Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 875 You are a calculating woman

Chapter 875 You are a calculating woman (8)

Wei Sisi looked up, "What way?"

Yan Shaozhuang looked at her and said, "In order to keep my own child, I can only find another woman who is willing to give birth to Master Shiyi."

"you dare?!"

Yan Shaozhuang said: "Mrs. Eleven is the best choice. Helping you is also helping me. If it is achieved, it will be a win-win situation for us."

"But if Madam Eleven doesn't have the courage, I will naturally have to make a new plan for myself."

Wei Sisi moved her lips, "What is the success rate?"

"There is nothing [-]% in the world. The heirs and their parents also depend on fate. My wife has succeeded once. Now it depends on Mrs. Eleven and Lord Eleven, whether they have this fate with their children."

Wei Sisi suppressed her boiling blood, she said, "Eleventh Lord comes to my place once a month now, for routine greetings, for the people of Jiugu Wenchang to see."

"As long as he visits you, you have a chance!"

Wei Sisi sat without moving. After a while, she looked up at Yan Shaozhuang, "What should I do?"


"Eleventh Master, tonight is the day to go back to the old house. Jiugu Wenchang has urged you several times, waiting for you to have a banquet."

Zhou Zhichu nodded: "Go back to Jiugu Wenchang."

He sat in the car, and the person beside him began to report: "Mrs. Eleven went back to Wei's house a few days ago. In the past few days, she often invites friends to Da Madam's beauty shop for beauty treatment. A week ago, a tailor came to order a few dresses. ..."

It sounds like it's something women are interested in.

Zhou Zhichu waved his hand, signaling to the other party that there is no need to say any more, "Got it."

He doesn't have high demands on Wei Sisi, he just needs to keep his own place.

She can have anything but people.

After the dinner, Zhou Zhichu went back to the main house of Changping Pavilion.

Wei Sisi was the same as before, with low eyebrows and eyes, quietly waiting for him to come in, "Master Eleven, are you reading or washing up now, I've prepared the bed for you."

Zhou Zhichu nodded, just glanced at her lightly, then turned and went into the study.

Every time he came back, there was no one else in the house to serve him, Wei Sisi did everything by himself.

At first she wanted to show off, hoping that he would treat her differently, but then it became a habit.

Later, even if it was discovered that it was an extravagant wish, servants would not be able to enter this room.

Wei Sisi came in with a tray. On the tray were a glass of warm water, sliced ​​fruits and some pastries, all of which were delicate and thoughtful.

Zhou Zhichu didn't move his eyebrows, Wei Sisi raised his eyelids, took a look at him, and then slowly backed out.

Ten minutes later, Wei Sisi stood up and went in again with the prepared cakes, "Master Eleven?"

There was some movement in the room, Wei Sisi carefully opened the door, and saw Zhou Zhichu drinking water from a cup.

Wei Sisi glanced at the glass and put down the pastry, "Is the water cold? I'll add some more for you."

Zhou Zhichu waved his hand: "No need."

Cooler water can refresh you.

Maybe it was because he was too tired for a while, he felt a little tired and drowsy.

Wei Sisi said, "If Master Eleven feels sleepy, don't hold on, just go to sleep for a while."

Zhou Zhichu responded, without looking at her at all.

He did feel a little sleepy, closed the book, "I'll go lie down for a while."

At this moment, he felt drowsy, but he still managed to walk into the bedroom. As soon as he lay down on the bed, he fell asleep.

Wei Sisi stood at the door, and he didn't even have time to close the door.

Wei Sisi turned around and went into her bedroom, and dragged out a human-like incubator.

There is only one chance, and she must seize it firmly.

When Fang Ruoyu trained her to operate, she said that if she did it a second time, the other party would definitely notice it.

Stuff can be stored for 72 hours, but the shorter the time, the better the chances of success.

Wei Sisi knew that she must not fail.

Caiwei Mountain.

Yan Shaozhuang came to look for He Xiaoran, He Xiaoran asked: "Wei Sisi has the guts to do it?"

Yan Shaozhuang nodded: "Yes."

He Xiaoran laughed, "I thought she was overwhelmed. It seems that a woman will have a lot of courage when she is forced to go to Liangshan."

Yan Shaozhuang nodded: "It must be difficult for her to live in the Zhou family, and she has to find a way out for herself."

He Xiaoran said: "When she confirms that she is pregnant, she can be raised. When the month is old and my sister-in-law is about to give birth, let Zhou Zhichu know."

"What if he..."

"If he wasn't a fool, he probably wouldn't have done this. He shouldn't have been so childish to intentionally dissuade you and my sister-in-law in order to vent his anger. Just in case!"

He Xiaoran looked at him and said, "I mean, in case someone comes to snatch the child, don't fight recklessly. The next thing is that my invincible mother-in-law and A Yuan will fight."

Yan Shaozhuang: "..."

"Do you know how much my beautiful mother-in-law likes Mili? As long as she knows that Mili can be changed back to Zhou's surname, do you think she will wait for the trial of fate, or go to the altar and be sentenced to death by fate?"

Yan Shaozhuang: "..."

Did he see out of the window that Xiaomi Mili was sitting in the car, driving the car in a high-spirited manner, running circles all over the field.

Zongtang's face was almost flushed red as people stood around cheering him on.

Since the millet grains were brought to Caiwei Mountain, the young people on Caiwei Mountain have gone crazy, and they circle around the millet grains, as if they have never seen a child.

Today this one takes the millet up the mountain, and tomorrow the other brings the millet down the mountain. Anyway, He Xiaoran rarely has the chance to play with the millet.

Of course, when Xiao Mili comes back every day, she will still sweetly tell He Xiaoran that the person she loves the most is her mother.

Yan Hua is in a particularly good mood recently, and often makes tea appointments with Shen Jie.

Now that they are together, they are serious best friends. Yan Shanshan sometimes has no time to come out, and when she sees the pictures posted by Yan Hua, she is almost jealous.

As for the marriage between Yulingju and He Miao, the two families have also officially put it on the agenda.

Regarding this matter, even Mrs. Shimila was pulled into the three-person chat.

For the sake of Princess Arya, Mrs. Shimila specially bought a mobile phone that can be used universally, and downloaded the chat software, just to be able to join the group chat.

The date of the wedding will be determined according to the time of Yulingju and He Miao, and this matter will be handed over to Shen Jie and Yan Wei respectively, and they will ask the time of the two children respectively and be responsible for coordinating.

Mrs. Shimila began to think of ways to arrange the next things, and she must be there during He Miao's wedding, no matter what method is used.

On Friday night, He Miao came back from school, holding a huge apple in his hand and gnawing on it.

Next to him, Xiao Mili was gnawing on an apple that was too big for him.

"Crack Kacha!"

The two had a delicious meal.

Yan Hua came in from the outside, "Miao Miao, Mom has something to discuss with you."

He Miao looked up: "Mom."

Yan Hua picked up the apples in the basket next to her with her beautiful fingers, and gnawed one in her hands, "Miao Miao, come here, Mom has something to ask you."

(End of this chapter)

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