Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 961 The boy's walking posture is very similar to that of Nan Zhao.

Chapter 961 The boy's walking posture is very similar to that of Nan Zhao.

He Xiaoran was also worried that Huang Jintong and the little king would be discovered by the people at the base, and they would be in trouble.

The point is that she still doesn't know if there was any accident on the way between the two of them, and Huang Jintong was injured.

He Xiaoran was quite worried about Huang Jintong's current physical condition, because after the two parties separated, He Xiaoran discovered that there was no anti-inflammatory drug left for Huang Jintong.

He Xiaoran walked quickly while observing the surrounding environment.

Just now she left the snake repellent powder to Xiao, and asked Xiao to tie it on her leg to drive away poisonous snakes, poisonous insects and other creatures.

He Xiaoran kept approaching the core of the base and returned to the previous place. Then she squatted on a tree and observed the surrounding environment.

Three people came from a distance, wearing Liuli Island's uniform costumes, and they were marching from a distance to the arsenal.

They were stopped by someone halfway, but the person who stopped them quickly retreated to the side, and the three continued to move forward.

He Xiaoran stared at one of them, no matter how he looked at him, he felt that the walking posture of that person was very familiar.

She thought about it, and suddenly remembered, oh, remembered!

The kid's walking posture is very similar to that of Nan Zhao.

As for the other person, although He Xiaoran didn't feel very familiar, there was always a feeling of déjà vu, she must have seen it somewhere.

What the hell?Why did she find someone walking in the same posture as someone she knew when she arrived on Liuli Island?
Could it be that there really are parallel time and space?

Just as she was curious, she saw the three of them walking towards the door of the armory with rather neat steps.

The leader took out an order to count the number of various weapons in the arsenal, and quickly spread it out in front of the gatekeeper.

"According to the order of the superior, we will start to count the weapon depot today, and prepare all the reports on the in and out of the depot in the past three months."

"Afterwards, a team of 20 people will come to check and open the arsenal!"

Before the leader had time to see clearly, the other party had already put away the order.

The opponent is obviously quite high-ranking, at least for those who keep the treasury, he is very familiar with the opponent's pattern.

Therefore, even after that person quickly put away the order, the other party obediently opened the door to the arsenal.

After the three people walked in, the leader glanced back, "Close the door first, and the arsenal will not allow you to receive new weapons until the inventory is completed."

"If anyone has an opinion, let him come to me directly!"

The guardian immediately gave a very standard military salute, "Yes!"

The moment before the door of the armory was closed, He Xiaoran saw one of them suddenly reach out and take off the hat on his head, revealing a very familiar face: Nan Zhao!

He Xiaoran: "I'll wipe it!"

Not far away, a soldier seemed to have heard it, and immediately raised his gun vigilantly, "Who?"

He Xiaoran wanted to slap himself twice, why was he so careless?
Fortunately, there are many trees in the surrounding jungle, and small animals often pass by. After this sound, there are rustling sounds in other places, and the opponent judges that it is a small animal, so he puts down his weapon.

He Xiaoran secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and was very shocked. Why did Nan Zhao appear here?

If Nan Zhao appears here, then the other person must know Nan Zhao, otherwise, two of the three people don't know Nan Zhao, and Nan Zhao can't get in.

So among those three people, at least two are in the same group, and the other person is likely to be their hostage!

(End of this chapter)

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