He Xiaoran raised his head and looked in the direction of the broadcast.

The little king looked back at He Xiaoran: "Sister, didn't you say that he is a bad person? Why do you still help him?"

He Xiaoran glanced at the little king and said: "As a king, you must have compassion for the people and empathy for people's names."

"You are pampered and pampered in the court. Even in order to organize state affairs, you have a think tank behind you. You can't suffer in the world. Did you hear the conversation on the loudspeaker just now?"

The little king nodded, "I heard you."

He Xiaoran said, "That is suffering in the world!"

"Didn't you say that your heart aches when you think of the hardships your sister has endured?"

"Even if He Miao is not your younger sister, even if it's someone else, you can't remain indifferent in front of her."

"I promised Lin Xiaoxian to help him, but in fact I am not helping him, but countless He Miao, countless me, countless Zhou Huohuo, understand?"

The little king opened his mouth, but didn't say a word. He nodded silently to show that he understood.

"There are so many people on Liuli Island, and most of them live in a muddle. They don't know the value of their own life and existence. Obeying orders is the only thing they can do."

"It is very difficult to wake up a group of people who have been brainwashed for many years, but Lin Xiaoxian is different. Lin Xiaoxian is their companion, their chief, and someone with a high status in Liuli Island."

"Lin Xiaoxian's confession before his death will stimulate them more than any other person's passionate speech."

The little king nodded again, pursed his lips and said, "I understand."

The soldiers who had rushed from all directions just now, trying to encircle and suppress them, suddenly had riots in different places.

Lin Xiaoxian's words had an effect, and they began to doubt the value of their own existence.

The little king looked at those people in surprise, "Do they really believe it?"

He Xiaoran replied: "Doubt is denial. They don't believe now, but they are already doubting."

At the beginning, different people gave up the siege, and chased after the chief to ask if what was said on the radio was true?
When a person doubts, the chief may be able to deal with this person to deter other people.

But when all the soldiers rushed forward and chased after the officer to question, the method of killing chickens and monkeys lost its effect and effect.

At this moment, a woman in the crowd shouted loudly in local language: "Mr. Lin said our information is in the database!"

"We just need to go to the database and we can find our information. Let's go!"

As soon as these words came out, all the soldiers dispersed in a swarm and rushed towards the administrative area.

The officer who was surrounded by soldiers just now, who was almost out of breath, was rescued in an instant. He snatched the gun of the guard beside him angrily, raised it up and was about to shoot at the backs of the scattered soldiers.

"Those who violate military discipline must be executed on the spot!"

Unexpectedly, the guard behind the officer suddenly raised the weapon in his hand and directly pierced the officer's body.

The guard withdrew the knife expressionlessly.

The officer who was stuck in the body slowly turned around, "You..."

The guard reached out and pulled off the mask on his face, revealing a strange face, and the officer fell to the ground with a peaceful face.

He Xiaoran took a closer look, and the guard turned out to be the golden pupil!
She said where did the female voice come from in the group of soldiers just now.

The women on Liuli Island are either extremely talented and have been trained to be top masters, or they have learned some tricks and embroidered legs, and most of them exist as men's vassals.

To put it bluntly, they are the tools of all the men on Liuli Island.

He Xiaoran has been in Liuli Island for so many days, but he hasn't found a female soldier yet.

Huang Jintong had already discovered that the crowd that He Xiaoran had just surrounded and suppressed had already dispersed. Even some hesitant soldiers rushed towards the database in a swarm after seeing the chief was killed.

Each of them originally had a happy family, with parents, relatives, brothers and sisters, but Liuli Island destroyed their lives and forced them to be trapped in this ghost place!

The island owner witnessed the scene where the elite chief was killed, and also saw the consequences of Lin Xiaoxian's conversation with him before he died.

The island owner has a deep understanding at this moment, that is, the soldiers on Liuli Island rioted!
If the bombing of the arsenal is a huge economic loss, then as long as he is here and his team is still there, he can use the money stored in his bank card to repurchase weapons and rebuild the arsenal.

But the problem now is that the arsenal was destroyed and his soldiers rioted!

The island owner's face changed, and a sense of sadness and sadness arose spontaneously, Liuli Island was over!

At this time, no one noticed the island owner at all, and everyone rushed towards the database in the administrative area.

Under the escort of the people around him, the island owner hurriedly left, "Get ready for the plane now, and take Satya away!"

"But Miss Satya's body..."

The island owner turned around abruptly, gritted his teeth and said, "Take the ventilator and the things you need to continue. You can't wait for a moment. You must give up Liuli Island."

The island owner had to decide to abandon Liuli Island.

In the white ward, Satya lay peacefully on the bed, only the curve on the ventilator allowed her to breathe at the moment.

The medical staff quickly pushed the cart and piled up various instruments on the bed. A group of people pushed Salia and hurried to the corridor, entered the elevator, and went straight to the top of the building.

Just when they reached the top of the building, suddenly a large number of planes flew over from far and near.

The island owner looked up, and his expression changed immediately, those planes were not from Liuli Island!

The icons and logos of the T country's army are printed on every plane.

The little king got up from the ground at once, and he said to He Xiaoran in surprise: "Sister, those are fighter jets of the T country army, and they are here to help us!"

The little king stood on the ground, waving his arms, desperately trying to get the other party's attention.

And the monitoring system on the plane locked on the little king immediately, and immediately sent a message back to all the planes and the headquarters: "Target found, T96 found the target, the target is safe!"

The news quickly spread to the court. After Mrs. Shimila got the news, she immediately relaxed and fell down.

The little king secretly left the court for a few days, and she stayed up for a few days.

She worked tirelessly, trying every means to find the little king, and finally found his whereabouts!

The helicopter on the roof was spotted by fighter jets and quickly locked on.

Just as the island owner and his party pushed Satya and ran towards the helicopter, heavy machine guns fired at the helicopter.

When the fuel tank was shot with multiple holes and began to leak oil, the island owner shouted, "Come back!"

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