Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 899 Alerts Alerts

Chapter 899 Alarm Alarm (20)

When could He Miao get mad, "He Miao, you..."

He Miao pinched her waist, raised her chin, and said triumphantly, "I have a partner!"

When did you get so angry, "I picked your partner for you!"

He Miao continued to put her hands on her hips, "Hmph!"

When was really pissed off by her, "Sister, look at He Miao."

He Xiaoran hurriedly said: "Miao Miao, you are happy yourself, we also want to bless when. When she is still young, when she grows up, she will find an excellent boy as a partner."

He Miao ran over with a "da da da", stretched out his arms and gave He Shi a look, "Love when!"

Shi Shi frowned: "He Xiaomiao has no conscience."

He Miao denied it and said loudly, "Yes."

The three sisters were noisy together, very happy.

Yan Shaozhuang's two babies were finally able to leave this matter as a matter of course, which made He Xiaoran heaving a sigh of relief.

Zhou Shang, Zhou Chenyuan and his son thought about the new name of Xiaomi Li, and searched all the dictionaries but couldn't find one. They thought it was worthy of Xiaomi Li's name.

Zhou Shang and Zhou Chenyuan quarreled, and they both felt that their names were the best.

Zhou Shang gave Xiaomi the name Zhou Guangzu, which means Guangzong Yaozu.

Zhou Chenyuan felt that this name was too vulgar, so he insisted on calling it Zhou Jingyun, which came from "I also suspected Yaotai Jing, flying in the blue clouds."

The father and son couldn't argue, and then they quarreled.

So, I looked it up, held a family meeting, everyone attended, let everyone vote, which name is better?

Who dares to vote?If you vote for Zhou Shang, you offend Zhou Chenyuan, and if you vote for Zhou Chenyuan, you offend Zhou Shang.

when voting.No matter which name was pointed out, no one dared to raise their hands.

Yan Hua closed her eyes, feeling a terrible headache, and was really blown away.

Just give Mi Li a name, and now they can actually quarrel. This family meeting has been going on for half an hour, and no winner has been decided yet.

Yan Hua stood up with a huff, and the father and son were so frightened that they were so tense that they didn't dare to breathe.

"Stop arguing, I have an idea."

Yan Hua asked someone to bring a pen and paper, wrote two names on them, and then asked someone to find a box to put them in.

Yan Hua asked someone to bring the box to Xiaomi Mili, "Baby, Milii, come on, reach out and grab one by yourself, whichever name you catch will be the name. Grandpa and Dad both have nice names, but they are just two names. The two of them couldn't argue, so in the end it's up to Mi Li to decide which name to choose."

Xiao Mili sat on He Xiaoran's lap. After hearing this, she raised her face and looked at her mother.

He Xiaoran nodded, "Catch it. Whether you will be called Zhou Guangzu or Zhou Jingyun in the future depends on which one you catch with your little hand."

Mi Li stretched out her chubby hands, obediently put it into the box, mixed it with her little hand, then grabbed one and handed it to Yan Hua, "Grandma, what's the name of Mi Li?"

Yan Hua opened it and glanced at Zhou Shang.

Zhou Shang suddenly felt his scalp go numb, what kind of eyes did Huahua have?
Before showing the note, Yan Hua said to the people around her: "Those who wish to admit defeat, everyone saw it just now, and those who lose should not be impatient."

"Our future name, Mi Li, was given by my father, Zhou Jingyun."

Zhou Shang was hit hard, "I gave such a meaningful name, since it's useless?"

Zhou Chenyuan was furious: "Dad, your aesthetics is outdated. What kind of name is that with a deep meaning, dude!"

He Xiaoran bumped his legs and said to Mi Li, "Mi Li, your name will be Zhou Jingyun from now on, remember that."

Mi Li Kaba glanced at her mother and said, "What about Mi Li?"

"Yan Mili will be your nickname from now on."

Xiaomi Mili didn't understand, but everyone took it for granted, and Xiaomi Li couldn't be cowardly, "Got it."

When I went to the kindergarten the next day, Mi Li announced in public that his first name was Zhou Jingyun, and that Mi Li became his nickname.

Faced with a group of children who don't understand, Mi Li looks down on them, they don't understand such a simple and obvious thing.

It's a big name and a small name!

At night, when Shi usually peeled the pomegranate rice, he said to the red king who was sitting next to him eating the pomegranate: "You can't eat it slowly, I can't make it as fast as you eat it."

Red King has been spoiled recently, food and drink are the best in everything, and everyone gives in to her, even the little pickpocket is not so fierce.

Red King was so proud that he got carried away.

"I'm a pregnant woman, why are you so cruel to pregnant women?" Red King said, stuffed pomegranate rice in one mouthful, and began to chew the juice inside.

When He glared at her, "I'm too lazy to tell you so much now, just wait, wait until you give birth to your little bastard, and see how I deal with you and your little bastard."

Red King still doesn't care: "I didn't want to give birth, you insisted on letting me give birth, I don't care when it is born, you can hug it wherever you like."

When He snorted coldly: "If you dare to say no, I will dare to take you away, and you will not be able to chase you back even if you cry."

Red King curled his lips, as if he didn't mind at all, "Cut!"

Red King's food is so good that her belly is obviously getting bigger. The doctor took care of her and told her not to eat too much. She was worried that the child would grow too big and it would be difficult to give birth.

Red King is actually very careful, now he dare not eat meat, and often eats some vegetables and fruits.

"When did you say that this child was born, just like when Mi Li started, without a father? Then tell me, should I find a father for him?"

Red King asked curiously, "I've heard people say that if there is no father, this child will be a posthumous child, and the old man will be miserable!"

When Shi raised his head in shock, glanced at her and said, "Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, a posthumous child refers to a child left in the mother's womb after the father died."

"Oh." Red King scratched his head, "That's my misunderstanding."

When he sighed sadly, "You don't care about so much. You don't need you to take care of the baby and you don't want you to coax it. You just want to be a ready-made mother. What's wrong with you? Besides, our family is sparsely populated. It's a good thing to have a few children. As for whether you want to find a father for your child, it depends on your fate. You can't just choose any man just because you want to find a father for your child. "

"My sister said that finding a partner depends on fate. If you don't want to find someone, you must have something."

"You said that you randomly picked up a man from outside, and it turned out that this man didn't like children at all, and he was not easy to find children. After he came back, he beat you and beat the children, and even robbed you of the money you earned. Why do you want such a man? ?”

Red King thought about it seriously and nodded, "That's true."

When he said again: "So don't think about these things. If you meet a man you like, you can tell my sister, and my sister will help you as a staff. She said that this man is good, so you take the baby with you." Marry him, if my sister says no, this man is a piece of rubbish, you should never marry him."

Red King asked curiously, "Why don't you help me as a consultant? You have already helped He Miao's consultant."

Shi Shi glanced at her, "It's not that I don't help you as a consultant, but I think you are easy to recruit scumbags, so I won't help you with this kind of thing. If something goes wrong, you will still rely on me. "

Red King: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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