Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 908 Are you hiding something from me?

Chapter 908 Are you hiding something from me?
Red King glanced at He Xiaoran and said, "I know, so I wanted to help the man who pruned the branches, but he wouldn't let me touch it. He also said that if I did it, he would lose his job."

Red King was a little sad, "I really want to help."

He Xiaoran suddenly laughed, "That's fine too, you don't have to do it, but you have to be careful."

Red King was affirmed and proud: "Huh, I know people who know how to repay kindness."

He Xiaoran glanced at Shi Shi again: "It's normal for grandpa and grandma to spoil their grandchildren, but you, as a aunt, must watch more from the side, don't let them spoil the rice grains, and you will be spoiled like a little kid by then." Dude, make trouble!"

Xiaomi Li looked up curiously and asked, "Mom, what is a little playboy?"

As he spoke, the little guy lowered his head and tugged on his little pants.

He Xiaoran replied, "Little dandy refers to the kind of bad kid who doesn't study hard, doesn't have the ability to make money, but spends money every day."

Mi Li was shocked, "Do children also want to make money?"

He Xiaoran said: "Children can make money, but most of them don't have the ability to make money."

While eating the millet, he frowned and began to think: "It turns out that rice can also make money."

When biting his chopsticks, his eyes were fixed on He Xiaoran.

He Xiaoran looked up at her and asked, "What's the matter? What kind of expression is this?"

"Sister, do you have something to hide from me?"

They lived together too long!
When Shi knew He Xiaoran very well, to be precise, the sisters knew each other very well.

What her sister said was not casual.

She seemed to be saying goodbye, trying her best to let everyone live a good life.

Although what she said was extremely cryptic, she still heard something was wrong.

He Xiaoran glared at her, "Is there anything I can hide from you? Nothing, what do you think about every day?"

He Xiaoran lowered his eyes, glanced at her, and found that "deception" was written all over his face, and she said, "By the way, at ten o'clock in the morning the day after tomorrow, you will transfer the balance in the card to the international account. I'm going to spend the money."

When did he pursed his lips and looked at He Xiaoran, and then said, "Is my sister going to find my eldest sister?"

He Xiaoran smiled and said, "Well, it was agreed at the beginning that you can find someone at any time. I have already contacted there. I will go with the money and bring the person back when the time comes. Remember to treat her better !"

When did he think about it and asked again: "Sister, will it be dangerous for you to go over there to find elder sister?"

He Xiaoran said without raising his head: "No. They are still willing to do this kind of big business."

Red King, who was eating opposite, held a fork in his hand, stared straight at He Xiaoran and asked, "Who are you looking for? Why don't I know?"

He Xiaoran said impatiently, "Eat your fruits and vegetables, what is a pregnant woman doing with so many things? Take care of your own stomach, it's like a big belly that doesn't stop!"

Hong Ting said suspiciously: "Why can't you tell me, aren't we a family?"

He Xiaoran stared at her, "What's wrong with the family? A family can't have privacy?"

The two quarreled for a few words, and finally the red King was annoyed and left holding his big belly.

When was going to work in the morning, He Xiaoran stood at the door, straightened her clothes and said, "My family has grown so big in the blink of an eye, and I must be well in the future, you know?"

Shi Shi pursed his lips, still staring at her: "You go to find big sister, when will you come back?"

"Be back soon."

"How fast is soon?"

"Soon it was me who found her, gave her the money, and took her home with me."

"What if talking doesn't count?"

"When did I say nothing to when?"

When He pursed his lips: "I don't care, I don't care if Big Sister can be found, but Sister must come back. I don't know Big Sister, I haven't met her, I only know Sister."

He Xiaoran looked at her angry face and laughed. She nodded and said, "Okay, my sister is back. If everything goes well, she may be back in a week. If it doesn't go well, it will take a little longer."

After a pause, she continued: "When, if my sister doesn't come back soon by then, don't worry. Just live well with He Miao, Mi Li, and bring Hong King. My sister will definitely come back. It's time." A question of length."

When the tears rolled in the eyes: "I don't want it! You still have millet grains, you still have He Miao's, you still have brother-in-law's, and mom and dad, you must come back soon!"

He Xiaoran smiled and said, "I know."

"You know? You know you still want to tell me those things? Anyway, you must come back, if you don't come back..."

He Xiaoran sighed, stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, and comforted her in a low voice: "I was wrong, I shouldn't make that kind of assumption. Don't you cry, why are you crying? It's not that my sister won't come back, my sister promised you will definitely return."

Whenever he didn't speak, he kept sobbing.

She frowned, "When will you be the smartest person in our family, then you have to promise me, if my sister can't come back quickly and delays time there, you have to promise me to take good care of everyone .”

"Red King lives under the fence. Although she doesn't talk about it, she can't guarantee that others will discuss it in private. She still needs your care in Caiwei Mountain. And she is careless. I'm afraid she won't be dedicated to her children. In short, you want you to take care of her... "

When immediately shouted, "I don't promise! I don't want to promise. If you don't come back, I won't promise anything!"

He Xiaoran was very helpless, "Okay, sister promises you to come back soon."

When Shi was sobbing, he pinched the corner of his clothes and asked, "Sister, can't you not go to Eldest Sister? After so many years, Eldest Sister doesn't even know if she remembers you or not."

He Xiaoran shook his head, "No, my sister promised my eldest sister that she would wait for me to pick her up."

"I promised her, so my sister can't forget, just like my sister promised you and He Miao, my sister will never forget."

When did she burst into tears: "I don't care! You are my sister, you will do what you promised me, and I don't care about others."

He Xiaoran said in a low voice: "Yes, I know, I also remember, I promise you to come back, okay?"

"Don't cry, if you continue to cry, everyone will think that something happened."

When continued to cry loudly, "I will cry! Just cry! If you don't come back soon, I will cry every day, and I will lose my eyes!"

He Xiaoran couldn't help laughing, "You blinded yourself from crying, don't you suffer? Beautiful little girl, you can't see anything, think about it yourself, is it miserable?"

(End of this chapter)

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