Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 928 Do You Think He Looks Like The One On TV?

Chapter 928 Do You Think He Looks Like The One On TV?
Jin Tong stared and asked: "Why can't we live if he dies? What does it have to do with me? He died, but I'm still alive. I will never feel any guilt!"

I don't know him, a little kid, or a little kid with a little bit of secondary illness, what does it have to do with me?

Jin Tong feels that he has a clear conscience.

He Xiaoran feels that his brain hurts, why are he so stupid?
Sure enough, he is a person who only hangs around in the underground boxing ring. He doesn't know the slightest bit of sophistication. Apart from fighting and killing, he has no other concepts.

She never thought about the identity of the other party?
He Xiaoran glanced at the map in her hand, and asked her: "Have you never thought about why this map is in his hand?"

Jin Tong paused, "Why? Didn't he steal it?"

He Xiaoran said: "Now you suspect that he can't protect himself anymore. Do you think he has the ability to steal things? Moreover, it is still a restricted area of ​​national security. How can he steal this map?"

Huang Jintong was stunned in place, and after a long while, she stretched out her hand and slapped her hand, "I see, someone inside him will take care of him! Could it be that that kid is a gangster at such a young age?"

He Xiaoran slapped his forehead, "Of course not!"

Huang Jintong felt that his guess was all right, so why not?

If he wasn't someone inside, how could he get the things?

He Xiaoran sighed and said, "You never thought about it, maybe someone offered it to him?"

"Who will give it to him? Don't want to live? Don't want to die?"

He Xiaoran sighed helplessly, pulled her hair, made Huang Jintong bow his head, then leaned into Huang Jintong's ear, and whispered, "Do you know that the king of country T is a young man?"

Jin Jintong glanced at her, "Who doesn't know, what's the matter?"

"Have you seen his picture?"

"I haven't seen the photo, but I saw it on TV..." Huang Jintong looked at He Xiaoran suspiciously.

He Xiaoran couldn't bear it any longer, pointed to the little king who was waiting in the field, and asked, "Then, do you think he looks fair and handsome, like the noble man you saw on TV?" ?”

As soon as he said this, Huang Jintong took a deep breath, "I'll wipe—"

She looked at He Xiaoran in shock, "You lied to me, right? You lied to me just to let me protect him, right?"

"Isn't that one in the palace? There are guards around him, and there are a lot of beauties in the harem waiting to be favored. How could he appear here?"

He Xiaoran said: "The Arya he is talking about is Princess Arya who was just recovered by the court in the past two years, that is, my sister He Miao."

Jin Tong was about to suffocate, "He, how could he run away from home? With so many guards staring at him, how could he have the opportunity to run away from home alone?"

He Xiaoran said: "Now believe it?"

"So, an ignorant, rebellious teenager who ran away from home and suffered from the second illness in middle school needs someone to protect him."

Huang Jintong's soles of his feet fluttered as he walked, feeling that there was a mountain on his body.

She stared at the little king happily touching the gun not far away, her mind was in chaos.

No wonder, it's no wonder that when she saw this kid for the first time, she felt a little familiar with him.

It's just that the clothes he wears, the way he dresses up, and the way he speaks are completely different from the majestic, young and stable little king he saw on TV.

How could Jintong think that the person who appeared on the TV would suddenly stand in front of her and quarrel with her?

She didn't think about that at all!

Now after being reminded by He Xiaoran, Huang Jintong realized that this kid's face, figure, walking posture, and voice were exactly the same as the one she saw on TV!
He Xiaoran raised his chin, "If he lives, we can live. If he dies, neither of us can live! So!"

Jin Jintong looked at her blankly, "So?"

"You have to protect him like you protect yourself."

"Then, what if I can't protect him? I just don't have enough ability, and I just can't save him?"

"Then we shall die together."

Golden pupil's eyeballs almost popped out.

He Xiaoran smiled and said: "Just kidding, you are walking on a small road. The only people you can meet are those who specialize in burying corpses. Most of the people who can take on this role are young people. You should It can be dealt with."

"But the most important thing is to be vigilant. He has no social experience. This may be the first and last time in his life to go out alone."

"The problem is that when others open the door, they encounter mounds, and when they open the door, they encounter mountains. Without your help, he can't live long. He is very smart, but he acts completely by intuition, so I can only entrust him to you. "

Jin Tong was nervous, "I..."

"You can definitely do it. Red King can trust you enough to ask you to help me. In Red King's heart, it must be because your ability is far stronger than hers, otherwise she wouldn't come to you."

Golden pupil: "..."

"Before meeting me on Liuli Island, play it by ear. Remember that you are here to help me, not to travel. Surveying the terrain and other tasks are part-time jobs. Once you arrive at the administrative core area of ​​Liuli Island, you must go dormant without any news from me." stand up."

"If you want to take the risk to find me, you must first settle him in a safe place, otherwise you must stay with her."

"I'm his bodyguard? That, that will cost extra."

He Xiaoran laughed, "Hire you extra."

Jin Tong didn't speak.

He Xiaoran said: "If I die, take him back immediately, don't stop for a step, and report to the court truthfully how much information you have."

"If I am alive and need help, you must come to save me. This is why the Red King is looking for you."

Huang Jintong stared at her and nodded half-way: "Okay!"

Huang Jintong turned around and walked towards Yedi.

Seeing that she was staring at him, the little king said angrily, "What are you looking at?"

This time, Jin Tong didn't respond, but gave him a strange look.

No wonder He Xiaoran had repeatedly reminded her to be more polite to him before, and told her that if she wanted to continue living and working in T country in the future, she must be polite to this boy.

At that time, Huang Jintong was still wondering why he should be polite to him?

Who does he think he is?

Now that I think about it, He Xiaoran is completely helping her!

Huang Jintong walked over with one foot deep and one foot shallow. This was the first time she had seen such a high-status person, as if she was no different from ordinary people.

Before that, all she came into contact with were the punks at the bottom of the underground boxing ring, who uttered a lot of dirty words every day, except punching for money.

And as a woman, she has to learn to automatically ignore the colorful words between those people.

Anyway, the people she can get in touch with are completely different from the kid in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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