Chapter 832... (12)

As soon as Yan Shaozhuang heard the voice of Mi Li, his mood immediately improved.

"Does Mi Li miss Eldest Uncle? Eldest Uncle misses Mi Li too. After Eldest Uncle gets off work tonight, why don't you go visit Meili?"

"I love Uncle, I like Uncle the most!" Mi Li said a lot of beautiful words in one breath, focusing on the last: "Mi Li wants to eat sweet Tang Tang!"

Yan Shaozhuang said with a smile: "Xing Meili wants to eat sweet candy, so uncle will buy a lot of candy for rice grains."

He Xiaoran said from the side, "Don't buy too much candy, he hasn't changed his teeth in the future, and his teeth are all rotten."

Mi Li, "Uncle, Mi Li will brush your teeth seriously."

Yan Shaozhuang said: "In this way, uncle buys a lot of candy, but every time he gives the rice grains a little less, every time uncle goes to look for rice grains, the rice grains will have sugar to eat, and it won't be because of eating too much. Too many tooth decay, Meili thinks this is a good idea?"

Mi Li patted her forehead sadly. What is the difference between the method that the uncle thought of and giving Mi Li a candy every time?

He Xiaoran glanced at the slack millet, and said to Yan Shaozhuang, "I seem to be sad. I ran to look at the sky at a 45-degree angle by myself."

Yan Shaozhuang sighed: "It's okay, Mi Li is very good and will be coaxed."

Knowing that Yan Shaozhuang would come at night, He Xiaoran didn't tell him much, and when he came, he would take the opportunity to ask and he would know.

In the evening, after Yan Shaozhuang got off work, he specially went to the snack shop to buy a bunch of snacks, took the candies and threw them in the car, and took the other snacks to find millet.

The millet hops up and down like a little meatball, welcoming the arrival of the uncle.

"Uncle, Mi Li misses you so much!"

Yan Shaozhuang picked him up with one hand, "The rice grains miss the big uncle, and the big uncle misses the rice grains too."

"Come on, this is a snack for Mi Li and Auntie."

Xiaomi Li was very happy, pouted her little butt and dragged two big snacks on the ground, dragging them to her room.

He wants to hide what he likes to eat first, and share the rest with his little aunt!
Xiao Mi ran to hide snacks, first hid his favorite milk slices, and then hid his favorite candy, huh?Tangtang only has two pieces?

The little guy was busy working alone, Yan Shaozhuang and He Xiaoran were free, and He Xiaoran mentioned Fang Ruoyu during the chat.

Yan Shaozhuang lowered his eyes, "It has nothing to do with her. Besides, she is also a girl, so she will always feel frustrated."

He Xiaoran: "???"

She tentatively asked: "Brother, Miss Fang finally gave up? Stop pestering you every day?"

Yan Shaozhuang replied: "It can be regarded as a great joy."

He Xiaoran thought about it, "Miss Fang has been pestering you for more than half a year, right? Why did she suddenly give up? What happened in the meantime?"

Fang Ruoyu was doing a kidney transplant for her uncle, who was as close as a father. She wanted to cure him wholeheartedly, so it made no sense to give up halfway.

Kidney sources are not other things. If a suitable kidney source can be recruited, it is difficult to have other alternatives.

At the beginning, Fang Ruoyu didn't want to lose face, and he didn't care about setbacks. Yan Shaozhuang obviously didn't understand Fang Ruoyu's determination. That girl was persistent and had a clear goal. She didn't give up until she reached her goal, let alone give up halfway.

He Xiaoran took a look at Yan Shaozhuang, "Brother, I didn't say that, so what, did you quarrel with Miss Fang when you were together?"

Yan Shaozhuang wanted to say no, but suddenly thought of Fang Ruoyu's attitude today.

He said: "What can I argue with her? Someone who has nothing to do with her... She suddenly lost contact a few days ago. I was afraid that something would happen to her. I didn't go to find her. I went to the hospital to see a doctor. When I suddenly remembered, I went to She looked for her in the laboratory, but I was kicked out. If I had known this, I would not have gone."

He Xiaoran's heart moved, "Brother, what's wrong with your health? Why did you go to the hospital?"

Yan Shaozhuang frowned: "There is nothing wrong with my physical examination, but...more than half a month ago, I suddenly fainted one night. She said it might be due to low blood sugar, and later suggested that I go to the hospital."

He Xiaoran: "You fainted, Miss Fang is there?"

"Well, I wanted to tell her something that day, so she wouldn't bother..."

He Xiaoran asked again: "Is it... Miss Fang's house?"

Yan Shaozhuang responded, "Yes."

He Xiaoran lowered his gaze, "Brother, you...don't feel anything wrong with your body? For example...well, just, just want to have a good time?"

Yan Shaozhuang didn't understand, "What do you mean? I don't feel anything, she told me but I fainted for more than 20 minutes 6..."

He Xiaoran: "...No, brother, so what, you don't think this is against common sense? Normally, a normal person suddenly faints for more than 20 minutes, is this abnormal? Fang Ruoyu is still a medical student, she I didn't call 120 first aid, or..."

"She did it and panicked at first, but later found that my vital signs were normal, so she didn't call for emergency treatment."

He Xiaoran: "..."

Well, she found out, although Yan Shaozhuang said that Fang Ruoyu was annoying and felt that her mind was not normal, but from a certain point of view, he seemed to trust Fang Ruoyu very much.

She believed whatever people said.

He Xiaoran now feels that Fang Ruoyu may have succeeded in Yan Shaozhuang's unexplained fainting for 10 minutes.

Otherwise, it would be unreasonable to have such a big difference in attitudes before and after, and it would also be unreasonable to suddenly give up on my uncle's kidney transplant.

She has discovered that no matter how calm and wise this man is usually, if he touches the word love, his IQ will plummet.

Why do scammers always succeed?Are they all smart people making money?It's not because he was caught in a trap and became a fan of the authorities.

He Xiaoran was a little melancholy, she glanced at Yan Shaozhuang, she could clearly see that he was very angry now because Fang Ruoyu drove him away.

The next day, He Xiaoran went to Fang Ruoyu's hospital around noon. As soon as Fang Ruoyu and his colleagues went out, they saw He Xiaoran sitting in the same seat as Yan Shaozhuang yesterday, waiting for her.

At that time, Fang Ruoyu made a subconscious movement that she didn't know about, she stretched out her hand to cover her lower abdomen.

This seems to be the instinct of pregnant women. If there is something extra in the stomach, even if the lower abdomen is flat, others will not be able to see it at all. The subconscious protective action will always be there.

Fang Ruoyu clasped her hand even more, and she realized that this action was inappropriate, so she quickly put her hand down.

He Xiaoran looked at her with a smile, "Is Miss Fang going to eat? Let me treat Miss Fang, there is a meal suitable for Miss Fang."

Fang Ruoyu wanted to slap himself, He Xiaoran knew everything when he heard this.

Diet for her?

Maternity meal.

Fang Ruoyu said to his colleagues: "My friend came to see me, you go and eat first."

(End of this chapter)

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