Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 914 He is unwilling to be trapped by the court for a lifetime!

Chapter 914 He is unwilling to be trapped by the court for a lifetime!

He Xiaoran glanced at him, "Your Majesty, regarding the matter of the Red King, I think you should consider your position and her position from a more realistic perspective."

The little king asked, "What's wrong with my position with the red king?"

He Xiaoran replied: "You can't ask a commoner woman to compete with your noble mother. The Red King is just an ordinary person. Without your permission, she can't even get close to you."

"Your Majesty, your entanglement is actually a kind of harm to the Red King, which is very unfair to her. Because what she has to bear is a huge pressure far beyond her own ability."

The little king pursed his lips tightly, staring at her without speaking.

"Your Majesty, to put it a bit harshly, even you, as the king of a country, can't control your future married life, how can you ask her to do something?"

"I'm not a pessimist, but regarding this matter, I advise His Majesty to return to your peaceful life, and let the Red King resume her life as soon as possible."

"The two of you shouldn't have met in the first place, but you just met by accident. It's time to part ways."

The little king's face was livid and ugly.

Because he knew that He Xiaoran was trying to persuade him to break up with Hong King.

But why? !

"Men and women in this world always meet, but not every encounter can go to the end."

"For Your Majesty, you are so young, there will be a lot of outstanding women around you who will become your princess candidates, but the Red King will definitely not be one of them."

The little king was still staring at her, and He Xiaoran continued: "We have heard too many stories about ancient emperors visiting privately in disguise and often finding pretty peasant girls.

"For the emperor, spending a night with a commoner woman, he enjoyed the novelty and tasted the fragrance of porridge and side dishes, but for this woman, his whole life was ruined."

"No man dares to marry a woman who has been contaminated by the emperor, but how many emperor women are there? Once you return to the palace and face three thousand beauties, how can you remember a commoner woman who is waiting so hard?"

"A woman who was favored by him because of his whim, but she wants to guard her body like a jade for him, and die alone forever."

The little king frowned tightly, moved his lips, but still didn't speak.

"I believe that His Majesty the King is not the ruthless emperor of ancient times. In modern society, it is extremely rare for a prince to meet Cinderella. From a certain point of view, I hope that His Majesty the King and the Red King are all well."

"What's more, the Red King is older than His Majesty, she still looks good now, and her gorgeous beauty will definitely attract His Majesty's attention."

"But she will eventually grow old. In a place like the court, the fate of a forgotten princess is far more miserable than in the folk."

"I think His Majesty, who grew up in the court since he was a child, should know this result better than anyone else."

He Xiaoran looked at the little king sympathetically, "Your Majesty, please think about it from the perspective of the Red King, and stop pestering her."

"I think Red King won't answer your calls or reply to your messages. Her attitude is already very clear."

"Perhaps she was willing to have that relationship with you out of boredom and fun at first, but now she already knows what she should do, and you should know what you should do, Your Majesty the King."

The little king stood there silently, with a gloomy expression on his face.

He Xiaoran said so much, and he also understood what He Xiaoran wanted to express.

For Red King, He Miao and the others, many things cannot be accomplished without He Xiaoran's support.

Because this person is the soul of their existence.

Red King really stopped answering his calls and text messages, as if he had completely forgotten about him.

I understand the truth, but the little king is still full of anger, why?
Why are they deciding everything?

From childhood to adulthood, everything is decided by others, from family and country affairs, to his three meals a day, and even the time to go to the toilet, are recorded every day.

What freedom does he have?What privacy?What's the point of him being alive?
He can't even be rebellious, because he is the king, His Majesty the king who is held up by the people of T country.

He knew that what He Xiaoran said made sense, but he just couldn't be reconciled!
He dared not tell anyone how much he envied Arya.

I envy Arya for having such a considerate older sister who thinks of her wholeheartedly.

I envy Arya for having a partner she likes, with whom she can love each other.

I also envy Arya who can live freely in this world and is loved by many people...

What about him?

On the surface, he is envied by others, but in fact, he is a caged bird, a caged bird locked in a cage!
He was angry, he resented, he was unwilling to be trapped by the court for a lifetime!

He must obey his mother's will in everything, and put the country first in everything. He is tired, he is crazy, and he wants to escape!

The expression on the little king's face was uncertain, as if he was thinking about something quickly.

He Xiaoran spoke again: "Your Majesty, but please don't resent the Red King. If she could do something for Your Majesty, maybe she would have already done it, but she doesn't have that much energy."

In the little king's silence, Mrs. Shimila came back.

"What are your Majesty and Miss He talking about? It seems that the conversation is in full swing."

He Xiaoran smiled, "Your Majesty is concerned about the friends around me, and is asking about their recent situation. After all, I haven't seen you for such a long time, and the people around me always change."

Mrs. Shimila asked: "I'm also curious about the changes that have taken place in the children around Miss He. The young man in Nanzhao is calm and honest. How is he doing recently?"

"It's rare that Madam still remembers Nan Zhao. He's very good. He's married to a beautiful and lovely girl. He's going to be a father soon."

Mrs. Shimila was a little surprised, "Really? That's really good. When will you be?"

"When she puts the emphasis on her studies, she intends to continue her studies. Moreover, there is a very good school exchange quota. I hope she can get rid of it."

Mrs. Shimila smiled, looked at the little king as if, and asked again: "Is that Miss Red King happy?"

He Xiaoran knew that Mrs. Shimila's questioning of other people was just foreshadowing, and what she wanted to ask most was the Red King.

Because Mrs. Shimila has already sensitively noticed the difference between the little king and the red king.

She smiled and said, "King Hong doesn't have too many hobbies. Apart from reading novels, she just wants to make money. Her life is simple and single. Earning money is what she is happiest about."

Mrs. Shimila smiled, "Red King is not young, is he? It's time to start a family."

"Red King is a very unattractive person, so her life's major events must be checked by me personally, otherwise, I don't worry about it."

Mrs. Shimila smiled and said, "It's really reassuring to have Miss He here."

He Xiaoran looked at the little king, "Red King learned that I came to country T, and asked me to say hello to His Majesty the King and his wife on her behalf."

The little king lowered his eyes and did not move.

Mrs. Shimila glanced at him and said with a smile, "Then thank the Red King for thinking about it."

 There is no way for the computer to see the message, and there is no way to reply, Sang Xin~~~ There will be more next week, and this week will be like this
(End of this chapter)

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