Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 965 The best time for revenge

Chapter 965 The best time for revenge

When He Miao heard that making her wear smelly clothes was a disguise, she couldn't help but grabbed the hat and pressed it down curiously, "Really?"

He Xiaoran nodded, "Really, no one will recognize Miao Miao when she wears this. Then Miao Miao will be able to walk around swaggeringly."

He Xiaoran threw He Miao's big helmet to the little king, and said to him: "This helmet is worth several million, so be sure to keep it safe!"

The little king's eyes almost popped out, "Isn't this a motorcycle helmet? Why is it so expensive? What's the difference between this and a normal helmet? You didn't fool me, did you?"

He Xiaoran glanced at him and said: "The special features of this helmet, especially the glass of the helmet, are specially used to protect He Miao's eyes. The research and development cost was several hundred million, and we still took advantage of others."

The little king fiddled with the big helmet in his hand, but couldn't see anything.

But it's worth millions, isn't that a little exaggerated?

Huang Jintong couldn't help reaching out to take the helmet, "How many millions is this thing worth? Then if I go back now and sell this helmet, does that mean I've got the money?"

He Xiaoran stretched out his hand and pressed his knuckles creakingly, "I'm afraid you'll get it if you want, but you won't spend it!"

Golden pupil: "..."

The little king hurriedly said, "I will protect! I will protect! I will protect it, right? I must protect such an expensive thing. Besides, it belongs to my sister. What if I don't protect it?"

He Miao pulled the olive green hat on his head and shouted angrily to the little king, "Miao Miao's thing!"

The little king was stunned, and looked at He Xiaoran innocently, what should he do?Miao Miao is his sister, but He Miao doesn't admit it, what should he do?

He Xiaoran explained to He Miao, "Miao Miao is his sister, and he is his sister's elder brother. He said it belongs to his sister, which means it belongs to Miao Miao, you know?"

He Miao gave the little king a suspicious look. She still doesn't have the feeling that she and the little king should be the most familiar and closest people in the world.

After He Miao changed her clothes, He Xiaoran checked her, nodded and said, "Okay, now that Miao Miao's disguise is complete, no one will be able to recognize who Miao Miao is anymore!"

He Miao tugged at the brim of his hat, feeling a little proud, "Hee hee."

"He Miao and I will leave first, and you will stay here."

He Xiaoran stretched out his hand to slap the mosquito on his arm to death, without the protection of the protective clothing, the mosquito began to bite her.

He Miao was very angry, stretched out her small hand, and circled around He Xiaoran, and once found a mosquito approaching He Xiaoran, he would kill the mosquito quickly.

He Xiaoran touched her little head and said, "It's okay, my sister can withstand mosquito bites, so don't worry about Miao Miao."

She took He Miao away and turned around to remind the little king: "This place is too close to the road, you should find a place that is more hidden, at least your voice will not be heard by patrolling people."

The little king hurriedly asked: "Then how can I take care of that child?"

He Xiaoran said: "Don't worry, someone will find you."

He Xiaoran and He Miao left quickly, and said to He Miao as they walked: "You will walk on the road swaggeringly later, so that no one will sneak attack you, you know?"

He Miao was puzzled, "Sneak attack?"

He Xiaoran nodded: "It's just that when Miao Miao was not paying attention, he suddenly hit Miao Miao, or hit Miao Miao with a gun."

After thinking about it, He Xiaoran decided to give her a task, "Miao Miao's task today is not to let herself get hurt, understand?"

He Miao immediately said loudly: "Understood!"


He Miao's voice was too loud, and the patrol team happened to pass by and was heard.

He Miao turned her head abruptly, and before He Xiaoran could speak, she jumped out and shouted, "Bad guy!"

He Xiaoran couldn't help but reached out and patted her forehead, her silly Miaomiao...

It's just that there is no time to think about it now, He Miao has already started fighting with someone.

One more second of thought, and He Miao would be in more danger.

She turned around and flew out, quickly dealing with those who had already loaded the bullets.

Originally, He Xiaoran wanted to change his clothes to cover up his eyes and ears, but before he could take off his clothes, the movement here shocked the large troops, and soldiers from all directions rushed towards this side with guns in hand.

When He Xiaoran saw it, he quickly picked up a firearm, dragged He Miao and ran away, "Miao Miao, let's go!"

He Miao was jumping around on the spot, and continued to beat people.

He Xiaoran pulled her, "Stop beating Miao Miao, hurry up and go with my sister, or you will get shot."

There are so many people in the family, even if they really do it, the wheel battle will consume people to death.

He Miao pointed to the large group behind and said, "Sister, there are a lot of people. Let's fight!"

"do not fight!"

He Miao doesn't have the ability to judge pros and cons like He Xiaoran, she only knows how to fight and fight so that she doesn't get hurt.

He Xiaoran dragged He Miao forcefully and ran in one direction.

The people at the base were completely alarmed, and the movement they made could make the alarm bells of the base ring loudly.

Compared with He Miao, who was wearing protective clothing, who could perfectly blend into the environment and the soldiers around him, He Xiaoran's private clothes seemed to be the most obvious target.

He Miao yelled, "Sister."

Without further ado, He Xiaoran put his hand on He Miao's neck, holding her hostage and running straight away.

He Miao was furious, "Sister, it's Miao Miao!"

She wanted to tell her sister that she was Miao Miao, so that He Xiaoran would not strangle her.

But He Xiaoran didn't listen, she did it on purpose.

If other people find out that He Miao is with her, the base will be merciful because she has the heart that Satya needs, and He Miao will become a target of public criticism?
There are many experts on Liuli Island, and she is worried that snipers will be dispatched to deal with He Miao.

If she took hostages, those people might think that she jumped the wall in a hurry and just pulled a back, so that they would not think that she was too threatening and use snipers.

"elder sister……"

"You can't call me sister." He Xiaoran said: "Don't talk, pretend you don't know sister."

He Miao was stunned, "I know my sister."

He Xiaoran said: "Pretend you don't know each other, aren't you a very famous artist? Act like you don't know my sister!"

He Miao was silent for a few seconds, "Help?"

He Xiaoran deliberately suppressed his voice and taught her in the local language, "You yell to let me go, help."

He Miao shouted in a rough voice: "Let go of me, help!"

He Xiaoran: "Yes, continue!"

Lin Xiaoxian got the news.

He didn't sleep all day and all night, as if he was facing an enemy.

He Xiaoran is his worst enemy.

The most embarrassing thing about him was that he was stripped naked by He Xiaoran's sister in public, leaving no face left.

He hated He Xiaoran and her psychotic sister to death.

Now that He Xiaoran has come to Liuli Island, it is the best time for him to take revenge, and he will never let them succeed!

(End of this chapter)

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