Young lady, she is poor and stingy

Chapter 992 I have something important to tell you

"Where did Lin go? Why haven't I seen him for so long?"

The island owner looked at Satya unconscious on the hospital bed with a gloomy face, feeling anxious.

Where is Lin when it is so important?

The people behind him immediately turned around and went outside, asking someone to find Lin Xiaoxian.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked to the door, he saw a figure rushing over, and that person rushed over with a pale face: "Island owner, it's not good, something happened!"

The island owner heard the voice and came out of the ward: "What's the matter?"

Liuli Island is in chaos, but the island owner can no longer take care of it. Satya is more important than those people on Liuli Island.

There is no good news in the past few days, and now Satya has been severely stimulated by Xiao's betrayal, which has made her condition worse.

The island owner stared at the visitor, wondering if there was any worse news.

However, more than a dozen people sneaked into the island, and the entire Liuli Island was disturbed. The destruction of the weapon arsenal was the most serious thing for the island owner.

The reason why Liuli Island has been prosperous for a long time is because it has a large number of weapons and advanced equipment.

As a result, when they were unaware, the weapons and security lines he hoarded with huge sums of money were messed up by more than a dozen people.

Where is the other party sacred?
Why can such a series of explosions be created, so that one of the arsenal explodes, and the others can no longer be saved.

The island owner admitted that the power of serial explosions in the armory shook the entire Liuli Island.

Among the dozens of people, there must be experts who understand weapons and explosives, and know what kind of explosives can destroy what kind of weapons.

Compared with the destroyed weapons arsenal, the salvaged weapons are simply insufficient. When it comes to Liuli, the island has lost its original warning function.

Under the atmosphere of being undefeated for many years, Liuli Island has long been described as an impenetrable existence.

It's just that the island owner never expected that the peace of mind for many years has already made people relax their vigilance, and even the daily training is less than one-tenth of the early days.

Laziness turned Liuli Island into a papier-mâché barrel, which would break if poked.

The island owner did not admit that those dozen or so people had great abilities, but believed that the daily training and vigilance of Liuli Island had not been perfect.

"What happened? Where is Lin?"

The island owner looked at the panting man impatiently, and the pale face of the other party made the island owner feel that it was definitely not a trivial matter.

"Mr. Lin has an accident!"

The island owner was surprised, "What happened to him?"

The other party said: "Mr. Lin was hit in the lower half of his body by a boulder dropped from a high altitude. I'm afraid he won't be able to survive!"

The island owner was stunned, "How is it possible?"

It's common sense that you can't get close to explosive buildings, doesn't Lin Xiaoxian know?

What's more, the architecture of Liuli Island is different from that of the outside world, doesn't Lin Xiaoxian have any common sense?
"Where is the other person now?"

"That rock is too big. A dozen of us couldn't lift it up. I'm afraid Mr. Lin won't be able to..."

The island owner was stunned for a while, and then the expression on his face slowly returned to normal. With his hands behind his back, he straightened his waist and said lightly, "If that's the case, then so be it. It's just a dying person!"

It is a pity to lose Lin Xiaoxian, after all Lin Xiaoxian is really good at making money.Like his mother, he is very business-minded.

But he was about to die, and Lin Xiaoxian naturally lost his value.

But who can't live without Liuli Island?It's just a person who is good at doing business. It is not difficult to find a suitable candidate.

Hearing what the island owner said, the other party froze for a moment, "Island owner, don't you want to take a last look at Mr. Lin?"

The island owner said, "What's so interesting? I think Lin doesn't want me to see him in a mess."

The person who sent the message pursed his lips, and could only say: "Actually, Mr. Lin asked me to send you a message, hoping to see you for the last time. He said that there is something important and he wants to tell you."

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