Chapter 834... (14)

He Xiaoran smiled and said: "Don't worry, although Mr. Zhou has a lot of earbuds, he is generally a generous and well-mannered person, and he will not waste time on a small person like me. Besides, the world is endless People, even if he is money, he will also score currency, and Mr. Zhou understands this truth better than anyone else."

Fang Ruoyu: "Is this also for Mr. Zhou?"

"Look, let's get close to Zhu Zhechi? Talk to me more, people will become smarter."

Fang Ruoyu: "..."

She was a little scared. Ms. He said so many things in such a big way, is she really not afraid that Mr. Zhou will know?

Who is she?

Fang Ruoyu glanced at He Xiaoran, who was eating meat with chopsticks.

"Miss He, you are not afraid that Mr. Zhou will be unhappy and deal with you?"

"I'm afraid." He Xiaoran said: "He is my baby's father's uncle. I'm afraid he'll find my baby's father and come back to teach me a lesson. You don't know, my baby's father starts to talk a lot. It's so annoying."

Fang Ruoyu: "..."

"So Ms. He and Mr. Zhou are relatives?"

He Xiaoran raised his head: "A relative? Shouldn't it be counted? In terms of seniority, my son should call him uncle."

Fang Ruoyu: "..."

She glanced at He Xiaoran, "If I hug your thigh, can I hug you?"

"You can't hug my thighs, but you can hug my brother's thighs, and you can hug each other,"

Fang Ruoyu: "...Yeah, okay."

Zhou Zhichu was furious.

He closed his eyes, and his mind was full of what He Xiaoran said, "He raised my son for my brother, why not do it?"

The person who sent the message wanted to say more, but Zhou Zhichu stopped him: "Stop, stop talking! Get out!"

God damn raised a son for someone else!
He propped his head up, feeling a headache.

He had never thought about it from this angle before, he couldn't accept women and wanted a child he was willing to raise, but in the end...

If you really want to think about it from the perspective of what He Xiaoran said, the more you think about it, the more angry you get.

Zhou Zhichu reached out and slammed the documents in front of him on the door. He stretched out his hand and pulled off his tie, "Go and bring Fang Ruoyu here, I have something to ask her."

Fang Ruoyu was brought in front of Zhou Zhichu, and Fang Ruoyu knew that he must have heard her conversation with He Xiaoran.

Fang Ruoyu glanced at Zhou Zhichu, pretending not to know anything, "Mr. Zhou, you called me here suddenly, what's the matter?"

Zhou Zhichu took a deep breath, "Did you meet He Xiaoran at noon?"

Fang Ruoyu nodded: "Well, Miss He came to see me at noon."

"How did you meet her?"

"The last time Miss He came to me out of the blue, when she told about Yan Shaozhuang."

Zhou Zhichu supported his head, "What do you think?"

Fang Ruoyu: "I don't know what Mr. Zhou is referring to?"

"The whole thing."

Fang Ruoyu: "Looking at the whole matter, everyone gets what they need, and it's all voluntary."

When he said this, Zhou Zhichu's brain exploded, so he wanted to raise a son for others, but also voluntarily?

Fang Ruoyu watched the changing expression on Zhou Zhichu's face, and felt that his speech was very conservative, not biased at all, just telling the truth.

Zhou Zhichu: "Stop contacting He Xiaoran, that woman is the best at talking nonsense, what you need to do now is to take good care of the baby and give birth to the baby safely."

Fang Ruoyu nodded and glanced at him again, "My uncle is undergoing an examination, and the doctor said that at most half a month, it will meet the surgical criteria. Mr. Zhou, may I ask the donor..."

Zhou Zhichu nodded: "I see, I will arrange it."

After Fang Ruoyu thanked him, he was sent back again.

Zhou Zhichu sat in the office alone, feeling overwhelmed!

Going back at night, Zhou Chenyuan entered the door with a small face, and glanced at He Xiaoran, "Can you calm down a little bit every day?"

He Xiaoran played the game while playing: "What did I do?"

"What do you say?"

"Your eleventh uncle settled with you?"

"You also know?" Zhou Chenyuan sat down angrily, "It's a personal matter, why do you care so much?"

"I can't take care of his personal affairs, but I can take care of my brother's affairs, right?"

"Are you really saying that Shaozhuang is your brother?" Zhou Chenyuan said angrily, "Is it okay to have a little self-knowledge? He has nothing to do with you!"

"Who said there is no? My Xiaoli has the same surname as him." He Xiaoran looked up from the game: "I want to say that he is my Xiaoli's father. When I go out, do you believe it or not?"

Zhou Shenyuan: "..."

"You, just tell me what you want to do?"

"When Fang Ruoyu was not pregnant, I thought that it would be a good thing for Yan Shaozhuang if he could get along with her. If they really had a child and they couldn't withstand Zhou Zhichu's pressure, then let Zhou Zhichu raise the child with them. Now Fang Ruoyu is really pregnant, then the nature of this matter is different."

"What's different? Isn't this what you expected?"

"Of course it's different." He Xiaoran said: "There are two completely different mentalities between anticipating having a child and actually having a child. Now I want to keep this child for the two of them."

"So what if you're going to fight Uncle Eleven?" Zhou Chenyuan said with a cold face.

He Xiaoran glanced at him, and suddenly waved to him, "Come here."

Zhou Chenyuan was wary of her sugar-coated cannonballs. This was a matter of principle. Why should their juniors interfere with their elders' private affairs?

He Xiaoran waved again: "Come on."

Zhou Chenyuan hesitated for a moment, walked over and sat down.

He Xiaoran pressed his shoulders, "That's what I think, Lord Eleven is wicked now..."

Zhou Chenyuan turned his head abruptly, "You scolded..."

"...What is it? Heir!"

Zhou Chenyuan: "...Don't pant when you speak!"

"But have you ever thought about it? Jiugu Wenchang has such a big family business, he really wants to hand over Jiugu Wenchang to a heir who is not of the Zhou family's blood? The better he raises Yan Shaozhuang's son, the more likely Jiugu Wenchang will fall The greater the sex. If Yan Shaozhuang's son really grows up to be a capable person who can inherit Jiugu Wenchang, do you think he will live in the illusion all his life? Sooner or later he will know the truth."

Zhou Chenyuan turned his head, "..."

"Your eleventh master insists on raising a son for someone else. I really don't care about it. Besides, my brother is taking advantage of it. Why should I be angry? I take care of it. Apart from my brother, it is mainly for you and Xiaomi."

Zhou Chenyuan: "???"

"You think, although Zhou Zhichu will definitely provide my nephew with the best conditions and top-level resources, but my parents are not around and lack family warmth, my brother is also suffering, right? And you have a deep relationship with Jiugu Wenchang. Growing up there, can you bear your roots and be controlled by outsiders?"

"The last and most important thing is, I once told my brother that if one day he has his own son, Xiao Mili will return to Zhou's family and change his family name back. If my brother's child is embraced by your eleventh uncle If you leave, it means that he still has no children, and Xiaomi Mili has to be named after him. If he has a child of his own..."

Zhou Chenyuan stood up at once, "Yan Shaozhuang's child has to follow him, a newborn baby is separated from his parents, what is that?"

He Xiaoran patted his shoulder, "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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