Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 866 The First Married Person

Chapter 866 The first person to marry (2)

He Xiaoran: "What's the matter? The house is too small. You will go to work when the time comes. If you have children and need someone to take care of your family, where will the nanny live? Besides, Xiaojuan is the old daughter of her parents. She Your parents are very old, and you two will definitely need to take care of them in the future, where will you live then?"

Xiao Juan secretly glanced at Nan Zhao, "My mother can't say that she won't disturb my life."

"That's because your parents don't want to cause trouble for you, but when the day comes when they can't move, can you let the two old people fend for themselves in their hometown?" He Xiaoran said: "The house is a big problem."

Nan Zhao frowned and asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

He Xiaoran said: "Yes, I'll sell this house to you. I bought it for 3000 million, and now it's 500 million for you."

Nan Zhao squinted at her, "Did you forget that when you bought this house, I participated in the whole process, and I talked about the price? Thirty-five million?"

Zhou Shenyuan: "..."

He Xiaoran raised his head: "Uh..."

Nan Zhao: "You cheat even your own people, do you think you have a dark heart?"

He Xiaoran lowered his head, "Um..."

Nan Zhao: "This house is pretty good, but with such a black-hearted landlord as you, how would I dare to buy it?"

"You are familiar with my room, and you have a sense of belonging when you live in it." He Xiaoran said: "At worst, it will be cheaper for you."

Nan Zhao: "You're driving me to death, how much cheaper can you do?"

"It can be 3 yuan cheaper."

Nan Zhao was so angry that he dragged Xiao Juan to stand up and leave, it was too dark!
He can get the market price of two thousand and five, but it becomes three thousand and five when it comes to her. He Baopi said it was her!

Red King was shocked when he heard that He Xiaoran was going to sell the house, "You sold the house, where will we live?"

He Xiaoran explained: "My mother-in-law told me eighteen times a day, asking me to move to Caiwei Mountain, and I decided to move to Caiwei Mountain. The main reason is the growth of Mi Li, so he wants to know what a real family is like. of."

Red King: "Aren't real families like us?"

He Xiaoran took a look at the red king, and it seemed that he had to let the red king know what a real family was like, and he had to move.

Nanzhao finally bought He Xiaoran's house for 300 million yuan, which was like emptying out Nanzhao's family fortune for so many years.

But the house is really good, the environment is elegant, green plants, conversation, life are very convenient, it can be said to be an ideal residence.

After buying the house, Nanzhao approached He Xiaoran again, "Do you have to pay me back the rent for my previous apartments?"

He Xiaoran: "Why?"

"I don't live in your house anymore. Of course my rent will belong to me in the future. I have a lot of pressure to support my family now, and the rent can help me share part of the financial pressure."

The most important thing is that he promised Xiao Juan that she will collect all the rent in the future.

He Xiaoran was furious: "Your dividend will arrive in your account in two months. Where is your financial pressure?"

Nan Zhao: "Xiao Juan said that her income is low, she should work harder to make money, she is a girl, and she is not smart, how can she work hard? So let her collect the rent, and go out with He Miao to earn a little, to give her some comfort. "

He Xiaoran returned the rent card to Nanzhao indignantly, "Take it!"

Nan Zhao and Xiao Juan's wedding was held as quickly as possible, and there was no other reason. Xiao Juan's father suddenly became seriously ill. Nan Zhao arranged to be transferred to Jimin Hospital, which is the private hospital of the Zhou family.

The old man just wanted to see Xiaojuan get married, and the wedding was earlier than originally planned.

He Xiaoran was forced to become Nan Zhao's family member and sit on the family table.

Shi Shi said while eating: "Sister, why is your son so old, and you haven't had a decent wedding yet? Brother Nan Zhao has only been in a relationship for more than 20 days, and he has already held a serious wedding?"

Zhou Shenyuan: "!!!"

He gasped, and suddenly remembered that he really didn't give He Xiaoran a wedding!
Xiao Mili was the little flower girl who gave the wedding ring that day.

The little guy tailor-made a small white suit and a small bow tie, holding a ring box in his hand, and trotted all the way to Nan Zhao.

Nanzhao has no parents, and Xiao Juan's parents sat on the stage with a smile on their faces, watching their daughter get married, and felt that they were content in this life.

The relatives and friends of Xiaojuan's family have different expressions on their faces, and they all looked down on Xiaojuan's family before.

Her parents are old and her daughter lives in a well-to-do life, and she has no good external resources. Xiaojuan herself can't dress up, and she doesn't look like a natural beauty. She can only be regarded as a delicate girl at best.

In their town, 28 is an old girl who can't get married if she is not married. No one thought that Xiao Juan would marry a young man younger than her in the end.

This person seems to be a corporate executive. I heard that the annual salary is one million, and the price of a wedding house is more than 2000 million. He is definitely a rich man!
The most important thing is that Xiao Juan has no parents-in-law, and her husband and son-in-law have brought Xiao Juan's parents to live in a big city. I heard that all the houses in Xiao Juan's hometown have been sold.

The only thing that comforts the big guy is that Xiaojuan's husband-in-law looks cold, not enthusiastic at all when talking to others, he doesn't look easy to get along with, and maybe he will beat his wife in the future.

Furthermore, all of Xiaojuan's husband-in-law's family members have strange shapes, especially the girl who is wearing a big helmet and swaying on the seat, it is really weird.

There was another person sitting next to the big helmet, wearing a hat and a mask, so he couldn't see his face at all, watching how the two of them ate.

In addition, the girls sitting at that table are all beautiful, how can there be so many beautiful girls in one family?

This does not look normal.

Who knows what they do in private?

Facing the family where the man has no parents to come forward, the small-town relatives of Xiaojuan's family indulge in lust. It seems that only in this way can their unbalanced hearts be relieved.

Xiao Juan has carefully dressed up and put on makeup today. She looks like a different person. At first glance, she looks like a baby-faced female star.

The master of ceremonies and the whole process were all hired by Zhou Chenyuan. The whole process was smooth and brief, and it didn't make people feel cumbersome.

After Mi Li delivered the ring, Nan Zhao took it, knelt down and kissed Mi Li on the forehead, "Thank you, Mi Li."

Xiaomi Mi is very proud, because he has earned another big red envelope.

Uncle Nan Zhao said that as long as he brought the ring, the big red envelope would be his.

As a representative of her natal family, He Xiaoran took the stage to speak. She directly took out two bundles of thick money from her bag, stuffed it into Nanzhao’s hand, and said angrily: “Your rent for the past two years, we are a family. For the sake of this, I added some, count it as my gift money, and give it to you in one go!"

Nan Zhao asked suspiciously, "How much did you add?"

"200 yuan, why?"

Nan Zhao: "I knew it."

Xiao Juan hurriedly said: "It's a lot, a lot. People in our hometown always give gifts of [-]! My mother said that [-] is a big sum!"

Some of these relatives from their hometown paid [-] yuan and some paid [-] yuan, but they lived in a five-star hotel, ate [-] yuan buffet, and the round-trip ticket was still reimbursed.

He Xiaoran's gift of 200 yuan is really a lot.

He Xiaoran discovered that Xiaojuan's stupidity is in the same line as her parents.

(End of this chapter)

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