Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 910 What the hell is He Xiaoran doing?

Chapter 910 What the hell is He Xiaoran doing?

"when are you leaving?"

He Xiaoran glanced at her and said, "These two days."

"Are you going to sneak away?"

He Xiaoran paused for a moment, and then said: "I still have a lot of things to do today, I'm going to see Yan Shaozhuang, I'm reconciling with Zhou Chenyuan, he had a fight with me before, and he hasn't reconciled yet."

"He Xiaoran, will you die?"

He Xiaoran looked at Red King's face and said, "I try not to die."

Red King stood there with his belly outstretched, tears rolling in his eyes, "What will I do if you die? I don't have the confidence to live in Caiwei Mountain."

"Did you deliberately let the child be born? So I can't go with you?"

He Xiaoran denied, "Really, when I asked you to stay, I didn't know if I had enough money."

"Then you must come back, otherwise I will have to sleep on the street again. I still have two children in my stomach, and you let me stay here. If you dare not come back, you will owe my family of three for a lifetime, and in the next life It can't make up for it."

He Xiaoran sighed, "Okay, I will remember, I told you to keep the child, so I am responsible, okay."

Red King wiped his tears with his hand, "You said so."

He Xiaoran nodded, "I said so."

After breakfast, everyone who was supposed to go to work went to work.

He Xiaoran threw the luggage into the trunk and drove the Maserati directly out.

Yan Shaozhuang went to work, and there were only Fang Ruoyu, the two babies, and the two nannies they hired at home.

Seeing He Xiaoran passing by, Fang Ruoyu hurriedly stood up and said, "Ah, Xiao Ran, he just left this morning, I knew I should have told him not to go out. Are you not busy today? Why do you have time to come here?"

He Xiaoran said: "I went out for a walk in Liu Dan these two days. I passed by here and came to see the baby. Wow, it looks so beautiful after it grows."

Fang Ruoyu was a little happy, "Yes. I didn't expect to be so good-looking when I was born. Sure enough, their father's genes are good!"

He Xiaoran took a look at Fang Ruoyu and found that she was simply Yan Shaozhuang's fan.

From the very beginning when she knew that the other party was Yan Shaozhuang, she tried every means to show her presence in front of Zhou Zhichu, and finally made her plan succeed step by step.

He Xiaoran sighed, what should I say?

It's just... pretty good!

She was still very happy for Yan Shaozhuang.

The two little guys look different, after all, they are not naturally fertilized embryos, but it can still be seen that they are brothers, because they are the same parents after all.

He Xiaoran hugged the two little guys separately, and said with a smile: "My brother finally has a baby!"

At least Yan Shaozhuang had something to chat with his dead father and his sister, so he could take his two babies and his wife to visit them.

He Xiaoran looked at Fang Ruoyu and said, "In the future, my brother and I will have two babies, we must be happy, and we still have to go to work when we are healthy."

"Anyway, the income of both of you is not low, especially my brother, who is rich. Find more aunts. If you feel that the aunts are not at ease, you can ask my brother to go to Caiwei Mountain to discuss with him, and let him start from Caiwei Mountain. Borrow a few aunts, the aunts in Caiwei Mountain are different from the ones you find outside."

Fang Ruoyu nodded vigorously, "Well, I know, he told me that before. Xiao Ran, thank you, you have been helping me from the beginning to the end."

"I have today with Yan Shaozhuang, and I think it's all thanks to you. I kept telling him that without Xiaoran, there would be no me and him now."

He Xiaoran smiled and said: "There is no need to say such polite words, who made us a big family."

Fang Ruoyu nodded happily, "Well, when the two of them can talk, I will be the first to teach them to call them aunt. If there is no big aunt, there will be no happy life for our family of four!"

After He Xiaoran left Fang Ruoyu's house, he went directly to Xiao Juan and Nan Zhao's house.

Xiaojuan didn't go to work recently because of her pregnancy. Xiaojuan's parents were picked up by Nanzhao. The old couple had nothing to do at home and took care of Xiaojuan. The aunt at home cooked delicious food, and the family of three liked it very much.

Seeing He Xiaoran coming, Xiaojuan and Xiaojuan's parents rushed out to welcome him, "Oh, isn't this Xiaoran? Why do you have time to come today, please come in quickly."

He Xiaoran entered the door with a smile on his face, "Xiao Juan, I came here to discuss something with you. My car has no place to park recently, so I park it in your garage for a while, and someone will come and drive away later. Once no one drives away, you keep driving."

Xiao Juan looked at her and said, "Miss He, are you being polite to me? You can stop as much as you want!"

He Xiaoran smiled and said, "Thank you then!"

She parked the car in the parking space and handed the key to Xiao Juaner, "Let me keep it for you."

Xiao Juaner didn't think too much, didn't ask too much, and nodded without hesitation.

He Xiaoran said a few words to the baby in Xiaojuan's belly, wishing him a healthy growth and growing up quickly, and then left.

Before leaving, He Xiaoran dragged out a travel bag from the trunk, carried it on his back, and left without looking back.

In the evening, when Nan Zhao came home from get off work, he suddenly saw a Maserati key in the key box at the entrance.

"Xiao Juaner, who drove the Maserati in the garage? Why do I look like He Xiaoran?"

"It's He Xiaoran's. She came over today and said that there is no place to park that car. Let it be parked in our garage for a while. She also said that someone might come and drive it away after a while."

Nan Zhao was stunned for a moment, "There is no place to park her Maserati in such a big open space as Caiwei Mountain? What the hell?"

Xiao Juan didn't raise her head, she was knitting a sweater, "I don't know, Miss He wants to stop, of course I let her stop."

Nan Zhao was a little puzzled, "What the hell is He Xiaoran doing?"

At this time, Xiao Juan's father said, "I think that girl looks like she is going to go away."

Nan Zhao asked, "Dad, what do you mean by that? How do you know she's going away?"

Dad Xiaojuan explained: "I went out to throw away the trash, and I happened to see that girl was carrying a big travel bag, she looked like she was going on a trip."

"She still doesn't drive with such a big bag on her back, so it's probably still a long journey."

Nan Zhao froze in place, feeling that something was wrong, He Xiaoran went on a long-distance trip alone, it was impossible, absolutely impossible!

He Xiaoran has a son, a man, two younger sisters, and a red King with a big belly. How could she travel alone at this time?

Nan Zhao took out his phone and dialed He Xiaoran's mobile phone, and He Xiaoran turned it off.

Nan Zhao immediately dialed Zhou Chenyuan's number again. On the way home from get off work, Zhou Chenyuan frowned and said, "She drove the car to your side? Did someone leave with a travel bag?"

(End of this chapter)

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