all the way to fairy

Chapter 237 Mistakes

Chapter 237 Mistakes
Those little maids were in awe of the immortal master, and when Lin Xi asked her, they would know everything, and if they accidentally revealed their real names, they would be damned!
No, I have to think of a way.

Seeing that Su Xu didn't intend to go down, Yunli gave up her plan to look up the royal family tree. It was a month, and she had enough time, so she went to the Imperial Dining Room for a stroll, then went back to sleep.

The next day, she went to the yard early to practice facing the sunrise.

After a while, someone from the palace came to ask if they wanted breakfast, Yunli was about to agree, but Su Xu suddenly appeared and refused.

Sending off the palace servants, Yunli said with a questioning face, "Master, I want to try it."

Su Xu smiled gently: "I want to try to find a way by myself, but we must not lose our identities."

Heh, it's not necessary for someone to send her upright, she has to be a thief, just in order not to destroy the sense of mystery in the hearts of ordinary people, Yunli is speechless.

After a while, Lin Xi also came out, complaining constantly: "The aura in the mortal world is too weak, and the spirit stones are not good."

Before she could finish her sentence, she saw Mo Huai coming back from practicing swordsmanship. She immediately swallowed the rest of the words, and said awkwardly: "I will definitely practice hard when I return to the sect, and it won't be a month later."

Yunli's eyes turned on the two of them, and she knew how to prevent Lin Xi from gossiping with the palace servants!

Seeing that Mo Huai didn't seem to say what she meant, Lin Xi looked outside, gearing up: "I heard from Senior Sister An that Liang Guo has many interesting things. This time I want to experience it, starting from her Wanqing Hall!"

Yunli shook her clothes and stood up, "I'm going out for a stroll too."

Lin Xi leaned at her: "Where are you going? Let's make it clear first, I won't be with you."

Yunli raised her chin and turned her head: "Heh, who cares about being with you, I'm going outside the palace."

After taking two steps, she turned back to Su Xu and said, "By the way, when I was looking for food last night, I overheard two little maids say that there was a peerless beauty in the previous dynasty. The monks took a fancy to it and brought it back, is it true?"

Su Xu shouted in a low voice: "What are you talking about, which monk would fall in love with mortals!"

After the scolding, he probably felt that he was too harsh, so he slowed down his tone and explained: "The life span of a mortal is at most a hundred years, and we monks have a lifespan of 200 years even during the Qi training period, let alone the foundation pill Yuanying. .To combine with a mortal and wait until the other party's life is over, how will I spend the long years in the future?"

"Furthermore, when monks form Taoist couples, their children are more likely to have spiritual roots. If both parties have good aptitude and good spiritual roots, the chances of their offspring having good aptitudes are also higher. Even for the sake of future generations, we monks do not Will choose to combine with mortals."

"Oh," Yunli nodded in agreement, "I also think they are talking nonsense, and they said that the peerless beauty climbed up by tricking the monks by tricks. Tsk tsk, what a frog at the bottom of the well, how do they know the tricks of our monks?" .”

"However," she changed the topic, looked at Su Xu and Mo Huai twice, and joked cheerfully: "With the handsome and handsome appearance of the two uncles, I'm afraid it will attract a lot of young people. The girl's spring heart is sprouting!"

Glancing at Lin Xi's frown from the corner of the eye, she secretly delighted, and Su Xu walked out with helpless laughter.

When I got to the door, I muttered to myself, "I don't have to be a Taoist couple, maybe some little girls just want to be on the list of immortal masters, and do something to improve their beauty and prolong their lives. In the end, the monks lost their hearts." .”

Although her voice is low, but they are monks, they can hear clearly, Su Xu smiled, "I don't know where Nephew Yun came up with these weird ideas."

He shook his head, and told Lin Xi who hadn't left yet: "One month is enough for you to play, and everything is safe, don't lose your status."

He thought of An Ran again. She always valued her status the most, and she always behaved well in front of outsiders, elegant and dignified.

"I know."

Lin Xiying was so absent-minded, she looked at Mo Huai, "Brother Huai, what are you going to do today? Are you practicing indoors?"

After receiving Mo Huai's nod, she felt a little relieved, and then she walked out of Wangxian Palace.

On the other side, Yunli, who came out of Wangxian Palace, quickly found a set of little maids' clothes to change into, and quickly headed towards Wanqing Palace. She probed there with her spiritual sense and found a few little maids, and she quickly passed by.

