Chapter 817 Family (5)

School has started, but He Miao does not have to go to school because she is injured.

He Miao was very happy. Everyone else had to go to school, but she didn't have to go. She held up her injured hand at home and did everything she did. Anyone who saw it would be courteous.

Yulingju really spoiled her, it was because of Yulingju's pampering that He Miao was so unscrupulous.

He Miao was lying on the recliner, holding her injured hand high. After closing her eyes and swallowing what was in her mouth, she opened her mouth again with an "ah".

Yu Lingju put the peeled fruit into her mouth.

Repeatedly many times, when a plate of fruit was finished, He Miao maintained that action without moving.

Yulingju, on the other hand, took the trouble to feed them this way and that way.

"Miao Miao, this is the end of the fruit for the afternoon. If you eat too much, you will have diarrhea, so you can't eat any more, you know?"

He Miao was a little upset, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he stretched out her injured hand in front of Yu Lingju, and said aggrievedly, "Big fish, it hurts!"

When Yu Lingju saw it, he immediately sighed, and said to her, "Would you like to eat two more Miao Miao?"

He Miao nodded happily immediately, and stopped crying about the pain in his hands.

The red King sat in the corridor, looked at this side with cold eyes, and curled his lips involuntarily.

Pull it down!

He Miao is just pretending!

How could such a smart person from Yulingju not see it?

This is Bai has a face, Bai has a pair of beautiful eyes, eyes are blind, and the heart is also blind.

Then He Miao had been pretending for several days, but he was still fooled.

Red King curled his lips again, he didn't expect He Miao to be so green tea, a single dog like her would get angry when she saw it, hum!It's amazing to have a man!

Thinking of this, Red King felt a little unbalanced in his heart.

She is beautiful, has so many certificates, can make money and can drink, she thinks she is much smarter than He Miao, and He Miao already has a man, so a beauty like her doesn't have a man?
You know, the only dream of the Red King since he came out is to find a rich man to marry, and from then on, he will be well-clothed and well-fed.

For this goal, Red King has been tricked by many men and slept for nothing.

Up to now, he didn't make any money, and he didn't catch the man. Instead, he owed He Xiaoran millions of dollars. He worked part-time for several years, but he still didn't pay off the money.

Looking at himself alone, and looking at He Miao who was making love with Yulingju, Hong King immediately spit out a mouthful of old blood.

She was so reduced that she was even worse than He Miao!

In Red King's heart, he is much stronger than He Miao.

Then He Miao has a lot of problems!How many ways did He Xiaoran think of in order to cure He Miao?
Since I don't need medical treatment, isn't my innate condition much stronger than He Miao's?

Red King now feels that dog food is not tasty at all.

Angrily, she hugged an apple, wiped it on her body, and took a bite.

"Is your name Red King?"

When the Red King took his second bite, someone suddenly talked to her. When she turned her head, she saw the king with his hands behind his back, slightly raised his chin, and asked her with a proud but auspicious tone while maintaining a kind tone.

While chewing the apple, the red King sized up the king, then looked away, and replied casually, "Yes."

The Red King is in the court of country T, she is a very special existence.

She can enter and leave the palace freely, but she doesn't care about everyone in the palace at all. The king and Mrs. Shimira don't pay attention to it, let alone the other maids and guards in the palace.

In Red King's mind, He Xiaoran and Papier are more important than these people. He Xiaoran is the one who decides whether to use her, and Papier is the one who pays her wages.

Now she follows He Miao every day, it's her job, she has a job to get it.

As for the others, they didn't pay her salary, so she would talk to them if she wanted to, and if she didn't want to talk to them, they wouldn't bother with each other.

The king came here to see his younger sister just after finishing his official duties, because the younger sister was injured to save her, and the king paid special attention to He Miao's wound healing.

"That happened at the airport. I watched the video later, and it turned out that you also helped a lot in it. You took down the other two assassins."

The king's eyes fell on the red King's face, "What kind of reward do you want? You can just ask. As long as I can do it, I will definitely meet your request."

Originally, Red King didn't intend to talk to the king, but when he heard the king said that he could give her a reward, he suddenly became interested.

She raised her chin, pointed in the direction of He Miao in the yard, and said, "Seeing them in pairs makes me feel uncomfortable, so I want a man."


He looked at the red King in shock, what does this mean, what does it mean to want a man?
The young little king obviously didn't understand what the red king meant.

Is she going to give a marriage?

"Do you need a marriage?"

The red king's eyes finally fell on the king, "Why do you want to give a marriage? Don't you want to get married if you give a marriage? But I won't be in T country for long. If He Miao goes back, I will go back with him, and I will get married alone." , Wouldn’t it be very irresponsible to abandon the other party at that time?”


The simple king is a little confused, what do you mean?
She doesn't want a marriage, but she wants a man, so... She just wants a man?Instead of a marriage partner?
Seeing that the king had been staring at him, the red King immediately said vigilantly: "You must not do it, I think you are too small."


The young little king felt that he had been greatly insulted, "What an unreasonable woman! How do you know that I am young?"

Red King asked: "You and He Miao are twins, right? You are as old as He Miao, and He Miao is younger than me, so of course you are younger than me!"


A face was flushed red, and then he was so angry that he walked away, "Hmph."

Red King felt baffled. He said just now that he wanted any reward, just ask, as long as he can do it, he will be satisfied. Now she has made a request, and the result?

Heh, men are duplicity animals, even the king of a country is the same.

There are a lot of beautiful words, but the actual things are the same!

The red King was looking at the other side, and suddenly felt that his dog eyes were blinded.

The two of them should pay attention to the influence anyway, she is a big living person, are they so unscrupulous?

You don't know what to do with a sneaky kiss in the house to stimulate yourself as a single dog?
Of course, the two people in love didn't think about her thoughts at all.

The palace is so big, she doesn't want to go and see it?
Why must you die by their side?
Yulingju even left his job, just to take care of He Miao's injured hand.

Doesn't Red King know that couples need a private space?
(End of this chapter)

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