Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 873 You are a calculating woman

Chapter 873 You are a calculating woman (7)

Fang Ruoyu said "haha" halfway, she quickly covered her mouth with her hand, not to make her proud voice too loud, in case Yan Shaozhuang heard it, it would be over.

Yan Shaozhuang is the male god she has been secretly in love with for many years, if she can use this trick to marry Yan Shaozhuang, her life will be worth it.

Of course, if the child can stay and the two of them live together with their twin sons, it will be even more enjoyable.

Ahhh, the life of her dreams is coming!

The next second, Yan Shaozhuang knocked on the door outside: "Stop it, open the door quickly, get ready for bed."

Fang Ruoyu: "..."

Mingyue clubhouse.

Sitting in a private room, Wei Sisi held a cup of tea in her hand, lowered her head and took a sip gracefully.

Footsteps sounded outside, she didn't look up, she saw a figure of a man push the door in from the corner of her eye, and sat opposite her: "Mrs. Eleven."

Wei Sisi raised his eyes and glanced at him: "So it's Young Master Yan. I haven't seen you for a long time. I don't know if you took the trouble to ask someone to bring me a message. What's the important thing?"

Wei Sisi's eyes fell on Yan Shaozhuang, he hadn't seen him for a few years, Yan Shaozhuang was still as clear and handsome as she had seen before.

It's a pity to see you now, things have changed.

Wei Sisi tried her best to suppress the turmoil in her heart, turned her head and looked around, "Is this place hidden enough? I asked the Wei family to cover it up for me a little bit, Eleventh Master would not find that I had been here. Of course, even if He knows, and I'm afraid he won't mind."

When saying the last sentence, Wei Sisi smiled bitterly.

"How could it be? Lord Eleven is a considerate person."

Wei Sisi couldn't help curling her lips when she heard this, her face was full of sarcasm.

She had been married to Zhou Zhichu for several years, and Zhou Zhichu had never touched her with a finger, but Jiugu Wenchang put the pressure of pregnancy and childbirth on her alone.

The original spouse had nothing to do with the main room, and Wei Sisi knew how ugly those eight wives of Jiugu Wenchang said behind their backs, but who made her lose her confidence?

In the eyes of outsiders, she just has nothing to do, and she just can't bear children.

Knowing who was gossiping behind her back, as the housewife, she was helpless.

Wei Sisi didn't know why Zhou Zhichu didn't touch her at first, but later on, she gradually realized it.

When Zhou Zhichu married himself, he wanted to marry a prop, a smoke bomb that could cover up his scandals for him.

But Wei Sisi didn't dare to say a word.

Yan Shaozhuang sat opposite Wei Sisi, he seemed not to notice the bitterness and suffering on Wei Sisi's face, nodded and said: "The place chosen by Madam Eleven naturally has an elegant environment and strong privacy."

Wei Sisi leaned back, his hesitant eyes fell on Yan Shaozhuang.

In fact, the first person Wei Sisi set his eyes on was Yan Shaozhuang. She was young at that time, and she felt that Yan Shaozhuang matched all her fantasies about an excellent husband.

Regardless of appearance or personality, he is far more in line with her wishes than Zhou Zhichu.

At that time, Wei Sisi observed that Zhou Zhichu always carried an arrogance that was above everything else, as if no one could catch his eyes, and he looked down on everyone.

At that time, Wei Sisi was also proud and arrogant, but she was young and could not tolerate others being more arrogant than her, especially men.

So she didn't have a good impression of Zhou Zhichu.

But Yan Shaozhuang was different. Although he was inferior to Zhou Zhichu in terms of identity, he was approachable and approachable. When talking to others, he would look her in the eyes, with a gentle smile on the corners of his lips and eyebrows, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

There is no pressure or package, and the feeling of mutual equality is so good.

So every time Wei Sisi is with him, he can enjoy the feeling of being cared for and valued by men.

At that time, Wei Sisi once thought that she would marry Yan Shaozhuang, and her attitude was much more positive.

Unfortunately, when Yan Shaozhuang became Yan Shaozhuang, he lost his only attraction to the Wei family.

The Wei family needs to marry the Yan family, not an unknown little man.

Seeing that Yan Shaozhuang lost the value of marriage, Mrs. Xiaowei immediately decided to find a new husband for Wei Sisi.

When Mrs. Xiaowei was asking around about who had young talents, she did not expect that the Zhou family would take the initiative to extend an olive branch.

To the side branch of the Wei family at that time, the Zhou family was like stars in the sky, beyond reach.

The Wei family was ecstatic, Wei Sisi's marriage could be said to have dragged this branch of the Wei family from the bottom of the valley to the peak.

That was the real top-level configuration, and countless women from the Nancheng family gritted their teeth with envy.

At that time, Wei Sisi was actually a little strange, because she had set up a candidate for her husband, without Zhou Zhichu, her only expectation was Yan Shaozhuang.

But Mrs. Xiaowei persuaded her time and time again, making her firmly believe that Zhou Zhichu was a more suitable and excellent husband candidate. Gradually, Wei Sisi's thoughts also changed.

After all, at that time, she was only fantasizing about Yan Shaozhuang, and she hadn't fallen in love with her to the point of death.

Later, she was also proud of being able to marry Zhou Zhichu.

The future head of the Zhou family is indeed better than other candidates.

Today, Wei Sisi finally tasted the bitter fruit of the original choice.

At that time, she had the chance to refuse.

Wei Sisi realized that Zhou Zhichu chose her not because of anything else, but because the Wei family branch is too weak, easier to control, and dare not expose.

But now, even if Madam Xiaowei knew that her daughter was living a widowed life, she could only turn a blind eye.

Because the Wei family gained so much from Wei Sisi's marriage, so much that the Wei family didn't mind sacrificing a daughter at all, but they also decided to become Zhou Zhichu's supporters.

Among the people in the Wei family, big and small, Wei Sisi has the highest status on the surface, and every time she goes back, she will be treated like a star, but in fact, only Wei Sisi knows that she has lived in the past. What a day it must be.

Of course Wei Sisi had two intentions, she hoped to find a secret lover so that she wouldn't live such a lonely life.

It's just that she has such an idea, but others don't have the courage.

After all, who would dare to take the risk of offending the entire Kugu Wenchang to be her lover?

The lingering moment is refreshing, after the fun, there are so many beautiful girls outside the crematorium, who would be so stupid as to know the consequences, and dare to play tricks?
When Wei Sisi saw Yan Shaozhuang just now, there was a reason for his thoughts to move.

The man I used to like took the initiative to ask her out after many years, and he was so secretive, how could she not be careless?
But after seeing Yan Shaozhuang's expression, Wei Sisi knew that he was thinking too much.

This person is still the same as before, giving people a comfortable feeling of getting along, but maintaining a proper distance.

Let her fantasize while maintaining an elegant demeanor.

(End of this chapter)

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