all the way to fairy

Chapter 229 Casualties

Chapter 229 Casualties
Everyone was stunned for a moment, even Su Xu and other core disciples were no exception.

Yunli pursed her lips, and peeked at the expressions of several core disciples from the corner of her eye. It seemed that they didn't know about this matter either.

I don't know if Lan Shu can escape from the blockade of the four major factions?
Wait, could it be that Jing Shisan was stopped by monks from the four major sects?
Thinking about it, it is really possible that Jing Shisan, as Lanshu's personal bodyguard, will not leave Lanshu for too long, and set up a situation to win Wen Xuelian's trust, after the situation is completed, he should follow secretly.

If she didn't come here, she was probably stopped by people from the four major sects. Thinking of this, she felt at ease. With Jing Shisan outside to meet her, she thought that Lan Shu could escape successfully.

Qin Fei said: "Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and ask through voice transmission, maybe they have already intercepted the person."

While he was speaking, Mo Huai had already taken out the sound transmission talisman, moved his lips together to record good words, and sent out the sound transmission talisman.

The next step is to wait for the news. The nerves have been tense for the past two days, and they have been looking for someone day and night. Everyone is exhausted physically and mentally. Now they can't help but relax.

Chu Nan frowned, "By the way, where are Zhenjun Zhiming and the other three real people?"

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you. Su Xu murmured for a while, "I haven't seen them in the swamp."

Qin Fei shrugged, "Me neither."

Several monks said in unison: "Me too."

Come, come, it's time to test your acting skills!
Yunli hurriedly put on a dazed and puzzled expression behind everyone, making a good background board.

After gathering information, everyone discovered that they had never seen them.

Su Xu looked towards the entrance of the swamp with a solemn expression, "Except for the four of them, there are a few people who have not come back."

The hearts of the people sank, and it was fine for the true king and the real person. There was a possibility of surviving, but the experience of these foundation-building monks in the past half a year proved that if they did not come back for more than a certain period of time, they must be dead.

A cultivator from Tianxin Pavilion with red eyes pointed to a tall and thin mid-stage foundation-establishment cultivator among the disciples of the non-four sects whose spirit veins were sealed, "Junior brother Cheng was killed by him, and senior brother Zhang and I witnessed it with our own eyes." See."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at those monks who were not from the four sects even more unkindly, especially the monks of Tianxin Pavilion. If Chu Nan did not suppress them, they might rush to kill the monks to vent their anger.

A Mirage Palace disciple frowned, "Yesterday morning, not long after you entered, Senior Brother Wang's rope broke. Later, when I went in, I searched for it, but I didn't find his body."

"Wang Mingyuan?" Yu Ziyou frowned, "Is there no trace of the place where the incident happened?"

The disciple shook his head and replied: "At that time, the rope hadn't moved for a long time, so I pulled it subconsciously. The location of the rope should not be where the incident happened."

Yunli lowered her eyes: Even if you don't pull that, you won't be able to find the place where the incident happened. I deliberately moved the rope to a far away place.

Yu Ziyou was silent for a moment, then said heavily and slowly: "Including Senior Sister Zhou, Junior Brother Tan, and Junior Brother Yang, we lost four people in the Mirage Palace this time."

Su Xu's face was full of tiredness, and he raised his hand to rub the center of his brows, "Our Taiyi Sect's Junior Brother Zhu, Senior Sister Zhao, and Senior Brother Sun are gone."

"Three people from Four Seasons Valley." Qin Fei said in a muffled voice.

Chu Nan smiled wryly, looked at the setting sun on the horizon, and sighed, "We have more Tianxin Pavilion, a total of seven people."

His voice was heavy as if he was pressing on a stone. Most of the monks in Tianxin Pavilion focused on alchemy and were not good at fighting. There were no monks from other sects making trouble before, and the casualties of the disciples of the four sects were similar. However, the casualties of Tianxin Pavilion are actually the least among the four factions.

This time, monks from other sects went in, and if they met, they would die. The casualty rate of Tianxin Pavilion suddenly increased, even twice that of other sects.

Yunli was surprised. When she left yesterday morning, the swamp was still very restrained. The few people she met were all focused on chasing Lan Shu. In just two days and one night, so many people died!

Master Kaiyu suppressed the heaviness in his heart, raised his eyes and looked at the other monks beside him, and asked, "What about them? How many people went in? Is there anyone who hasn't come out yet?"

