Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 932 Zora, are you here?

Chapter 932 Zora, are you back?
For a long time, Liuli Island has been engaged in the work of collecting money through crime.

They have sufficient funds and have close ties with dark organizations in various countries.

They have already received the support of international criminal organizations. Due to various reasons, Liuli Island has survived to this day.

Such a place, if not removed, is really troublesome.

As soon as the jeep stopped, countless people armed with guns immediately surrounded the car and the people in the car.

Sitting in the car, He Xiaoran slowly raised his hand, "Don't be nervous, I'll give you the weapons, you take me to see your news, I'm here to discuss a deal."

"It's not good for you to kill me. I brought money, but this money can never be obtained by you so easily."

At this moment, the leader's phone rang suddenly, and he picked it up to answer.

Somebody on the phone said something to him, and the leader immediately asked the people around him to put away their guns.

The leader tilted his head as a signal, and asked someone to come over and collect He Xiaoran's body.

He Xiaoran stared into the searcher's eyes, "Lin Xiaoxian should have warned you, I'm very cunning, right? Watch your claws, don't touch where you shouldn't!"

The body searcher looked back at the leader, the leader nodded, and the body guard was very cautious.That hand really didn't dare to touch it.

After confirming that she had no weapons, the leader took He Xiaoran into the building.

As He Xiaoran walked, he quickly looked at the surrounding environment.

This is her habit, and she will remember the surrounding environment in the shortest time, so that in case something happens, she can find the way to escape immediately.

"Lin Xiaoxian wouldn't live in this kind of place, would he?"

"Aren't you here to make a deal? Since you are here to make a deal, there will naturally be someone who will negotiate with you, not necessarily Mr. Lin."

He Xiaoran thought it made sense, "It's true."

She started to find something to say when she had nothing to say, "I almost entered Liuli Island back then."

The leader curled his lower lip and dismissed it.

Those who entered Liuli Island didn't have a bad opinion.

Which one was not carefully selected and entered Liuli Island after all kinds of cruel training?
The training in Liuli Island is far more intensive than the basic training.

"There were thirteen in the batch I entered at the beginning, and I don't know how many can be in the batch now."

The leader still ignored her, walked through the long corridor, and finally saw a brighter place.

The white walls are holy like a place where angels descend.

Compared with the direction on the other side of the corridor just now, this place looks more like a place where people live, while the place just now looks more like a military base.

It seems that they also separate the residence and the training ground.

He Xiaoran was brought into an empty hall, and the leader said: "You wait here."

After the leader finished speaking, he went back the way he came, and closed the door separating him from this place.

He Xiaoran stood where she was, and then she quickly found the cameras hidden in every corner of the hall.

She walked under a camera, looked up at the top of the line, and stared straight at the camera, as if she could see the person behind through the camera!
Just as he was leaving, a girl's light laughter came from behind.

He Xiaoran went looking for the sound.

She walked across the hall and reached out to push open the back door of the hall.

There is a hole in the sky outside the door, which is another extremely luxurious building.

There is a vast garden between the building and the hall. A blond woman in a long white dress sits weakly and gracefully among the flowers, holding a book and reading.

Surrounded by a few young girls, others are surrounded by a woman who is studying, with longing looks on her face.

He Xiaoran's eyes quickly swept across the people visible to the naked eye, and his eyes fell on the blonde woman.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

One of the girls soon found out, and He Xiaoran asked immediately.

The woman who was studying looked up and saw He Xiaoran standing there. When his eyes fell on He Xiaoran's face, he immediately showed a frightened expression: "Zora!"

He Xiaoran's heart instantly sank to the bottom.

The woman knew her sister.

She didn't know if her sister had a name after she entered Liuli Island, but the woman clearly knew her face.

This means that my sister must have appeared in front of this woman, and she has also impressed her deeply.

Otherwise, she wouldn't blurt out the name Zora after seeing herself.

The woman put down the book suddenly, ran towards her, then threw herself into her arms, hugged her and said, "Zora, are you back?"

The woman choked up and said, "I thought I'd never see you again!"

He Xiaoran's eyes were gloomy and cold, he stood there without moving, the woman hugged her tightly, "Zora Zhuola!"

"They told me you couldn't come back, they told me you had an accident while on a mission...I..."

The woman's voice was very weak, and she seemed a little weak, and the movement of her running over just now almost exhausted all her strength.

After she threw herself into He Xiaoran's arms, she slid down softly.

He Xiaoran still didn't move, the woman's arm gradually softened.

And those girls have already rushed over, "Miss Satya!"

There is a pleasant fragrance on the woman's body, which is strong and somewhat pungent.

Before He Xiaoran could react, the scent poured into her nasal cavity, and her body softened slowly in the next second.

"Miss Satya, are you all right! Zora is back? What happened to her?"

The woman had already stood up from the ground, she took a step back, looked at He Xiaoran who was lying on the ground, frowned and said, "She's not Zora!"

"But she is obviously Zora, she has exactly the same face as Zora, she is Zora!"

But the woman insisted: "She is not, Zora is my best friend, she will not be so indifferent to me! She has exactly the same face as Zora, maybe she knows Zora's whereabouts!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Xiaoxian had brought someone to appear in the garden.

"Satya!" Lin Xiaoxian rushed over and grabbed the woman's hand, "Are you okay? Did she hurt you?"

Satya shook her head, "I'm fine, she hasn't hurt me yet!"

Lin Xiaoxian said guiltily: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry Satya, I didn't tell you in advance because I wanted to capture her alive."

"If I told you in advance, I was worried that your emotions would reveal information to him and make him wary of you, so I didn't tell you on purpose."

"This woman is full of tricks, this is the only way I can think of to capture her alive with the least cost!"

Satya asked: "Who is she? Why does she look exactly like Zora? Why has there been no news from Zora? Where did she go?"

Lin Xiaoxian replied: "I'll tell you after I get rid of this woman!"

 Sorry, the scumbag is purely lazy. Once the update is stopped for a day, the update will be interrupted by inertia.Big scumbag try to be as small as possible~~~
(End of this chapter)

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