Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 975 I'm Awesome!

Chapter 975 I'm Awesome!
The little king didn't run far, how dare he go?
A little kid who doesn't seem to be weaned, he's gone, what if he gets lost?
When sister He Xiaoran comes back, why don't you skin him?

After the little king walked far away, he lay down in the grass and began to pay close attention to the movement of the little baby.

The surrounding area was quiet, if not for some light in the distance, this place would still be very dark.

Zhou Huohuo stood alone, she touched her arm carefully, looking very scared.

What if wolves and big bears came to eat her?

Then the little king saw the little boy, and walked to the pile of bags in the same place.

She picked the biggest bag and squatted down, holding the zipper with her small hands, and carefully opened the bag.

Then, the little king saw the little girl, and took out all the things in the bag. The big bag was empty, and the little girl got in.

After getting in, she stretched out a small fleshy hand, pinched the zipper, and clumsily pulled the zipper up bit by bit.

Little King: "..."

After a while, the little king deliberately made a noise and walked back slowly, "Oh, I suddenly forgot something."

He stood there and said deliberately, "Oh? Didn't that kid just say to stay here obediently? Where did he go?"

The only one that was refilled was the big bag, motionless.

The little king was a little worried, would she be so stuffy and out of breath?

Just let the little king rush over, and when he pulled the chain of the bag away, the bag suddenly moved, and then a chubby little finger stretched out from the side, pushing the chain up bit by bit.

The little girl poked out half of her head quietly, and carefully glanced at him with her two big black eyes. She seemed relieved to find that it was him.

The little king asked, "Why did you get into the bag?"

Zhou Huohuo said: "What if a wolf takes me away? And there are still a lot of mosquitoes, and there are no mosquitoes in the bag."

The little king let out a "hey", unexpectedly this little girl is quite smart.

He walked over, opened the zipper a little, so that the little girl could breathe, then reached out and put the bag on her back, "It's good for you to put it in, and it's convenient to carry you."

"I'm worried about leaving you here alone, I'll take you to find someone together!"

Zhou Huohuo asked, "Are you looking for your mother?"

The little king nodded, "That's right, I'm looking for my mother!"

On the side of the base, gunshots rang out everywhere, machine guns and various sounds mixed together, all of a sudden, the whole base smelled of gunpowder.

He Xiaoran hid behind the wall and quickly changed the bullets.

Sure enough, in a place like Liuli Island, fighting with the people at the base, one person is at a disadvantage!

The leader of the other party held a horn in his hand, sat in the jeep, and began to shout in He Xiaoran's direction.

The content is nothing more than asking her to surrender, expressing that the base is willing to negotiate terms with her, and saying something that is willing to exchange with her.

It's a pity that these words don't work at all for He Xiaoran, the fools don't understand the situation clearly, people are dead, how can we exchange?

Swap bodies?
He Xiaoran didn't listen to what those people said at all. After changing the bullet, he pointed it directly in that direction, and with a single shot, the guy with the horn fell to the ground.The jeep drives off quickly.

He Xiaoran was very surprised, she shot casually, did she really hit it?

He Xiaoran glanced suspiciously at the gun in his hand, and was very shocked. Could it be that she has become a sharpshooter now?
Remember when she was trained by the base, she didn't have much talent in shooting?

Was inspired after many years?

Thinking so, He Xiaoran decided to shoot another shot in order to verify it.

This time she didn't even poke her head, but just stretched out a hand, "snap", and after firing a shot, she quickly retracted it.

One person fell on the spot.

He Xiaoran was shocked, "I'm great!"

On a bunker in the opposite building, Zong Tang was lying on the ground, watching the movement over there through the sight.

Si Qing rested his chin on his side, looked at Zong Tang and asked, "Young Madam, don't you really believe that she did it yourself?"

Zong Tang said: "Looking at her shocked appearance, she seems to believe it."

He Xiaoran really believed it. He never thought that he was so good at shooting!

The latest Trumpeter is back, this time in full armor, including a bulletproof suit.

The content was still the same, saying that He Xiaoran was surrounded, Liuli Island was willing to talk to her, and at the same time, expressed his willingness to return He Xiaoran's daughter to her.

He Xiaoran froze for a moment, Huohuo was arrested?
Huo Huo was taken away by He Miao, and it is impossible for He Miao to be arrested.

But He Xiaoran was a little worried. Could it be that when He Miao took Huohuo to find Huang Jintong and the little king, they found out?

How are He Miao and Huohuo now?
He Xiaoran froze in place. She believed in He Miao and felt that He Miao would never be arrested, but...

"We will give you one last chance. If you don't surrender, we will kill your daughter, and you will also lose the chance to negotiate with Liuli Island!"

He Xiaoran didn't dare to act rashly. To be precise, she was worried that the other party was blackmailing her.

Not long after, they heard a yell, followed by Zhou Huohuo's voice: "Mom, we have been arrested, help!"

He Xiaoran stood up suddenly, Miaomiao and Huohuo were really arrested? !
She turned her head and saw a piece of broken glass on the ground. She picked it up and checked it with the reflection of the glass.

Then she found that Zhou Huohuo was strangled by a soldier with one arm around his waist, and his two bare calves were hanging obediently.

She didn't notice He Miao's figure, but when He Xiaoran was burning with anxiety, the lens flashed, and she saw the little king being tied up and thrown aside.

They regarded Zhou Huohuo as her daughter, so they used her daughter to threaten, but the little king was left aside.

He Xiaoran frowned. If he said that, Miao Miao should have sent the fire to the little king and Huang Jintong.

But for some reason, the little king and Huang Jintong didn't take Huohuo away immediately, and the little king and Huohuo fell into the hands of each other, so what about the golden pupil?What is her condition now?
He Xiaoran worried that Huang Jintong would fight fiercely against the little king and Zhou Huohuo in order to protect the little king and Zhou Huohuo. If this was the case, Jin Jintong might be gone.

"Miss He, we are still willing to talk to you now. If we lose our patience, we won't talk nonsense with you anymore."

"At that time, your daughter will lose any value, and her fate can be imagined."

The sound of the bullet being loaded made He Xiaoran's heart tighten instantly.

Zhou Huohuo naturally knew that it was the sound of a bullet being loaded, and she became frightened instantly, and shouted loudly: "Mom, don't come here, they have big pistols, the kind that can kill people!"

He Xiaoran closed his eyes and put his hands on his chest.

Her little ones were still worried about her by this time, worried that their pistols might hurt her.

(End of this chapter)

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