Su Xu glanced at a few people, and replied: "Except for the blue book, a total of 53 people entered, and only these six people came out alive, 37 people found their bodies, and 4 others sank into the water. I saw it with my own eyes, and the rest is missing."

Everyone felt chills when they heard it. The possibility of the missing people surviving is not high, and most of them died in the swamp. In just two days, this swamp has swallowed so many lives, but it is clean, not even a trace of blood. There is no gas left.

Over the past tens of millions of years, many people have come here one after another, and how many monks are buried here.

Suddenly, a sound transmission talisman flew from the sky, and Zhenjun Kaiyu raised his hand to catch it. After a few breaths, everyone fell into a daze.

Qin Fei plucked his ears, and asked Su Xu who was next to him suspiciously: "Did I hear correctly? Lan Shu escaped from the siege of the four Nascent Soul stage and a group of Golden Core stage monks?"

Su Xu didn't speak, just nodded, he was still in a daze and couldn't recover.

According to Chuan Yinfu, as soon as Lan Shu entered the sea area, he was surrounded by high-level monks from the four factions. As the only person who flew from the swamp to the Canglan Continent, there is no need to remind, the four factions also know her importance. Zhenjun Yuanying and a group of Jindan monks surrounded her.

After Lan Shu discovered this, he decisively crushed the blue fox hairpin on his head, and unleashed a full blow from the True Monarch of the Late Nascent Soul Stage. Caught off guard, all the besiegers were hit, and the Gold Core cultivator died instantly. Four Nascent Soul mid-stage monks were also seriously injured on the spot.

When the others arrived, Lan Shu had already fled.

Those are more than a dozen Golden Core cultivators, all of them fell into the hands of a mid-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator in Blue Book in just a moment!
After hearing the whole story, Kaiyu couldn't help but be glad that he came here. If not, he might also be a member of the siege. As the chief monk of Taiyi Sect, he would undoubtedly go when encountering such a thing.

Yunli was even more frightened secretly, she didn't expect Lan Shu to have such a means of saving her life. Contrary to her expectations, Jing Shisan didn't come to meet Lan Shu, or he should have been stopped further away.

Lan Shu has been wearing that fox hairpin all the time, and he doesn't see any difference on weekdays. It actually stores the full blow of a monk in the late Nascent Soul stage. The Lord gave it to her.

She lowered her head and wrapped the light yellow ribbon on her wrist back and forth around her fingers. Is the pavilion master so strong? With one blow, all four mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators were seriously injured on the spot.

"I didn't expect that there was Zhenjun Yuanying behind her." Chu Nan couldn't believe it, "How is this possible?"

Zheng Rui was puzzled, "What do fellow Daoist Chu say? Why can't there be Zhenjun Yuanying behind her?"

Some disciples also looked at Chu Nan. Since Lan Shu belonged to Can Ye Pavilion, it is not surprising that there is Nascent Soul True Lord behind him. Guess, Yuanying Zhenjun is not as good as the four major factions, but he is not in the minority.

Yunli's heart skipped a beat. Zheng Rui and the others didn't know that the person who would break the seal would come, so they made this guess, but the core disciples knew it. Under her plan, they now all use Lan Shu as the person who will break the seal. first choice.

The release of the news that there are secret treasures in the Misty Swamp attracts many monks, confuses the situation, and then takes advantage of the troubled waters. These all show that the person who lifted the seal is not high in cultivation and needs to use other methods to cover up his identity.

But behind Lan Shu, there is the Nascent Soul True Monarch, and there are means to save her life, so there is no need to act like this. She can break into the swamp when others are not prepared, and then leave later. Even if she is discovered, she can retreat unscathed.

Glancing at Wen Xuelian next to her, and the group of monks whose spirit veins had been sealed, she groaned inwardly, these people will be quickly checked out by the Four Sects, and then they will focus on the Four Sects themselves to enter The people in the swamp, who bear the brunt of it themselves, are definitely the first suspects.

She secretly glared at the few people next to them who had their spiritual veins sealed. They didn't have diamonds, they didn't do porcelain work, and if they wanted secret treasures, they couldn't be smarter. They were caught so easily.

The idea of ​​not giving them a chance to escape flashed in her mind, and was quickly rejected by her. Now she must not act rashly.

I can only hope that the six missing non-Four Sect disciples can escape, and I also hope that Lan Shu will give me some help and show the Four Sects the demeanor of the young master of the Canye Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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