Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 957 Mom, is he a bad guy?

Chapter 957 Mom, is he a bad guy?

Military jeeps were rampaging through the base, making a lot of noise.
Using all four limbs, Zhou Huohuo tightly hugged He Xiaoran's neck, "Mom, you've disturbed a lot of people!"

Of course He Xiaoran knew that the commotion was too loud and it was inconvenient to leave, but he wanted to give Xiao a chance and give him a chance to see the child.

So He Xiaoran deliberately made such a big noise, just to let Xiao see the child.

The jeep drove fast, not directly towards the exit in He Xiaoran's memory, but towards the administrative district.

She must take the child with her.

He Xiaoran dare not say what the future holds, but before she is sure that Liuli Island will be banned, she is willing to let Xiao Neng see his and his sister's children.

At the same time, the image of his father was left in Huo Huo's memory.

Lin Xiaoxian walked towards this direction with a large group of people, and saw a jeep speeding towards them head-on.

Lin Xiaoxian immediately shouted loudly: "Stop her!"

Xiao followed Lin Xiaoxian, he thought he only saw He Xiaoran.

It wasn't until something moved in front of He Xiaoran that Xiao realized that He Xiaoran was holding a little girl with pigtails in front of him.

Xiao's pupils dilated instantly, and she found Huohuo!
Xiao only felt that his whole body was trembling and shivering.

She really found the baby!

At this moment, Xiao was also sure why He Xiaoran didn't take the child away directly, because she wanted to see the child for herself!
The jeep rushed towards Xiao, and the people around him shouted at Xiao hoarsely: "Get out of the way!"

Xiao took a step back, avoiding the jeep.

Then when the jeep rushed over, a hand suddenly stretched out from the car, grabbed Xiao's skirt, and dragged Xiao directly into the jeep.

Lin Xiaoxian became anxious when he saw it, "Stop that car quickly!"

Of course he wasn't worried about Xiao, he wished that the kid would die in the hands of He Xiaoran.

What he was worried about was that if Satya knew that something happened to Xiao, he would definitely not be able to bear the blow.

Satya's heart is getting weaker and she needs a new heart urgently.

He Xiaoran's heart is the most suitable for Satya among all people, which is one of the reasons why Lin Xiaoxian had to agree when Xiao asked not to hurt He Xiaoran.

If He Xiaoran's heart can be successfully replaced, it means that the success rate of Satya's operation this time is much higher than that of the first operation.

It can even be more than 90.00% confirmed that Satya will not experience any rejection after the operation!
Xiao is the person who knows Satya's condition best. If something happens to him, it means that the person who operated on Satya has to replace someone else.

Then it will be another bigger trouble!

"Be sure to rescue Xiao, at all costs!" Lin Xiaoxian issued the final order.

Nothing can happen to Xiao, if something happens to Xiao, what will Satya do?
On the jeep, the speed didn't stop for a moment, He Xiaoran leaned forward, holding the steering wheel with one hand, and firmly protecting Zhou Huohuo's little head in his arms with the other.

Xiao stood between He Xiaoran and the seat in an extremely awkward posture.

Zhou Huohuo was very angry, and poked Xiao hard with his small hand, "Go away! Go away! Go away! You are going to crush your mother!"

Xiao was flustered and crawled to the co-pilot position.

Zhou Huohuo held He Xiaoran's neck tightly, tilted his head, and stared at Xiao with vigilant eyes, "Mom, is he a bad person?"

He Xiaoran glanced at Xiao, and said to Zhou Huohuo: "Mom doesn't know if he is a bad person, but mother knows that he should not hurt you."

 Fight for the flag that cannot be defeated. Starting from tomorrow, it will be updated normally, and strive for continuous updates. Girls, please supervise, hula~~~
  PS: The big scumbag doesn’t have Calvin, it’s just that the weather is hot and lazy, the hottest time is 37 degrees, the air conditioner is on and the headache is blown, and the air conditioner is not turned on, the heat is dizzy, life is impossible!
(End of this chapter)

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