When approaching, he acted in a hurry and bumped into a palace lady in a panic.

An older maid next to her grabbed her and asked sharply, "Which palace are you from? What are you doing in such a hurry!"

Yunli hurriedly helped the maid on the ground up, "I'm sorry, I'm from the imperial dining room. I heard that the immortal master is coming. I'm going back to get dressed."

The maid who just got up was stunned: "Master Immortal?"

"Shh!" Yunli raised her index finger in a gesture of silence, "I came here last night, it's only been a night, and the news hasn't spread yet, so I have to make preparations early."

Another person interjected: "What are you doing to prepare for the immortal master?"

"Naturally, I want to find a way to get the steward to transfer me to Wangxian Palace!"

Yunli's eyes lit up, "If I can please the immortal masters, just leaking something from their fingers, it will be enough for me to look good forever and live a long life."

Seeing that all the court ladies were moved, Yunli hurriedly bid farewell, and impatiently went to find the so-called aunt in charge.

Once out of everyone's sight, the invisibility talisman and the breathing talisman were operated together, and touched back again.

After a while, seeing Lin Xi coming towards this side under the leadership of a little maid, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately she moved quickly.

As Lin Xi approached, the conversations of several court ladies drifted into her ears.

"Hey, I heard that the fairy masters are very handsome. The last time the fairy masters came, sister Qifang was fortunate to serve in Wangxian Palace. It is said that one of the fairy masters is very beautiful, like the bright moon in summer and night, bright and clear. "

An elderly court lady echoed: "That's not true. Last time I also tested the fairy fate. That fairy master is really nice. When he looks at you, he only feels that the moonlight is like water, gentle and alienated."

Yunli smiled secretly, it was obviously Lin Chen who said this, it was hard for Lin Xi not to pay attention.

Sure enough, Lin Xi was instantly attracted, her footsteps stopped obviously, and she looked towards the speaking maid.

The maid who led the way saw her stop, and stood quietly aside, a little far away, she only saw a few vague figures in front of her, but did not hear their conversation.

The words of the maid over there continued.

"Nurse Xu from the Knitting Bureau said that she met so many immortal masters, but the last one was the best looking."

Several young maids under the age of 16 were also excited, "I don't know how the fairy master is doing this time, I really want to go and see."

"Don't worry, this time we will also participate in the test of immortal fate, and the immortal master will personally help us test it."

"Hee hee, I don't know how to measure it?"

After finishing speaking, the little maid turned to the direction of Wangxian Palace, and continued: "I want to go to Wangxian Palace now, hey, I really want to go to Wangxian Palace to be on duty."

This sentence reminded the two elderly maids that they had already tested the fairy fate last time. According to the usual situation, the fairy teacher is happy and quiet, so he will not come out to hang out. Those who measure the immortal fate must be on duty, I am afraid that there will be no chance to pay homage to the immortal master.

Looking at each other, the two said in unison: "Go and find the aunt in charge!"

After speaking, they turned around and left in a hurry.

Seeing this, the little maids were also moved, it would be nice if they could get acquainted in front of the immortal master, "I'll go too."

"I'll go as well"

At this moment, Lin Xi had already walked behind the rockery next to them. The maid who led the way turned pale when she heard what the girls said. She glanced at Lin Xi carefully and lowered her head in fear.

"What are they going to do with the aunt in charge?"

"They," the maid leading the way stammered, "ask aunt to try to be on duty in Wangxian Palace."

Lin Xi's face darkened suddenly, she remembered what Yunli said when she went out, although she didn't believe that group of mortals dared to be so bold, but what if.

She stood there hesitating for a while, then turned her footsteps, but she didn't go back.

Yun Li was stunned for a moment, and looked in the direction she left, it was Tai Chi Palace.

After thinking about it, she understood what Lin Xi was going to do, what a mistake!
After a while, seeing the eunuch in charge of Taiji Palace, he went to notify all the palace people in Wangxian Palace to be replaced by eunuchs, even the maid who led Lin Xi's way was replaced.

Yunli had no choice but to give up going out with tears in her eyes, and secretly followed Lin Xi to Wanqing Hall. Fortunately, when she left just now, Lin Xi's favor with the maid was immediately cleared, and she was accompanied by the eunuch who led the way, and she didn't intend to chat with the maid.

(End of this chapter)

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