Chapter 859 I Love Work (14)

Movies are not good, Xiaojuan doesn't like to watch anyway, science fiction movies are too ugly.

She is blind, the actor has a good-looking face, and the plot is very boring, a bit like the cartoon sci-fi she watched when she was a child.

Xiao Juan curled his lips, very disdainful, there are still people who like to watch this kind of science fiction film.

After the movie finished, she quietly asked Nan Zhao, "Brother Nan Zhao, do you think it looks good?"

Nan Zhao shook his head, "It's not pretty."

I took a look at Xiao Juan, and felt that Xiao Juan chose it, so I still have to be sure, "Look at it when you want to sleep, it can help you sleep."

Xiaojuan: "..."

It seems that Brother Nan Zhao doesn't like it either.

The car passed by a night market, Xiao Juan eagerly looked out the car window.

Nan Zhao glanced at it, parked the car on the side of the road, and took her to the night market for a stroll. After shopping, it was 11:30.

But the night market was crowded with so many people, Xiao Juan'er didn't feel scared at all.

While eating the grilled squid in her hand, she asked, "Brother Nan Zhao, will we gain weight if we eat like this at night?"

Nan Zhao glanced at her, "Occasionally, you won't get fat, and besides, what if you get fat?"

"It doesn't look good when you're fat." Xiao Juan looked at him and said, "Which girl wants to be fat? When did Miss He and He Miao look so good-looking, they were all thin, and none of them were chubby and good-looking."

"Small grains are fat, but I think millet grains look good-looking." Nan Zhao retorted.

Mi Li, who had been asleep at home for a long time, suddenly sneezed, wrinkled her little nose and fell asleep again.

Xiao Juan doesn't quarrel with Nan Zhao, they just reconciled, "What you said makes sense, but I don't want me to get fat."

As he spoke, he bit off a piece of the squid, and handed the rest to Nan Zhao, "Brother Nan Zhao, help me eat this one below. Don't worry, I didn't touch any of my saliva!"

The night market is brightly lit, people are eating everywhere, and the hawkers who set up stalls are shouting loudly.

The entire night market was bustling with excitement, but there were also many people making trouble.

Xiaojuan was lying on the small table, sucking rice noodles.

There was a movement behind Leng Buding, and then something whizzed and flew towards this side, Xiao Juan saw the blackness in front of her eyes, and then opened her eyes, she was protected by Nan Zhao in her arms, and the rice noodles and small table in front of her were smashed Rotten.

Xiao Juan was still in shock, and found that Nan Zhao had just blocked a solid wooden stool for her with his body.thanks.

She raised her head in fear, "Brother Nan Zhao, are you alright?"

Nan Zhao moved his back that was hit by the hit, and he looked back at the group of rioters. There were two groups of people over there, who had quarreled for some reason and were fighting into a ball.

Nan Zhao put the scroll aside, and said to her, "Just stand here and don't run around."

Then he took out his phone to call the police, and walked towards the two groups of people.

Holding the chopsticks in one hand and the spoon in the other, Xiao Juan looked straight at those people, and saw that one person beat them all to the ground.

When everyone was lying on the ground and groaning, Nan Zhao stood up, "Comrade police, I called the police just now."

Xiaojuan felt his scalp go numb, and stood there blankly.

At this moment, a man's voice came in doubt: "Xiao Juaner?"

Xiao Juan turned his head to look, and suddenly found out that it was a blind date man.

The blind date man looked her up and down, "You didn't go back so late? You came out to eat supper alone, and you live nearby. You are too pitiful, to come out to eat supper alone, the most pitiful thing in the world is to be alone Did you have supper?"

Xiao Juan'er laughed dryly, "No, I'm not alone..."

"Don't lose face, just be alone? Well, let me take you with me. They are all my brothers. Don't be cautious. Let's make friends together."

As the blind date man said, he put his arms around Xiao Juan's shoulders, and forcibly brought her in front of him.

Knowing that Xiao Juan came out alone, the blind date man was even more proud.

No wonder she waited downstairs in her company tonight. It seemed that she was too anxious to do anything about it. In this way, there was no psychological burden for a blind date. A man would not worry about not being able to marry a wife, but a woman would worry about not being able to get married.

Seeing him reach out his hand, Xiao Juan wanted to break free, but the blind date man intentionally showed his brother that he has many women, and he would not let go of her while hugging her: "What are you hypocritical? You are waiting for me downstairs in my company today. What are you pretending to do now?" Pretending, in fact, you can’t wait any longer, right? Women are troublesome, they clearly want it in their hearts, but they insist on saying no.”

A few people around him suddenly let out ambiguous laughter.

Xiaojuan felt uncomfortable all over, and desperately grabbed the hand of the blind date man, "I'm sorry, don't touch me..."

"Why can't I touch it? It's all delivered to my door, and I thought I was a chaste and strong woman." The blind date man was very unhappy when Xiao Juan pushed his hand down.

"Xiaojuan, you can't fail to see that I'm giving you a step down. You can't even get married, so why don't you take the initiative with me? I mean to accept you!"

As he said that, the blind date man came to hold Xiao Juan's hand again, "Come on, come and have a drink with us."

Before touching Xiaojuan, the blind date man's hand was grasped by someone, and the blind date man grinned his teeth in pain, turned his head and looked at Nan Zhao, "You, what dare you? Ouch, let me go!"

Nan Zhao grabbed his hand and asked, "What are you doing?"

The blind date man said angrily: "What the fuck is it your business? Why do you care? Oh, comrade policeman, help me, this man is crazy!"

As a result, Nan Zhao turned around and said to the police: "Comrade police, this kid just provoked a good woman!"

Xiaojuan: "..."

Nan Zhao glared at her: "Speak!"

Xiao Juan was startled, and hurriedly said to the police: "He just asked me to accompany him for a drink...I don't want to."

In addition, the man on the blind date just now had an aggressive attitude, and the surrounding vendors and onlookers all heard what he said to Xiao Juan, and they all came forward to prove: "He also said that he wanted to make friends with the little girl, what else did he say? The little girl is hypocritical, she can't wait for anything, she wants it very much in her heart, but she doesn't want it in her mouth, this is molesting, bullying the little girl alone."

When the police heard this, they took the blind date man and a few of his friends away, and Nan Zhao also brought Xiao Juan.

After returning home at night, Nanzhao found that He Xiaoran had sent him a text message.

He clicked on it, and He Xiaoran said that when Yulingju's car passed by a business district, he saw Xiaojuan standing with a wretched man, and worried that Xiaojuan would be cheated.So He Xiaoran specifically told Nan Zhao.

When Nan Zhao saw it, he hurriedly asked the time and place.

After seeing He Xiaoran's reply, Nan Zhao found out, isn't this the period before Xiaojuan contacted him?

Could it be that he was so angry that he was half dead, could it be that Xiaojuan said today that he was going to meet friends and classmates, was he meeting a blind date man?

(End of this chapter)

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