Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 886 Alerts Alerts

Chapter 886 Alarm Alarm (7)

Wei Sisi's mood a few days ago can be described as apprehension, restlessness, or even suffering.

The heart of waiting for the judgment of fate made Wei Sisi even a little bit reluctant to eat and drink.

But she also knew that she had to eat.

From the fifth day onwards, she began testing every day, and every time she saw no response, she had the urge to cry.

On the ninth day, Wei Sisi went to the bathroom to test again as usual, and then she successfully tested the paper and showed two shallow bars.

Her heart fluttered a bit, because the color was a little light for some reason, and she was still not sure, so she asked Madam Xiaowei to pick her up that day, and Madam Xiaowei asked Wei Sisi to accompany her on the grounds of seeing gynecological diseases Go for a gynecological examination.

Only then did Wei Sisi confirm that she was really pregnant!

The doctor said that there were four embryos, but three of them were very strong, and the other was very weak, and it might not survive.

Wei Sisi refused, and tried her best to ask the doctor to save all the embryos as much as possible.

Because Wei Sisi knew that these embryos in her belly would be the biggest bargaining chip for her to settle down in Zhou's family and Jiugu Wenchang in the future, and she didn't want to give up any of them.

Mrs. Xiaowei was very happy when she found out that she was pregnant. Even if she knew that the child was not conceived by a normal couple, as long as the child belonged to the Zhou family, that was more important than anything else.

Mrs. Xiaowei began to send her confidants to Wei Sisi's side, worrying that the original people on her daughter's side would not be able to take care of her well.

After all, the child in Wei Sisi's womb is not only Wei Sisi's hope, but also the hope of Fang Wei's family.

Wei Sisi's nutrition began to be rearranged. Every meal, every dish, and the nutritional content were carefully calculated.

Wei Sisi is willing to pay whatever price is good for the fetus.

Prenatal education starts from the first day to cultivate artistic sentiment. Wei Sisi practice piano, read poems, take a walk at a fixed time every day... all kinds of things that are good for cultivating body and mind, Wei Sisi never tires of it.

As long as she can give birth to these children safely, she will not hesitate.

People live for one life, and she also lives for one life. She cannot become rotten flesh in Jiugu Wenchang.

The woman she despised the most in Jiugu Wenchang was the woman called Hua Qingyu.

She heard that women used to be the daughters of everyone, but what is it like now?
She was obviously the decent wife of Zhou Zixi, the dead ghost, but after Zhou Zixi's death, she hooked up with Zhou Zishi directly, and fought to the death with Zhou Zishi's concubine Yan Yao.

They actually fought like that for a man like Zhou Zishi.

Hua Qingyu also has a son who doesn't look very smart. So far, no one knows whether the child belongs to Zhou Zishi or Zhou Zixi.

But now Hua Qingyu insists that the child belongs to Zhou Zishi, and even secretly conducts an identification.

This also caused Zhou Zishi to be concerned about Hua Qingyu and his silly son, and would come forward to solve things for her, big and small.

Wei Sisi doesn't want to live like Hua Qingyu, she wants to fight for herself.

"Sisi, wait for the fetal image to stabilize, and you should also take care of your cousin's marriage." Mrs. Xiaowei reminded her with a smile, "Your second aunt has approached me many times, saying that Wei Juan's marriage depends on Sisi. I think you helped."

Wei Si thought about Wei Juan, before graduating from university, he was thinking about finding a partner every day, and he often followed her to various blind date banquets at that time.

A few years have passed, and we are still in phase.

"She's not very old, what's the hurry?"

"Oh, it's 24, why not hurry?" Mrs. Wei said, "It's hard to find after 25."

"The Zhou family has no suitable candidates."

Even if there was, it would not be Wei Juan's turn.

Which of the Zhou family's children's marriages were not carefully selected?

"We of the Zhou family must not dare to think about it. I heard that the only son of Zhou Si and Jiang Jinjiu on the other side of the big house, Jiang Feiyang is of marriageable age, and he is about the same age as Wei Juan. I think they are right."

Wei Sisi glanced at Mrs. Xiao Wei, "Mom, did the second aunt tell you this? Don't say such things lightly. Jiang Feiyang's young personality is quite gentle, but he has a problem Fuel-efficient mother, Jiang's daughter-in-law is not easy to be."

"No matter how hard it is, then their family has to marry a daughter-in-law, right?"

"Of course I have to marry, but Mom, Wei Juan has the life and the brain to live a comfortable life under the eyes of her powerful mother-in-law?"

Even Wei Sisi now goes to serve her mother-in-law once or twice a month.

Wei Sisi knew Qin Shuangling's background, but with Zhou Zhichu around, Qin Shuangling would be Zhou Zhichu's biological mother if she didn't appear on the stage.

Because Wei Sisi has nothing to do, Qin Shuangling will naturally show off her mother-in-law prestige.

Qin Shuangling has been bullied for so many years, now she finally has a chance, how could she not cherish it?
Qin Shuangling only had the opportunity to visit once or twice a month, and Qin Shuangling was trying to make things difficult.

Mrs. Xiao Wei pursed her lips: "Wei Juan is really going to marry Jiang Feiyang, that's not a problem. Whoever is someone's daughter-in-law has never suffered from her mother-in-law? Wasn't I also bullied by your grandma back then?"

Wei Sisi reached out and touched his lower abdomen: "I'm not thinking about this right now, let's talk about it when my fetal image stabilizes. I can't take care of myself, but I still care about other people? I haven't seen them in the years I've been suffering here Why do you think about me?"

When Madam Xiaowei heard this, she hurriedly said: "I just mentioned it casually, you don't care about anything now, just care about yourself. You are the most precious person right now."

Wei Sisi hooked the corners of her lips, but said nothing.

She was reluctant to bear any of the four in her belly, as long as she could give birth, she had to give birth.

The matter of Wei Sisi's pregnancy was kept strictly confidential, so far, not much was known.

Even Zhou Zhichu went back once a month as a routine, but he didn't find any clues.

When Fang Ruoyu was a month away from the expected date of delivery, Zhou Zhichu sent someone to look at it.

"Mom, where are you going?"

Seeing that her mother was about to go out, Xiaomi Li hurried to the door.

Millet is now trying to enter kindergarten, and has been there for a week. Every day is very hard, and there is no way to go out with her mother every day like before.

Early in the morning when he was having dinner, Mother Diao was about to send him to kindergarten, when he saw He Xiaoran going out, he chased him out.

He Xiaoran bent down and reached out to pinch his face, "Mom is going out to meet friends now, and Mi Li will go to school obediently. Next time, Mom will bring a talented young lady back to play with Mi Li, okay?"

"What is Miss Genius?" Mi Li was curious.

He Xiaoran smiled and said, "It's Guoguo, a genius like Aunt Miao Miao."

Xiao Mili scratched her head and didn't understand.

There are not many children in Caiwei Mountain, and there are not enough kindergartens, so Mili's kindergarten is attended outside.

Every day, Diao's mother, the driver and the bodyguards send the little guy to school on time, no matter how Mili plays tricks, it's useless.

He Xiaoran went out to meet Wei Xian.

When He Miao got married, Tuanzi was invited, and that day Wei Xian took the Tuanzi to participate, but Tuanzi was going to school now, so he gave red envelopes in the past, and after eating, he hurried to school.

He Xiaoran invited Wei Xian this time, just the two of them, without any dumplings.

(End of this chapter)

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