Chapter 820... (1)

Mi Li waddled in from the door. Recently, Mi Li was trained to take off diapers.

The whole family told him one by one that he must say loudly when he wanted to pee.

At this moment, Mi Li ran in from the outside, circling in circles with her calves between her legs, "Mi Li wants to shush."

When I saw it, I rushed over, picked up the rice grains and ran to the bathroom.

After a while, the little guy was changed into a pair of pants, and ran out of the bathroom waddling.

He Xiaoran asked: "Is the urine wet?"

Shi Shi nodded: "I've already peed before I can take it off, but it's okay, the millet grains are just the beginning, and you will get used to it slowly."

He Xiaoran suddenly asked: "By the way, how are you and Li Rong doing recently? Are you getting along well?"

Shi Shi nodded again: "Very good. Brother Li said, take me to ride the roller coaster tomorrow. If I'm thinking about riding the roller coaster, I definitely can't let him do it, so I won't take the rice with me."

Mi Li was shocked and opened a pair of big round eyes. She stood up from the pile of toys with an unbelievable expression on her face: "How can my little aunt go on a date without rice grains? A date without rice grains is an incomplete date!"

He Xiaoran stared sleepily, "Auntie is going on a date, what's the matter with you following her every day? That's Auntie's dating, not Mili's dating."

The millet grain fell into the pile of toys, with a heartbroken expression on its face. If it is properly accompanied by music, it can act in a tragic drama.

Sure enough, Xiaomi Mili's performance finally touched Auntie's heart.

When can't stand it anymore, "Mi Li, I'd better take you with me, but let me tell you that the roller coaster is too dangerous, children can't do it."

The millet grains got up vigorously one by one, "Okay!"

He Xiaoran: "..."

Turning your head to look at when, reminding: "Don't spoil that kid. You didn't see that he is a good showman."

When Shi smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll take him."

The date with Li Rong is tomorrow, when will I go to meet the client with Nanzhao today.

As a result, in front of the clubhouse downstairs of the client's house, the two saw Li Rong chatting with a delicate and beautiful woman in his arms.

Young Master Li had a bright smile on his face, and he was very happy just looking at it leisurely.

This is a smiling face that I didn't have at all when I was with When.

Nan Zhao: "..."

He reached out to cover Shi's eyes, "When, don't look at the eye of a needle."

When did he reach out and pull Nan Zhao's hand off, "Let's take a look. I'm an adult, and my sister has allowed me to fall in love, which means I've grown up."

Li Rong was so happy, the smile on his face was as bright as the scorching sun in summer, it could melt people.

There was no way, when he was with him, his mood was extremely depressed and he was extremely nervous, and he was afraid that he would be overwhelmed with a single question.

It was difficult today to go out with Da Zuo and the others to relax, and also met old acquaintances from before.

The woman's surname is Si, the third miss of the Si family in Nancheng, and she once pursued Li Rong passionately for a while, but Li Rong didn't like her at that time, thinking that she was not beautiful enough.

The third miss of the Si family was not a stalker either. After chasing her for a long time, she found that Li Rong was not interested in her at all, so she gradually faded away, and later went abroad to study for a while.

I didn't expect to meet Li Rong in the clubhouse today, and Li Rong was much more enthusiastic than before.

Miss Si San lit a cigarette, exhaled smoke rings, and suddenly said to two figures not far away: "Young Master Li, those two people have been staring at you for a long time, do you know each other?"

Li Rong followed Miss Si San's line of sight, and saw Shi Shi and Nan Zhao standing not far away, both of them stared at him expressionlessly.

Li Rong: "..."

The first reaction was that the calf was over, and he was likely to turn against him anytime soon.

Li Rong suddenly felt that his arms around Miss Si San's shoulders felt as if they had been pricked by a needle, and hurriedly retracted, then he rushed towards Shi Shi, "When, Nan Zhao, why are you two here?"

Nan Zhao glanced at Li Rong as if he was looking at garbage, and pointed upstairs: "Come here to see the client, the client is the second brother of Miss Si San you are hugging."

Li Rong was breaking out in a cold sweat. He looked at the time and said, "Miss Si San is my friend, just like buddies, we were chatting and bragging just now."

This made Nan Zhao look at him even more disgusted. It's not good to make up nonsense, and even made up a buddy friend.

Everyone is a man, does he think he can fool himself with his little tricks?
Nan Zhao said to Shi Shi: "Miss Si San once pursued Young Master Li, but Young Master Li didn't like her. But men love new things and pursue a woman for a long time, so they will naturally feel tired. It will be delicious."

Li Rong was so angry that he looked at Nan Zhao, "Can you stop talking nonsense about when, when did I become interested in Si San?"

"I'm not interested. You just put your arms around his shoulders?" Nan Zhao snorted coldly, "When, anyway, you've grown up now, and you're an adult, so I'll tell you something directly. Never expect a man to remain faithful forever."

When I thought about it, "Are all men like this?"

Nan Zhao replied: "90.00% of [-]% of men are like this."

"Brother Nan Zhao, isn't there no good man in this world?" When was curious.

Nanzhao replied again: "90.00% of nine point ninety-nine men, half of them can maintain reason and sobriety. Emotions are involuntary, but reason will remind people what can be done and what can't be done. The freshness of men is Temporarily, once the novelty is over, he returns to calm."

When Shi heard this, her face was expressionless. After a while, she digested Nan Zhao's words, and suddenly clapped her hands and said, "Brother Nan Zhao, I think it's good to live like this."

Nan Zhao: "???"

Nan Zhao was a little flustered, what did he say to when?Why did she say it's good to live like this.

Shi Shi said: "I think not only men, but all human beings have the problem of liking the new and disliking the old. Otherwise, why would women buy one lipstick after another?"

Talking about when to look at Li Rong.

Li Rong took a step back immediately, and asked when he asked: "Brother Li, I don't mind you keeping close relationships with other girls outside, I believe you shouldn't mind either, I keep close relationships with other men outside, yes ?"

Li Rong: "!!!"

He hurriedly rushed to when, and waved his hands desperately, "No, no, no! If you mind, I also mind, this is wrong."

When Shi suddenly frowned, "Why not? I think this is very good. Because we hate each other, we can look for freshness outside. When we are no longer new to the freshness, we will look back and find each other. At this time we Wouldn’t it be nice to have something new about each other, and go back and forth over and over again, so that it’s always fresh?”

(End of this chapter)

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