, and is unwilling to be with him, he is not family."

He Miao raised his head and looked at the roof, "The ones who like it are family members, and the ones who don't like it are not family members!"

Yu Lingju let out a muffled laugh, it seemed that this homework was too complicated, and she had to be taught slowly.

"Is it wrong?" Seeing Yu Lingju smiling, He Miao was a little puzzled.

She has made great progress in her perception ability now, and she can already perceive whether others are angry or happy, of course, this other person is limited to those close to her.

Yu Lingju said: "Half is right and half is wrong. Miaomiao wait for me to think about it, how can I explain this question well. Miaomiao, don't worry, don't think I'm stupid, because I'm not a genius, are I? ?”

He Miao suddenly said embarrassedly: "Da Yu is not a genius Guoguo, but Da Yu is also very smart."

"Miao Miao really thinks so, I'm so happy. Although I'm not a genius Guoguo, but after I have a genius Guoguo girlfriend, she will become my genius Guoguo wife!"

He Miao immediately raised her hand and said loudly, "Yes."

Every time He Miao lives with Yuling, she feels that she will be very happy. She thinks that Big Yu is the smartest. Although Big Yu is not a genius, Guoguo is smarter than others.

For He Miao, a person who can freely communicate with her and say many happy things is a big fish.

Big fish are the best!

Yu Ling stayed in the palace for three days, and he will leave after three days.

Before he left, Red King also arrived in country T.

Carrying the bag, King Hong stood at the airport and couldn't find the way to the palace, then called He Miao and asked He Miao to pick her up.

He Miao held the phone angrily, and said to Yu Lingju, "Da Yu, do you know that the Red King is the most stupid!"

After seeing He Miao packing up his things and saying that he was going to pick up Red King at the airport, Yulingju suddenly got He Xiaoran, why he asked Red King to accompany He Miao to country T.

Finding a vase to accompany He Miao is obviously more meaningful than finding a smart person.

Seeing that Miao Miao is now being forced by that idiot Red King to pick her up at the airport!
You know, Miao Miao was originally a problem child, and she needs someone else to pick her up, but now she has to pick up Red King.

Yu Lingju wanted to laugh, but was afraid that He Miao would not understand after laughing.

So he suppressed a smile, controlled the expression on his face, and said to He Miao: "I knew that our Miao Miao is the most reliable. That's good, I just happen to be going to the airport now, and Miao Miao is going to the airport to pick up the red King. Let's go to the airport together then."

"In this way, Miao Miao can not only see me off, but also pick up the Red King back by the way, killing two birds with one stone, killing two birds with one sword. What does Miao Miao think?"

He Miao thought for a while and thought it made sense: "Okay! Pick up the idiot!"

He Miao complained about the red king all the way, saying that the idiot couldn't find his way home to the airport, and he still couldn't find his way back.

Also questioned how can there be such a stupid person?
Listening to He Miao complaining all the way, Yulingju was really angry and funny.

In front of the beautiful vase of the Red King, his Miao Miaoguo is really clever!
(End of this chapter)

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