Chapter 822... (3)

Li Rong stared blankly at Zhou Zhichu.

Zhou Zhichu asked again: "As far as I know, Shi Shi is a completely different girl from He Xiaoran. Why didn't you have any further contact with Shi?"

Li Rong: "..."

He didn't speak.

The main reason is that he can't say, he can't tell Zhou Zhichu, it's because He Xiaoran's punch that smashed the glass into pieces scared him, right?
When he usually gets along with when, he is afraid that he will be tougher, when when he will go back and tell He Xiaoran, He Xiaoran will come and pick his skin!
But Li Rong naturally couldn't tell Zhou Zhichu such a shameful thing, he said embarrassingly: "The main reason is to consider when you are still young and go to college, in case it kills someone..."

Zhou Zhichu saw through his heart at a glance: "Don't hold on, because you are afraid of He Xiaoran. He Xiaoran just predicted that you would not dare to fight hard when the overlord, so she dared to hand over when to you. And He Xiaoran is very confident, there will be no result with you, otherwise she would not pick you."

Li Rong sat there blankly, dare he really be a textbook?
After Zhou Zhichu finished speaking, he left directly. Da Zuo looked at him with sympathy on his face, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have laughed at you just now, because now I think you are old and pitiful, a scumbag textbook! It turns out that He Xiaoran You were used to teach me when, tsk tsk tsk, your life is hard enough, you are going to fall in love with all your heart, what is the result?"

Li Rong was sad, fell to the back and didn't get up for a long time, "He Xiaoran, this is trying to kill me!"

He admitted that when he saw when, he just thought she was pretty, and couldn't help but keep his eyes on his face.

Of course he also wants to sleep with her, but he really wants to fall in love, when and how can he use it as a textbook?And it is also a textbook of negative teaching materials.

The process of his pursuit was sincere, and nothing fake was mixed in it. He was spending real money.

Every time I take him out with Xiaomi Mili, isn't he the one who prepares for eating, drinking, and messing around?
The results of it?
The two sisters actually used him as a tool, isn't it too bullying?

As soon as Li Rong got angry, he went to find He Xiaoran the next day. Of course he couldn't settle the accounts, but he wanted to break things down, and he didn't bully people like that!
Li Rong found He Xiaoran with high morale, but He Xiaoran looked at him with a smile.

"I heard when did Mr. Li break up with my family? Mr. Li, how can you be dumped by a little girl as a veteran in love? I'm so disappointed in you."

Li Rong: "???"

what's the situation?That's what He Xiaoran said, is she laughing at herself?
He Xiaoran sighed: "I have already said that, if I can really achieve a positive result with Mr. Li, it will not be in vain for the time spent in the past half a year."

"Mr. Li may not know that when my family spends most of their time studying and making money, but in the past six months, she has shortened the time of making money for the sake of falling in love."

"I originally planned to ask him how he got along with Mr. Li, but I didn't expect to tell me that you broke up with him after I came back."

"Actually, it's normal for couples to separate and reunite. It's just that I had some scruples about Mr. Li. After all, Mr. Li is eight or nine years older than my family. When he was in his prime, Mr. Li was already senile, and he smelled like an old man, if Mr. Li doesn't like to take a bath anymore, he might dislike him."

Li Rong: "..."

"But I thought about it again. After all, Mr. Li has been in love for a long time and has rich experience. In addition, when he is old, his text will hurt people. He should coax my family around."

He Xiaoran sighed, and curled his lips.

Li Rong was startled by the gesture of glancing at his mouth, what does it mean?Is she looking down on herself?

"Well, I also didn't expect Mr. Li to be so childish that he would match up with my family when. In fact, this breakup is not terrible. I'm afraid that when we break up, I will see the character of the other party."

Li Rong felt a little uncomfortable. Could it be that He Xiaoran wanted to say that he would see his character after the breakup, meaning that he still came to look for him after the breakup, and his character was not good?
"Fortunately, Mr. Haoli is a person of great moral character. I am very pleased about this. It shows that my family has a good vision. The first boyfriend I dated was a man with culture and quality like Mr. Li."

"Although Mr. Li's relationship with when may be a very inconspicuous stroke in Mr. Li's love history. But it was a profound lesson for my family when. When has never been in love, experience is too great. At least, thank you Mr. Li for letting my family finally have the first love experience."

Li Rong: "..."

How to do?He felt that He Xiaoran was more prepared than himself. He prepared a lot of words and typed a full draft, but he didn't even have a chance to say a word. He Xiaoran said a lot, even sarcasm he!
Is He Xiaoran being too bully?
After He Xiaoran finished speaking, she opened a pair of very beautiful eyes and looked at Li Rong with a smile, "Mr. Li, you are looking for me today. Besides reporting to me and when to break up, there are other things ?"

Li Rong: "!!!"

what?He Xiaoran meant to end the conversation, he hasn't started yet, he hasn't said a word yet!
Li Rong swallowed involuntarily, "Miss He, I do have something I want to tell you about when I broke up with me. I find it hard to accept the reason for breaking up."

"She actually broke up with me just for the sake of novelty. I don't think this is a normal way to break up. Isn't it because you can't hold on to it? Is there something wrong with the relationship itself? I know why we broke up, so I hope to have the opportunity to explain clearly to Shi face to face, even if she explains it, it would be good to understand his inner state."

He Xiaoran's eyes drowsy, "Ah, actually, when did I tell Mr. Li what Mr. Li said, and when she gave me the answer that when she looked at Mr. Li one day, she felt that Mr. Li was very lively , glamorous, just like meeting for the first time, she will take the initiative to pursue Mr. Li, because she feels that only when she is in that mood, the freshness between the two will return."

Li Rong: "..."

He felt as if he had been hit by a huge storm.

Why did He Xiaoran feel that there was no logical problem after hearing what He Xiaoran said when?
But he didn't come to listen to Shi's logic, he wanted to have a good talk with Shi, they had to fall in love again!

(End of this chapter)

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