Chapter 824... (5)

Mi Li waddled in from the outside, "Mom, Mom, is that Dad?"

He Xiaoran picked up the millet with one hand, "That's right, it's Dad, do you want to talk to Dad? Dad hasn't come for a day, do you miss him?"

Xiaomi Li said, "Yes, I miss Dad."

Zhou Chenyuan on the other end of the phone: "..."

He didn't pass a day, and the mother and son missed him.

Zhou Chenyuan couldn't help but snorted triumphantly, he knew that that woman He Xiaoran absolutely loved him to death.

Every time in front of him, He Xiaoran refused to admit it, and even put on a look of disgusting him.

In fact, she didn't know how much she liked him.

Women, indeed, are duplicity creatures.

Like millet grains, if you miss your dad, just say you like it, and if you like your dad, just say you like it.

Zhou Chenyuan now acquiesces, thinking that He Xiaoran likes people who talk ironically.

He Xiaoran didn't know Zhou Chenyuan's inner world. If she knew, she would probably kill him with a mouthful of saliva.

Originally, Zhou Shenyuan didn't plan to go there, because he was working late today, so he wanted to sleep for two more hours, but when he heard that Xiaomi Mili missed him, Zhou Chenyuan immediately packed his things and said that he was going to Xiaomili's side.

Jin Ji was tossed awake in the middle of the night, sighed speechlessly, woke up all the guys, and accompanied Zhou Chenyuan to meet his wife and children.

Sitting in the car, Jin Ji asked: "Didn't you just say no? Why are you going again?"

Zhou Chenyuan put on an impatient expression, "Do you think I want to make a fuss? Isn't that woman He Xiaoran? I miss me and refuse to say it, and let Xiaomi Li tell me that I miss me. It's not honest at all. , Could it be that he told me that he would not go if he wanted me, so he bullied my son for being ignorant."

Jin Ji twitched his eyes, not knowing what to say for a while.

"A Yuan, what you said is very embarrassing, you can't hear it yourself, can you?" Zong Tang couldn't help asking.

Zhou Chenyuan frowned, "Why don't you deserve a beating, what did I say wrong, oh~~~ I see, so you single dogs don't like our family of three being intimate with each other, right? Hmph, put your mind right, I believe you will find your sweetheart one day."

Everyone: "..."

Look how proud he is, has he forgotten who the young lady married him back then?
Forget it, I can't say this, and Ah Yuan will be blown away.

The car stopped at the residence, Zhou Chenyuan got off the car and went directly into the yard.

Before the person went in, the voice had already come out, "Zhou Mili!"

That's right, Zhou Chenyuan now insists on calling Xiaomi Mili Zhou Mili, and firmly refuses to admit that Xiaomi Mili has a surname.

Xiao Mili had already laid down on the bed, and when she heard her father's voice, she raised her head: "Dad!"

When Diao's mother saw it, she quickly took a small blanket and hugged her small body wrapped in millet grains, and she saw Zhou Chenyuan coming in at the door.

"Master, why are you here? Mi Li was about to go to sleep, now it's all right, I was woken up by you."

Zhou Chenyuan glanced at Mi Li, who immediately stretched out his arms to hug him: "Daddy hug!"

Zhou Chenyuan held Mi Li in his hands very proudly, and took off his coat. Mi Mi was wearing thin clothes, which made his little belly and arms look fleshy.

Zhou Chenyuan's upside down, not to mention the fact that the rice grains are quite heavy, it seems to be a solid little thing.

Diao's mother didn't want Xiao Mili to mess up her routine, "Okay, master, I'll take the young master to bed first. Xiao Ran is in the room, and he should be ready to sleep at this time."

He Xiaoran had just finished washing, and she was sitting on the bed with her legs crossed in her pajamas. She had already heard Zhou Chenyuan's voice, and she was quite surprised. Why did Zhou Chenyuan come back at this time?
Just wondering, Zhou Chenyuan had already opened the door and stood at the door.

Zhou Chenyuan fell on He Xiaoran, and paused for a few seconds on the pajamas on her body.

Then he hooked the corners of his lips, hum!

He knew right away that He Xiaoran asked Xiao Mili to tell him that he missed him, and he clearly hoped that he would come back.

It turned out that this was He Xiaoran's hint to himself.

Very good, He Xiaoran still has a bit of conscience.

Seeing Shen Yuan's expression this week, He Xiaoran immediately said, "???"

Zhou Chenyuan, proud of himself, gave He Xiaoran an affirmative look on the spot: "."

He knew it all, needless to say it was so obvious, if other people in the family heard it, she would definitely feel embarrassed.

He Xiaoran scratched his head, what the hell?Why is Zhou Chenyuan's eyes so strange, what kind of secret signal did he give himself?Why can't she understand anything?
Zhou Chenyuan entered the room, and very consciously took his clothes to take a bath.

He Xiaoran sat cross-legged on the bed, crossed his arms, and deeply wondered if Zhou Chenyuan had finished performing a scheming in his mind?

He Xiaoran couldn't help sighing, he couldn't understand what Zhou Chenyuan was thinking.

Could it be that he came back specially to tell himself about He Miao's return to China?
No way, she just finished calling an hour ago.

No matter how efficient he is, it's impossible to solve the matter now, right?
No matter what, I will have the opportunity to communicate with others on the phone tomorrow morning.

He Xiaoran thought for a while, but didn't understand it, so he picked up the book and continued reading.

Forget it, it takes time to think about things, let's read a book and sleep.

After reading the book for a while, He Xiaoran felt sleepy. She let out a breath, put the book away, and then got under the quilt to sleep.

Just at this time, Zhou Chenyuan also finished taking a shower, opened the door and walked out from the bathroom.

Seeing the lump protruding from the quilt on the bed, Zhou Chenyuan snorted softly, hum, He Xiaoran pretended to be asleep, don't think he doesn't know, she might be planning to use it in her heart What action?

Zhou Chenyuan dried his hair, even blow-dried himself with a hair dryer, and then lay down next to He Xiaoran.

Although they are both old couples, Zhou Chenyuan tucked the hair on the pillow by his side from the corner of his eyes, and said a bit shyly, "He Xiaoran is the one who insisted on letting me come back today, not me. You don't need to use millet grains as an excuse in the future, even if you are generous, I won't laugh at you."

The owner of the hair remained motionless, Zhou Chenyuan hooked the corners of his lips, "You have nothing to be shy about, you are the mother of Mi Li, so I can still laugh at you, who made us a family. You Miss me, am I coming back now?"

Zhou Chenyuan muttered for a long time, but He Xiaoran lay motionless under the quilt.

Zhou Chenyuan was a little impatient, "What is He Xiaoran doing? I'm talking to you, you are so motionless, it seems that I am talking to myself alone, you let me come back, don't you Talk to me? Women don't play petty like that."

He Xiaoran still didn't respond, Zhou Chenyuan finally poked his head towards He Xiaoran, but couldn't see her face, so he stretched out his hand and pulled He Xiaoran's hair, and saw that He Xiaoran was already asleep Damn, the pillow is wet with drool.

(End of this chapter)

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