Chapter 839... (19)

He Xiaoran's power is obviously stronger. It is not impossible to force He Miao to stay, but will He Miao really be happy?
To this day, He Miao has no awareness that "Arya" is her name.

Every time she reacts to Arya, she is often indifferent.

In other words, every time she can respond, it is a coincidence that she responds to a word in a certain paragraph, not to this new name.

He Xiaoran took He Miao's complete set of information and nodded: "My sister is a princess of the royal family after all, and her official information will be based on this in the future, and He Miao will be her nickname."

Mrs. Shimila couldn't help holding He Xiaoran's hand: "Miss He, I don't know how to thank you, but I want to say, thank you for being so generous and considerate, you have raised her into a successful girl , you deserve all the good blessings in this world."

He Xiaoran smiled and said, "Ma'am, don't say that, He Miao is my younger sister, I should raise her and take care of her."

The little king stood by with his hands behind his back, "It's more suitable for Arya to stay with Miss He. This is the result of my mother and I discussing it together. However, it is already our luck that Arya can live with us for such a long time. Yes. She should go back now, but I hope she can go home more often in the future, even if she is a married sister, there is no reason not to go home."

He Xiaoran nodded: "Of course, in the future, as long as you have time during the holidays, you must ask her to come back more often."

Nan Zhao stood behind and asked Hong King in a low voice: "If you don't go back, you have to tell He Xiaoran and see if she agrees."

The red king lowered his head, "I'm afraid she won't agree, so I dare not speak."

"He gave you ecstasy? Why did you suddenly decide to stay?"

Red King said: "It's the feeling that came out of sleep."

Nan Zhao: "...Have you thought about the identity gap?"

The red king raised his head: "Is the demand so high now? This still needs to be considered?"

"This not only needs to be considered, but also seriously considered." Nan Zhao said in a low voice: "The king of a country, what is your identity? The gap between the two is too big, and you will be injured in the end. In addition, the queen mother is not easy to deal with at first glance. Mother-in-law, have you thought it through?"

The red king said: "It's just to fall in love and sleep, I didn't say I want to marry!"

"Then you stayed because..."

Red king: "I haven't slept enough yet!"

The red king snapped his fingers, "You are young, handsome, and physically fit..."

Nan Zhao: "..."

He glanced at Hong King with disgust, "You love brain..."

Nan Zhao shook his head, it was hopeless.

The red king picked his nails, "Just tell He Papi."

"If I say no, you won't be scolded?"

"You said that I was passive when I was scolded. I took the initiative to say that I was scolded. Besides, I confess that he would be unhappy if he knew it. You said that when the time comes, I can say that it was you who informed me... "

Nan Zhao: "..."

Angrily said: "Your wishful thinking is really loud. You never thought about it, what if you can't go back after you fall in love?"

"How is it possible? I told him that I will go back in the future."

The red king pinched his waist, wasn't he stimulated by He Miao back then?
Because of a finger injury of He Miao, Yulingju stayed with her here for a full month. Later, there was nothing he could do. The brokerage company of Yulingju wanted to kidnap her, so he went back.

On the day he left, He Miao was so reluctant to let him go. He Miao cried and dragged Yu Lingju to prevent him from leaving. If Yu Lingju hadn't come to pick him up in person, he probably would have stayed at that time.

Nan Zhao was too lazy to say anything to her, he walked up to He Xiaoran and whispered to her, "The red king said she won't go back yet."

He Xiaoran: "???"

She asked curiously, "What's wrong? Are you addicted to living a good life?"

The little king stood beside him, his eyes lowered and his mouth pursed, silent, but judging by his expression, he seemed very happy.

He Xiaoran greeted the little king and went straight to the red king.

Nan Zhao accidentally saw that the little king's ears were pricked up, and he seemed to be very concerned about what He Xiaoran was talking about with the red king.

When the red king saw He Xiaoran walking towards her, he glanced at her nervously, "Did Nan Zhao tell you?"

He Xiaoran glanced at the little king who was talking to Nanzhao not far away, "He is as old as He Miao, four or five years younger than you, don't you think he is younger?"

The red king picked at his fingers, "It's fine if the big place is not small."

He Xiaoran: "..."

She looked up at the sky, "I've always said that you're in love, and it's true. A person like you is either lucky enough to meet a good man, or you've always been someone else's plaything."

The red king drooped his head: "I just stay for two months temporarily, and I still have to go home in the future. He Xiaoran, you won't drive me out of the house, will you?"

He Xiaoran looked at her and said, "Of course I won't rush you. After all, you can't be too double-standard. If He Miao comes out alone, I will accept it. If you come out for no reason, I will drive you away."

She reached out and patted the red king on the shoulder, "You can enjoy the sweetness of love to the fullest, but you have to set a bottom line. In the process of love, if the other party needs you to pay, you have to weigh it. If your sacrifice can be given to the other party It brings 100% benefits, so what percentage is it good for you?"

The red king looked at her.

"If you pay 100% for the other party, and the other party gets 100% of the benefits, then you must also get at least 80.00% of the benefits. You know there is a word called mutual assistance and win-win? Win-win is the thinking of two normal people, One person suffers, one person gains, this is one person stepping on another to climb up, and the one stepped on is an idiot."

Red King: "...Are you implicating me?"

He Xiaoran looked at her and said: "Do you still remember that boxer from country T? The one who slept with you for nothing, the other party got vented and won the match, what about you? You were slept with, lost the match, and they haven't married you yet , you are a trampled idiot. Do you know what you should have done?"

The red king shook his head.

He Xiaoran said: "At the beginning, you should have caught him, let him see but not eat, made him restless, made him lose the game, and then kicked him, a man who can't even win a mixed game, you You can still see it, which means you are a garbage collector."

Red king: "..."

He Xiaoran taught her, "Men are such creatures, if you don't bother, most people will feel that it takes no effort to get them, and they are not cheap if they are easy to get. Who doesn't take advantage of the advantages?"

"Look at the watches worn by men. If the 50 yuan watch is dropped, they will still step on it. Those watches that cost 50 or 100 million yuan will call the police to find them if they are lost. The more expensive the price, the more impatient they will be. It will hurt if you lose it, and if you can’t get it back, you will never forget your lifelong regret, and everyone will mention that I lost a million-dollar watch..."

(End of this chapter)

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