Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 861 Rice grains are the first

Chapter 861 Rice grains are the first one (2)

Xiao Mili put on her trousers, stood in front of Shi Shi and asked, "Auntie, do you look good?"

Seeing Mi Li's appearance, Shi Shi nodded, "It's pretty, our Mi Li is already good-looking, and it looks even better when he wears handsome clothes."

After hearing this, Xiao Mili happily ran out to show her mother, "Mom, does it look good?"

He Xiaoran bent down and gave him a thumbs up, "Why is my Mi Li so handsome?"

Xiao Meili was very proud, pinching her fat waist and said: "Because my mother is good-looking, so the rice grains are also good-looking. The rice grains resemble my mother the most."

He Xiaoran: "..."

She closed her eyes, a little bit reluctant to tell Xiaomi Li that in fact he looks exactly like his father.

He Xiaoran said: "Today, Mi Li is going to play in the place where my father grew up. What should Mi Li do?"

Mi Li immediately clenched her fists and said loudly, "Mi Li wants to be a brave and polite person!"

He Xiaoran nodded, "Yes, our rice grains are the best!"

He Xiaoran stood up, "Uncle Li Rong is here to pick up the rice grains."

Xiao Mili walked up to Li Rong, looked up at him, and said, "Good, Li Rong."

Li Rong bent down and looked at him, "Hi, Mi Li, you can't pee your pants without wearing diapers now, right?"

Xiaomi Li looked at Li Rong in shock, and couldn't believe her ears.

He is already a big kid, he is going to kindergarten, Li Rongxiu actually suspects that he will pee his pants?

Isn't that humiliating?
Li Rong looked at Mi Li's shocked expression, and felt that what he said just now was a bit redundant, and Mi Li might hate it again.

Sure enough, Mi Li refused Li Rong to hold her hand, with her two little hands behind her back, she wobbled towards the door, walked through his door and turned back, waving to her mother and auntie: "Mi Li will be back at night!"

Li Rong glanced at Shi Shi, and Shi Zheng smiled and waved to Xiaomi Li.

Zhou Zhichu got into one of the convoys on the side of the road, propped his head with one hand and closed his head: "Ah Yuan said when will he go?"

"Fifth Young Master said that after finishing the morning's business, he will rush over."

Da Zuo couldn't help but say, "Fifth Young Master doesn't matter if we don't go, we just take the child there and bring him back, isn't he afraid that we'll switch jobs?"

Zhou Zhichu gave him a big left glance, and didn't bother to explain to him.

How could Ah Yuan not go?The kid almost pointed at his nose and told him to stop playing with his son.

As soon as Da Zuo turned around, he saw a small meatball the size of a sesame seed waddling over, followed by a tall and burly Li Rong.

Da Zuo frowned suddenly, Li Rong is so big, and seeing such a small child walking, he doesn't even know how to pick him up?
Is he stupid?

The car door was pulled open by the driver, Da Zuo got out of the car, and carried Mi Li to the prepared child seat.

Millet has already automatically and consciously fastened the seat belt with her little hands.

When the time comes to watch the movements of the millet grains, I feel like watching a fresh gadget.

Such a small thing can run and move, and has its own thoughts.

Xiaomi Li fastened his seat belt, and noticed that the person at the door had been staring at him, so he looked up at him.

The big eyes flicker and flicker, and the eyes are full of doubts.

Why doesn't he close the door?

Zhou Zhichu glanced at Dazuo impatiently, "Close the door and get ready to go."

Only then did Da Zuo close the door.

Xiaomi Li turned her head and saw Zhou Zhichu sitting beside her, "Hello, Uncle."

Zhou Zhichu couldn't help but chuckled, and he reached out and touched Mi Li's head, "Hello, Mi Li, I heard that you are going to kindergarten soon?"

Mi Li nodded: "Yes, Mi Li will soon become a big kid."

One big and one small talk in the back of the car, not to mention, although the age difference is a bit big, they really look decent when talking to each other.

Although the millet grain is small, he can understand every word that others say, and can answer every question asked him seriously.

He knew what he was going to do today, who he was meeting, and where he was going was very important.

Anyway, for Zhou Zhichu, every question Xiaomi Li answered, Zhou Zhichu felt that every word Mi Mi Li said was particularly to his liking, or that Xiaomi Mi Li was smarter than ordinary children?

Also at the age of three, it is impossible for other children to be as clear and logical as Xiaomi Mili.

Zhou Zhichu stared at Xiaomi Li, who felt a chill down his back.

He looked at Zhou Zhichu warily, "Uncle."

Zhou Zhichu asked him with a smile, "What's wrong?"

"Mom asked Mi Li to tell Uncle that if Uncle wants to play Mi Li, Mom will go talk to Uncle at night."

Zhou Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud, "Did Mom say that?"

Xiao Mili nodded, "Mom said it. Mom also said that she is uneducated and doesn't like wearing shoes. If she gets angry, she will set fire to the mountain."

Saying that, Xiaomi Li leaned her fat little body, leaned in front of Zhou Zhichu and whispered, "Mom is very scary when she is angry."

"How scary is it for mom to be angry?" Zhou Zhichu asked with a smile.

The small hands of millet grains form a trumpet, "Tell my uncle secretly, but don't tell others, my mother will be angry, and my father will be afraid."

Zhou Zhichu covered his face with his hand, his shoulders trembled with laughter, "Has Dad ever been beaten by Mom?"

Xiaomi Mili also said, "Beat secretly."

The convoy was stopped halfway, Zhou Chenyuan got out of the car in front, walked over directly, and took Mi Li off the baby chair.

He also bowed his head to Zhou Zhichu and said hello, "Uncle Eleven, I'll take Mi Li and go first."

Xiao Mili was hugged by her father, and she waved to Zhou Zhichu calmly: "See you later, uncle."

Zhou Chenyuan carried the millet grains to his car, put them on the baby chair, and glared at him, "Why didn't you wait for your father to pick you up at home, and came directly with them?"

Mi Li replied, "That's my uncle. Mom said that my uncle is my father's little uncle, and he wouldn't hurt Mi Li."

Zhou Chenyuan glared at him angrily, "Injury won't hurt you, but it will steal you away, steal you as his child, and make you call him daddy."

Millet Mikaba stared wide-eyed and didn't understand: "That's my uncle, not my father."

As she said that, she stretched out her little hand to hug Zhou Chenyuan, as if to comfort him, "Mi Li loves daddy the most."

Zhou Shenyuan: "..."

He glanced at Xiao Mili, and was immediately comforted, as expected of his own son.

Zhou Chenyuan hadn't come to Jiugu Wenchang for a long time. When he got off the car, he looked at Jiugu Wenchang's door, and was dazed for a while.

Xiao Mi Li unbuckled the seat belt by himself. Because the seat was relatively high, he didn't dare to get off, so he had to call Dad.

Zhou Chenyuan stretched out his hand to hug him down, and took Mi Li's hand, "Mi Li, do you know who we are going to meet now?"

(End of this chapter)

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