Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 919 Glazed Island Shouldn't Exist

Chapter 919 Glazed Island Shouldn't Exist

Seeing He Xiaoran walking towards the direction of the mound, Huang Jintong couldn't help asking curiously: "He Xiaoran, where are you going?"

He Xiaoran stretched out his hand and pointed, "Go and have a look at that area."

Huang Jintong was stunned for a moment, she could lift her heels up, "He Xiaoran, you don't think..."

He Xiaoran said without looking back, "I just went to have a look, I didn't think anything."

Huang Jintong frowned, looking at He Xiaoran's back, inexplicably seeing a little panic.

Don't blame her for panic, after all these years have passed, who knows what happened in the middle?
Jin Tong quickly caught up with He Xiaoran, "He Xiaoran, didn't you just swear that nothing will happen?"

He Xiaoran nodded again, "Well, I don't think anything will happen now."

Jin Tong said: "But your expression now doesn't look like an expression that you think nothing will happen."

He Xiaoran stood still and looked back at her, "I really believe that she will be fine, and I also believe that she has the ability to protect herself, but..."

Huang Jintong didn't speak this time, He Xiaoran walked ahead, and she followed silently.

In fact, her emotions towards He Xiaoran are very strange, and she has not had much contact with He Xiaoran.

This contact is also the longest since they knew each other.

She and He Xiaoran are not as familiar as Hong King, and they don't have the so-called deep relationship between each other, let alone any mutual affection.

If you have to break it hard, it may be the letter He Xiaoran delivered when he left the orphanage that year, which saved other children in the orphanage.

Let's count it as a kindness!

But Huang Jintong is envious of the relationship between He Xiaoran and her sisters and sisters.

Because until today, Huang Jintong is alone, but He Xiaoran gathers all kinds of people he met through strange ways.

She looked at He Xiaoran's back and thought for a while, if it was her, would she continue to abide by the agreement made more than ten years ago?
Especially under the premise that she is now living a safe and peaceful life without worrying about food and clothing, will she come back?
Huang Jintong felt that if she changed herself, she would definitely not be like He Xiaoran, who would return to the original place after more than ten years.

For an illusory promise, he returned to a dangerous place like Liuli Island to redeem a sister who hadn't seen him for more than ten years.

The point is that this sister is alive or dead, and now she doesn't know anything.

"He Xiaoran, from the moment you set foot in country T, I knew you were better than me."

He Xiaoran glanced at Huang Jintong in surprise, "Suddenly what nonsense are you talking about? No one is better than anyone else, everyone is trying to live out themselves, that's all."

"Who is better than whom? No one is better than anyone else. Living well is our ultimate goal, and today, you and I have achieved it."

Huang Jintong put his bag on his back, and quickly followed He Xiaoran, "Forget it, for the sake of 200 million, I will accompany you."

While walking, Huang Jintong said, "Red King said she has 200 million. In fact, I don't believe that Red King has so much money."

He Xiaoran was stunned, so she also knew that the Red King might not have the money?Then she still dares to take this business?
"However, it's rare that I was on the same front and formed an alliance with her in the orphanage. Now I see that she is living well, and I am also very happy."

"She's actually pretty crazy. If it wasn't for special circumstances, she probably wouldn't beg me, let alone not come by herself."

He Xiaoran couldn't help but said: "Although you didn't have much contact at the beginning, but from what you said, I think you care about Red King."

Jin Jintong didn't speak, just walked quickly.

The two walked for a full half an hour, and then they saw a large and small tomb with high and low.

Some graves are just mounds, some are just a random board with a code or name written on it, and some are buried so shallow that the bones are dragged out by wild dogs.

He Xiaoran looked at the desolation in his eyes, and for a moment, some sadness came to his heart.

Are the parents, brothers and sisters of these people still looking for them?

But in the end, even death is so obscure.

A place like Liuli Island shouldn't exist at all.

Does the royal family know about the existence of such a place?

Do the people know?
Or does everyone know but everyone pretends not to?

In other words, someone cheated from it and profited from it?
(End of this chapter)

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