all the way to fairy

Chapter 246 Public anger

Chapter 246 Public anger

Yue Yi flicked his wide sleeves, and talisman seals flew out, blasting away the surrounding monsters. Then he made a tactic with his left hand, and with the palm of his right hand facing down, he held it against the sea surface, and a stream of water was sucked by his palm. live.

Following his pinching formula, the water column in his palm contracted and condensed, giving off a chilly air. After a while, the water column turned into thousands of ice blades, attacking fiercely towards the wounded monster below.

Zheng Rui, who caught a glimpse of this scene from the corner of his eye, had a strange feeling in his heart. Before he could think about it, the red-eyed crab whale that was fighting with him took advantage of his distraction and slapped its tail on the sea surface, jumped high, and bit him fiercely. Come.

He turned around to avoid it, chopped off the red-eyed crab whale, and fought with the Jinze porpoise next to him.

Yue Yi fought and retreated, and gradually reached the edge, he looked up at the crowd, and was about to make a mistake, being dragged into the water by a monster or something.

"Junior Brother Liu!"

Someone next to him exclaimed, Yue Yi was stunned for a moment, before he remembered that the person he replaced was named Liu.

Immediately, a sense of danger came to mind, and he controlled the flying sword to move away, and a piece of flesh was grabbed off his back by the sharp tongs.

Looking back, a seventh-rank red brocade crab was sprinting towards him with two sharp pincers, one of which still had scraps of his clothes and flesh and blood on it.

In the blink of an eye, the Red Brocade Crab was already in front of Yue Yi's eyes, his pupils shrank, and without hesitation of revealing his identity, he summoned the Shadow Sword to hold the pincers that were swinging towards him.

That was a seventh-order monster, and it was not something he could deal with right now.

Yue Yi retreated step by step from the huge force coming from the sword, resisted for a moment, he gritted his teeth and simply stopped resisting, let the strong force of the red brocade crab throw him into the sea, and splashed into the sea, splashing waves of water.

Zheng Rui split the monster in front of him with a knife, turned around and threw the knife at the red brocade crab. At the same time, he quickly threw a handful of thorn seeds, injected with spiritual power, and recited the formula in his mouth. Under the infusion of spiritual power, the thorn seeds grew rapidly , tightly entangled the crab demon.

Taking advantage of this time of respite, he shouted at the crowd: "Get out!"

"Senior Brother Zheng, I'll help you!"

The thin male cultivator raised his sword and wanted to strike at the red brocade crab.

"do not!"

Zheng Rui hurriedly called him to stop, his chop might be like scratching an itch for the red brocade crab, but it would cut off his thorns and vines.

After stopping him, Zheng Rui hurriedly shouted: "The thorn seeds, the water prison talisman, all the methods that can trap it!"

Then he said to the skinny monk: "Junior Brother Liu, go and see how Junior Brother Liu is doing. If there is nothing wrong, tell him to come quickly and set up a trap."

"it is good!"

Liu Shi was about to go, but suddenly stopped, and muttered to himself: "The sword he just looked familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Zheng Rui urged: "Hurry up, these details will be later—"

His words also stopped abruptly, and Yunli's words sounded in his mind in a flash, "When you wave it, bright yellow and orange red interweave brilliant colors, just like the sunset in midsummer."

Although it was only for a short moment just now, the light on the sword was not just like the setting sun in the sky, gorgeous and desolate.

It's just that he hasn't seen it with his own eyes after all. Hearing what Junior Sister Yun mentioned, he looked at Liu Shi. Last time he saw that man's sword outside the Misty Swamp.

"Is it the one who escaped later in the Misty Swamp?"

After his reminder, Liu Shi suddenly remembered, "Yes, yes, it is him!"

Zheng Rui's eyes sharpened. The Zongmen valued that person very much. For more than a month, the inspection teams around the island were searched over and over again to target him.

"You go back first, I will chase him, and I must not let him run away!"

After speaking, he turned into rainbow light and shot out quickly.

Almost at the same time, all patrol teams encountered such a monster attack, even Yunli, the innermost team, was attacked.

As soon as the siege broke out, the top leaders of the four factions also responded immediately. The first thing to ensure was that the work of the formation went smoothly. Under this premise, some monks were sent to the sea area to defend against monsters and human cultivators who were about to arrive.

Yunli, on the other hand, was called back to the island after the first wave of siege. In the current situation, it is dangerous for monks in the foundation establishment period to go outside, let alone her eighth level of Qi training in the eyes of others.

