Chapter 836... (16)

After getting acquainted with her, Yan Shaozhuang would come out to look for her from time to time. At first, Yan Shaozhuang asked her to be chased away very rudely, but in the end, Fang Ruoyu was like a knife, even if he wanted to have a baby with him, he couldn't be chased away.

In the end, Yan Shaozhuang had no choice but to let her go, and gradually got used to her following him every day.

As a result, it was rare for me to care about her once, but she was fine and just drove her away.

Who does she think she is, who comes and goes when called?
Yan Shaozhuang looked at her with a sullen face, "What are you doing here? Who told you to come? Get out quickly."

She was not polite at all, really not polite, and let her go.

Of course Fang Ruoyu didn't leave, and said with a smile, "Mr. Yan, let me treat you to dinner."

Yan Shaozhuang refused mercilessly, "Your stammer is not bad. If you have nothing to do, please ask Miss Fang to go out so that I don't delay my work."

With a smile on his face, the secretary stretched out his hand to invite Fang Ruoyu outside, "Miss Fang please."

As a result, Fang Ruoyu walked into the office directly, "Yan Shaozhuang, are you so angry with me? I was in a bad mood that day. You know, there are always a few days every month when a woman..."

Before she finished speaking, Yan Shaozhuang hurriedly said, "Fang Ruoyu, don't you know what to say and what not to say?
The secretary is still present, is it appropriate for a woman to say such things to a man?

Fang Ruoyu was surprised, "This is common sense of physiology. Whether it's a teenager or an adult, everyone should understand it. What's so embarrassing about it? Mr. Yan, you seem very rigid."

Yan Shaozhuang: "..."

Fang Ruo smiled foolishly, without feeling embarrassed at all.

"Let me invite you to dinner. I was wrong last time. It is I who apologized to you. Do you accept it? It's okay if you don't accept it. Then I will find a middleman. I know Miss He is a very good person." I am very concerned about you, I plan to ask her to reconcile the two of us."

Yan Shaozhuang raised his head, "How dare you?
Fang Ruoyu asked back: "I'm not going to dare? Ms. He is kind, beautiful, smart, and kind-hearted. If I ask her, she will be willing to help. If you don't want me to trouble her, then you can go out to dinner with me. I It’s boring to eat alone for many days.”

She stayed in his office with a blank face and refused to leave at all.

The secretary stood at the door and asked her to go out again and again, but Fang Ruoyu was like a hob, unable to push her away.

In the end, the secretary also looked helpless, he couldn't let him drag her out, could he?

He had never seen such a thick-skinned person.

Yan Shaozhuang glanced at the secretary and waved to him, "Forget it, you go to work first."

He glanced at Fang Ruoyu, who sat in front of him and reminded: "It's time for dinner."

Yan Shaozhuang always felt that Fang Ruoyu was out of his mind, and he just treated her like this, and he still insisted on not leaving.

From a certain point of view, her psychological quality is really strong.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Fang Ruoyu pursed his lips and said, "I just said that I just want to have lunch with you. This is not okay? You still want to drive me away. Why is your secretary so fierce? Did you send it to him?" The salary is too low, so he is not polite to you at all?"

"Don't provoke discord, my secretary is very nice, but some people are really thick-skinned."

Being said to be thick-skinned, Fang Ruoyu still smiled, "Actually, I was not like this before. It was because I met Mr. Yan that I became like this. I think Mr. Yan must be responsible for me."

Yan Shaozhuang was laughed angrily by her, "Don't rely on others, isn't it because you have too thick skin and practiced it yourself?"

Fang Ruoyu sat in front of him, "I'll treat you to dinner, but if you don't, then I'll treat you to dinner, right?"

"Just tell me what's the matter?" Yan Shaozhuang looked at her and asked.

Fang Ruoyu said: "There is something important, if you don't listen to me now, you will regret it for the rest of your life."

Yan Shaozhuang didn't smile when he got angry this time, "Are you playing tricks again?"

It's not like she hasn't done this before, she said something important, something related to the family for generations, but she still said she would have a baby with him.

He won't be fooled now.

Fang Ruoyu pouted, "You won't listen? If you don't listen, I'll leave. But you will regret it, I guarantee you will regret it!"

Yan Shaozhuang was indifferent.

Fang Ruoyu: "I'm leaving, I'm really leaving!"

Yan Shaozhuang watched coldly.

Sure enough, she moved to the door and came back by herself, "You really don't want to keep me?"

Yan Shaozhuang looked at her coldly.

Fang Ruoyu sat down again with his head drooping, "Then let me tell you the truth, there is only one chance, if you don't cherish it, there will be no second time."

She looked up at him, Yan Shaozhuang was expressionless.

Fang Ruoyu said, "I'm pregnant."

Yan Shaozhuang still had the same expression, Fang Ruoyu knew at a glance that he didn't believe it.

"Fang Ruoyu, you think I'm stupid and easy to tease, don't you?"

Fang Ruoyu emphasized: "I'm really pregnant, look..."

She said and took out a checklist, "It's been two months..."

"Get out!"

Yan Shaozhuang suddenly raised his voice.

Fang Ruoyu was startled, she looked at Yan Shaozhuang's expression, "Mr. Yan, I..."


Fang Ruoyu covered his lower abdomen with his hand, "You don't believe it, do you?"

"Get out." Yan Shaozhuang looked at her expressionlessly, "Don't make me say it a fourth time."

Fang Ruoyu finally got a little scared, "Then, next time I will..."

Yan Shaozhuang lowered his eyes, "There will be no next time."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and rang the bell, "Tell two people to ask Miss Yan to go out, and she will not be allowed to enter the building in the future."

Fang Ruoyu was dumbfounded, "No, I'm pregnant, it's yours..."

Yan Shaozhuang looked at her like a fool, his?

Fang Ruoyu stood downstairs, looking up at the building, wondering if Yan Shaozhuang was really angry.

Moreover, she later realized that the reason why Yan Shaozhuang was angry was because she said that she was pregnant.

How could Yan Shaozhuang believe her?

In his consciousness, he had nothing to do with him. She was either lying about her pregnancy, or she was really pregnant, but the child was not his.

Fang Ruoyu reached out and patted his forehead, it's over!

The next time she came again, the building security saw that it was her, and immediately drove them out, and she couldn't even see Yan Shaozhuang's face.

Fang Ruoyu slammed his head on the table, "I'm dead!"

Stomach fights day by day, if this continues, the human tragedy of separation of flesh and blood will inevitably appear when the child is born!

Life-saving money!

The colleague looked at her, "Doctor Fang, are you okay?"

Fang Ruoyu burst into tears, "I have something to do! I lost my future child's father!"


(End of this chapter)

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