Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 948 Weapons of Liuli Island

Chapter 948 Weapons of Liuli Island
Thinking of He Xiaoran's many tricks, Zhou Chenyuan slightly raised the corners of his mouth. She must be hiding somewhere, waiting for him to rescue her.

Not only that, she also caused a certain amount of pressure on this ghost place, which is why Liuli Island became so tense.

This is Liuli Island, a place that specializes in cultivating top killers. Now it is mobilizing people and on high alert. Seeing He Xiaoran, Liuli Island is nothing more than that!

Zhou Chenyuan put his hands behind his back and snorted softly, "It's best that she's safe and sound. If he dares to make any troubles, then it's up to me to deal with her!"

Huang Jintong glanced at Zhou Chenyuan, not knowing what to say for a while.

This man obviously looked worried, and none of the words he said was pleasant.

If He Xiaoran heard this, would he dump this man?

He Miao jumped up and down beside him, "Look for sister, look for sister, look for sister!"

Zhou Chenyuan glanced at her, "He Miao, please be quiet, we are discussing how to find my sister, don't hurt her or make trouble for her, and can help her."

He Miao was still circling, "Look for sister, look for sister, look for sister!"

It seemed that no one could control her.

Zhou Chenyuan glanced at Huang Jintong, and then asked Nan Zhao, "How much do you know about Liuli Island?"

As a result, the two said in unison: "We have never entered Liuli Island at all, so what are we talking about?"

At this time, the little king felt that his chance to perform had come, and hurriedly sent the map to Zhou Chenyuan as if offering a treasure.

"Brother-in-law, although I don't know much about Liuli Island, I have a map of Liuli Island!"

He unfolded the map and showed it to Zhou Chenyuan, "This is a high-definition satellite map taken by the court of Country T when it was analyzing the location of Liuli Island."

"If there is an electronic file, you can actually zoom in to many small details, but unfortunately there is no electronic file. The few places that can be confirmed here are the large administrative areas and their arsenal!"

"When I was stealing the map, I saw it on the electronic screen. The arsenal is heavily guarded, and it is not so easy to get in."

"By the way, this place is a children's nursery, just behind the armory. They should also be arranged there as a kind of weapon."

Zhou Chenyuan frowned, "Why does Liuli Island have a child care center? Raise children?"

The little king shook his head, expressing that he did not know why.

At this time, the man Nan Zhao had been holding in his hand opened his dry mouth and said, "I, I know why there, give me a sip of water..."

He hadn't drank water all day and night, and the other party used water to control him!
Nan Zhao turned on the water and poured a mouthful of water into his mouth.

The man swallowed the water greedily, gasped and said, "That place is indeed a children's training center. The children in it will be divided into different areas according to their ages, and they will be educated by professionals."

Zhou Chenyuan asked: "Where do the children come from?"

The man said: "Those children...are from all over the world...the seedlings who have been eliminated and carefully selected. Being able to enter Liuli Island shows that they are the best candidates, and they are the next generation to be cultivated..."

"The purpose of the training?" Zhou Chenyuan asked.

"Educate these children from an early age, let them know the whole world...Only Liuli Island is their ultimate belonging."

"They must obey Liuli Island's orders and work for Liuli Island, otherwise they will be regarded as traitors..."

Zhou Chenyuan's face changed, "That is to say, those children who were selected and entered Liuli Island have been brainwashed since childhood to make them obey Liuli Island and become Liuli Island's weapons, right?"

The man nodded, "Yes! Water, give me some more water!"

Nan Zhao fed the man and drank two sips of water before putting away the bottle.

Zhou Chenyuan stared at him, and the man looked up at him, "I'm not lying, I'm telling the truth..."

Zhou Chenyuan smiled contemptuously, "You are also a person who was trained on Liuli Island, that is to say, you have been brainwashed since childhood and obeyed Liuli Island's orders. In other words, every word you say may lie to us."

The man shook his head: "I'm not going to lie."

Zhou Chenyuan asked coldly: "If we want to enter the arsenal, what do we need to do?"

The man said: "On the entire island, the most heavily guarded areas are the administrative area and the weapon depot."

"However, Liuli Island has existed for many years, and there has never been a record of outside invasion. Therefore, in fact, this kind of strict security is relatively strict."

Zhou Chenyuan said, "Say it clearly."

The man said: "There are many people, but it doesn't mean that it is strict. The security that has been relaxed for more than ten years cannot be tightened overnight. The people on the island have a kind of reliance, and they feel that no one can break Liuli Island's impenetrable security."

"Actually, Liuli Island has no way to improve its combat effectiveness in a short period of time. Moreover, there are only a small number of people on the island who actually possess lethal weapons. Because the chief executive is worried that the abuse of weapons will pose a threat to those in power..."

Zhou Chenyuan understood immediately, "You mean, the guards on Liuli Island don't actually have much actual combat experience?"

"Yes. The people who stayed on the island did receive training at the beginning, but the long-term slack caused them to be unskilled in using weapons. It's more about personal skill training."

Jin Ji glanced at Zhou Chenyuan, "It means that the number of guards on Liuli Island has not decreased, but their vigilance has been relaxed, so it is relative to say that the island is heavily guarded."

Zhou Chenyuan nodded, then glanced at the man again, "Where is the armory?"

The man replied: "The armory has the largest number of guards, and they all hold firearms. This is the core of Liuli Island."

"The reason why Liuli Island has been safe and sound for many years is because they have enough advanced weapons, which makes them able to prosper for a long time."

The little king frowned and interrupted, "Brother-in-law, this man belongs to Liuli Island, I don't think you should trust him."

The man looked back at the little king and said: "I am a person who has performed a mission, and I am 38 years old this year, and I will lose my value in two years."

"If within two years, I am not injured, I may become an orderly of Liuli Island. If within two years, I am seriously injured or amputated during the mission, my fate will be miserable!"

"I grew up on Liuli Island. Like those children, I was taught to work for Liuli Island. If I hadn't been exposed to the outside world, I would have no doubts about Liuli Island."

"However, in the more than 20 years I have been on the mission, I have already known how real people should live."

"I know that I will become an abandoned child anytime and anywhere in Liuli Island, but as a normal human being outside, I can live until the day I die."

(End of this chapter)

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