Looking back from a distance, she saw a steady stream of water pouring down from top to bottom in her field of vision, like a curtain of huge waterfalls, separating the island from the sea.

A figure suddenly passed by, Yunli was stunned, isn't that Su Mo?

Su Mo is one of the main persons in charge of the tasks here. Shouldn't he be busy deploying personnel and supplies at this time.

She rushed to the wooden house where she received the task earlier, grabbed someone and asked, "What's going on? What is Senior Brother Su doing in such a hurry?"

The woman caught by her looked a little flustered, her voice was trembling, and she spoke incoherently: "Several, dozens of Yuanying Zhenjun, all, all came, and there are many Jindan monks."

"Dozens of Nascent Soul True Monarchs!"

Yunli gasped. These people definitely did not come from one family or two sects. To keep people to guard the house, each sect of aristocratic family can send only a limited number of Nascent Soul cultivators, and the dozens of them must be the union of multiple sects of aristocratic families.

"Is this trying to force the palace to rebel?"

She murmured, and suddenly realized the danger. Because the mainland was banned from ascending, there were quite a lot of Nascent Soul True Monarchs in the Canglan Continent, but this group of people cherished their lives and would not do it easily.

This time there is such a big battle, which shows their determination. If this place is breached, if she is affected by the moves of that Nascent Soul or Jindan in the middle of the chaos, or if someone thinks she is not pleasing to the eye, take the opportunity .
Thinking of this, she hurriedly said goodbye to the female nun in front of her, ran back to her small wooden house, changed into inconspicuous clothes, put away the wooden house, and ran towards Tai Yizong's spirit boat as if flying.

There was still some distance from the spirit boat, and the disciples guarding outside stopped her, saying, "Junior Sister Yun, the head teacher is discussing something with some true kings, and no one is seen now."

"I'm not looking for Master. Brother Mo is worried that Junior Sister Lin is in danger, so I'll protect her personally."

The two disciples looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, and let her pass. Since it was Mo Huai's intention, they naturally had no reason to stop her.

Lin Xi was surprised when she saw her, "Why are you here?"

"Senior Brother Mo is worried about you, let me take a look."

Lin Xi's eyes lit up, she was both happy and ashamed, and asked, "How is brother Huai?"

How could she know that since they separated that day, they have never met each other again, but at this time, it is natural to pick up something good to say to her.

"Oh, he's fine, just worried about you."

Lin Xi was even more joyful, but then became a little suspicious, and was about to ask something, suddenly several people flew out of the spirit boat, and went straight to the outside of the barrier, and the first person was Zhenjun Fuyue, the teacher in charge.

The owner of the Four Seasons Valley, the owner of the Tianxin Pavilion, and the owner of the Phantom Palace are also impressively listed.

Yunli is stupid, isn't she, she just came to ask for protection, but she left.

Lin Xi also didn't care about the little sweetness of love, and hurried out of the room, grabbed a monk who was in a hurry and asked, "What's the matter, why did grandpa go out?"

Being pulled back suddenly, the disciple was feeling irritable and was about to lose his temper. Seeing that it was Lin Xi, he restrained himself, "Junior Sister, I can't explain this matter in a few words. I have urgent matters to deal with first."

Lin Xi was not happy, "Let's make a long story short."

"Xiao Linxi, don't disturb your brothers."

Songyin's gentle voice sounded, seeing him, Yunli was relieved, she just said, Lin Xi is still here, how could the headmaster not leave anyone to protect her.

With Song Yin as a better candidate, Lin Xi no longer held on to the monk, ran over and grabbed Song Yin's clothes, and asked anxiously: "Grandpa Yin, what happened, what happened to Grandpa?" went too?"

Songyin looked at her, then at Yunli at the side, and said, "You two come in with me."

As soon as Lin Xi entered the room, Lin Xi asked anxiously again, and Song Yin comforted him softly, "The heads of the Xiao family's Ye family and other sects are here. Your grandfather, as the head teacher of our Taiyi sect, naturally wants to meet you." of."

It was only then that Yunli realized that she still underestimated the seriousness of the matter. Almost all the aristocratic families headed by Xiao and Ye, and the cultivating sect sent people to ask the four sects for an explanation, and even the demon cultivators participated.

The blockade of the Forgotten Land by the four factions has angered the public. If this matter is not handled properly, the four factions may lose their vitality, or even perish.

 Thanks to book friend 1382544553 for the monthly ticket, thank you very much! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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