Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 980 Movements in the Archives

Chapter 980 Movements in the Archives

There was another wave of shaking, and the soldiers who were about to chase them could barely stand, let alone chase.

Figure [-] was shocked by the news of the weapon depot explosion, and when he reacted, the entire base was already crying.

Soldiers were affected around the weapon depot, causing serious casualties.

"Doctor, we need doctors!"

"Ahhhhh... my legs!"

"Help me! Save me!"


With rumbling explosions and bullets whizzing past overhead, Xiao's voice was still repeated time and time again.

With bruises all over his body, Lin Xiaoxian gritted his teeth and rushed to the broadcasting room, and said viciously to the people around him, "Why don't you open the door quickly?"

The door of the broadcasting room was kicked open, but there was no Xiao inside.

Xiao's mobile phone was placed under the microphone, and it was automatically playing the words that Xiao had recorded in advance in a loop!
"Damn things!"

Lin Xiaoxian was so angry that he smashed Xiao's phone, you bastard!
He gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what, I have to find him. After finding him, shoot him on the spot!"

Liuli Island will never keep traitors. Someone like Xiao who knows all the secrets of Liuli Island, and even knows more secrets than ordinary people because of Satya, must not stay!

If he leaves Liuli Island, it will only bring endless disasters to Liuli Island, so Xiao must die!
At this time, soldiers rushed in from outside, "Mr. Lin, Miss Satya is awake, she is asking about Mr. Xiao's whereabouts, we..."

Mr. Xiao was seriously injured and was still hit by Lin Xiaoxian. If Satya knew about it, I'm afraid...

The soldier glanced at Lin Xiaoxian, waiting for his reply.

Lin Xiaoxian paused, "I see."

He clutched his stomach again, and limped towards Satya's residence.

He Xiaoran's attack was very ruthless, the wound he was tortured by He Xiaoran before healed up, and he added a new wound.

Lin Xiaoxian walked halfway, but was stopped by the island owner's confidant, "Mr. Lin, the island owner asked you to go there now."

Lin Xiaoxian looked up, "Satya is awake, I'm going to see her."

"Miss Satya, someone has already gone to appease you. The island owner asked you to go now."

Lin Xiaoxian glanced in the direction of Satya's boudoir, and followed him to meet the island owner.

The island owner is a middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes. He has a gentle face, handsome and elegant. He must have been very popular with girls when he was young.

Salia is so beautiful because she inherited her father.

"Lin, come and sit down."

The island owner sat gracefully on a chair with his legs crossed and a glass of red wine in his hand.

He looked at Lin Xiaoxian and said, "Xiao betrayed Liuli Island, what are you going to do?"

Lin Xiaoxian replied directly, "I have just issued an order, as long as Xiao's trace is found, he will be executed on the spot."

"As for Satya's heart surgery, I will find a way to find a surgeon who is internationally renowned, and the surgery is not absolutely necessary."

The island owner looked at Lin Xiaoxian appreciatively: "Lin, I have seen your contribution to Lou Liuli Island over the years, and I have witnessed your growth and progress with my own eyes."

The island owner picked up the cigarette on the ashtray, Lin Xiaoxian hurried forward and lit the cigarette.

The island owner took a sip, looked at him and smiled and said, "I am very satisfied with you. Your loyalty, your talent, and your heart for Satya."

Lin Xiaoxian said respectfully, "Thank you, Island Master, these are what I should do."

"I was once homeless and separated from my younger brother. I almost died on the street. It was Liuli Island who saved me and gave me a chance to survive and display my talent."

"If there was no Liuli Island, I would have died long ago. It is the owner of the island who gave me the opportunity and space, and I will definitely do my best to serve Liuli Island."

Hearing Lin Xiaoxian mention his younger brother, the island owner smiled softly, "It's best if you think like this. I'm sorry that Liuli Island failed to find your lost brother."

Lin Xiaoxian lowered his head: "I lost him, he was so young at the time, I'm afraid he would have been..."

Before Lin Xiaoxian finished speaking, he stopped, "Forget it, after so many years, if he can live, he should be adopted by a kind person. If he dies, it is also a matter of fate."

The island owner glanced at him, "Lin, after the intruders from Liuli Island are captured, marry Satya."

Lin Xiaoxian was taken aback, "Would Satya be willing?"

The island owner laughed, "For Liuli Island, I think she has no objections."

"I've seen it for a long time, Xiao has no thoughts about Satya."

"That kid once studied abroad. When he went out to study medicine, the loyalty of those who had contact with outsiders to Liuli Island would be greatly reduced."

"But you are different. You have been growing up on Liuli Island. Your whole heart belongs to Liuli Island. You have a sense of belonging to Liuli Island. On the entire island, the person I trust the most is you."

"Xiao betrayed Liuli Island, he can't stay, find him as soon as possible, and kill him."

"Also, don't let Satya know about it. If she asks, you can say that Xiao betrayed Liuli Island and is on the run."

Lin Xiaoxian's heart was instantly ecstatic, and he looked at the island owner excitedly, "Thank you, the island owner, I will definitely take care of Satya with all my heart and never let her suffer any harm!"

Her becoming Satya's husband meant that he would definitely become the owner of Liuli Island.

Thinking of this, every hair on Lin Xiaoxian's body trembled, "I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

The island owner smiled and nodded, "You are seriously injured, take care of yourself, so that you can marry Satya."

"Yes, I will!"

"Go ahead. I'm busy with things today. I heard it's noisy outside. It must be a commotion. Figure [-] should be able to clean up those people quickly."

Lin Xiaoxian exited the room respectfully, turned around and walked outside.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoxian is full of ambition and spirit, and every step is full of strength.

Lin Xiaoxian at this moment can be described as being proud of the spring breeze.

He is about to conceive a beautiful woman again, and the power is in his hands!

When Lin Xiaoxian walked through the archives room of the administrative district, he suddenly found that the door of the archives room was not closed tightly, and there seemed to be some movement inside.

Lin Xiaoxian stopped instantly.

He drew out the gun he was wearing, approached little by little, and carefully pushed open the door. Through the crack of the door, he saw Xiao standing sideways to the door, looking at something in his hands.

A smile appeared on Lin Xiaoxian's face, he slowly reached out and raised his gun, "Look who I caught."

Xiao's body paused, and he turned to look at Lin Xiaoxian, his gaze was as calm as a wave of water, "Mr. Lin."

Lin Xiaoxian said, "Put down what you're holding!"

Xiao carefully raised his hand, and slowly put the file in his hand on the cabinet, without moving his hand.

The folder was not stable, and fell to the ground with a "snap".

The information in the file was scattered, and a photo slipped out, slipping to Lin Xiaoxian's feet.

Lin Xiaoxian glanced down, and when he saw the person in the photo, he stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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