Chapter 249: Small Shadow Building (1)

And they only need the antidote for Devil May Cry, and they have the antidote ready-made in Canye Pavilion.

The problem now is that there are several kinds of spiritual plants in the antidote that I don't know what they are, but I didn't recognize them because Ah Yan has never seen them. If this is the case, then send her to further study.

There is a medicine garden that claims to have the most complete variety of spiritual plants in the whole continent. Only in it, Ah Yan can definitely find it.

Even if he didn't find it by then, it wouldn't be too late to inquire about Zhenjun Lingchu.

Chu Nan laughed, "What am I supposed to do? I'll make arrangements in advance when your friend will go."

This is really not a big deal, Tianxin Pavilion is a holy place for alchemists, and many alchemists come to observe and learn from each other, but the medicine garden is also divided, and most of them can only be in the outer layer.

In his capacity, he can still help people get a good position. Except for the core park, he can go to other places in the medicine garden.

Yunli smiled, "Thank you, Senior Brother Chu, we will go to the next Alchemy assessment."

Chu Nan smiled, "Then I will wait for my junior sister to drive me in Tianxin Pavilion."

Yunli nodded, and said with a smile: "I was in a hurry last time. This Nanling City is considered to be for nothing. I have to find Fellow Daoist Qin to do my best as a landlord."

"Then what are you waiting for, go find him."
Sky Cloud City, Drunken Dream Building.

Yingmei put a piece of paper on the table, lazily sank herself into the slump, picked up the round fan and shook it intermittently, "You guessed right, the direction of our previous investigation was indeed wrong. "

"After Fu Yue left the Lin family, he didn't leave, but turned back again, until a month later he secretly left the Lin family, and reappeared in Hengyue City."

Previously, they had always thought that Fu Yue went to Hengyue City after leaving the Lin family for the first time. According to this direction, they found out that he went to Hengyue City to meet secretly with the owner of the Tianxin Pavilion. They did not know the content of the meeting, of course. Ge Li didn't expect them to find this out.

Logically, the matter ended here, but the time was not right. They checked all possible routes for Fu Yue to Hengyue City after he came out of Lin's house, but there was still no answer for the extra time.

Speaking of this, her eyes rolled, and she asked curiously: "Why did you think of going back to Charing's house?"

Wei Lin lowered his eyes, Fu Yue deliberately hid his tracks, so it was naturally difficult to find him. After guessing that it was related to Zhenjun Fujian, it would be convenient to start with Zhenjun Fujian.

Eight years ago, Zhenjun Fujian retreated silently. He estimated the time when Ah Li took the feathers, and found that Zhenjun Fuyue hurried back to the Lin family during that time, and since then he has returned to the Lin family much more frequently than before.

Recalling that he also disappeared after leaving the Lin family this time, it is not difficult to guess that Zhenjun Fujian is hiding in the Lin family.

However, this reason can't be told to Ying Mei, so with a chuckle, he said slowly: "Since the pavilion asked us to investigate in detail, how can we not investigate the last place he went before he disappeared."

"It's still your thoughtfulness."

Ying Mei nodded, and continued: "Our spies in the Lin family have low status and cannot reach the core, but there is one thing that is strangely important."

She paused, and said: "Do you still remember the granddaughter of the master of the Xuanyu Sect who came to Tianyun City a few years ago, and heard that Qianshi had a big fight with her in the city."

"Xu Linghui? What's wrong with her?"

Wei Lin was a little surprised. After that time at the restaurant, he met Xu Linghui several times later. He was a little scheming and had a high opinion of himself. Other than that, he didn't see any problems with her.

Yingmei showed a clear expression, it was related to Qianshi, he knew it was normal.

"She has no problem. The problem is one of her followers. Xu Linghui came to visit the Lin family, and the Xuanyu Sect sent a dozen inner disciples to protect her. After arriving at the Lin family, they all lived with Xu Linghui in the Lin family, but one of them went to the Lin family. to the Lin family’s courtyard outside the city.”

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, "Sparse Shadow House in Qingque Mountain?"


Ying Mei nodded, and said eloquently: "Thousands of years ago, an ancestor of the Lin family was hurt by love, and lived in seclusion in Qingque Mountain to recuperate. He built a small building of sparse shadows, and enshrined several monks who were skilled in medicine there."

Wei Lin's heart moved, Zhenjun Fujian was seriously injured and unconscious. From this point of view, he must be in Shuying Xiaozhu.

Thinking about this, he asked: "Where did Xu Linghui's servant come from?"

Since Yingmei has already noticed the abnormality of that person, she presumably has investigated him thoroughly.

The round fan in Yingmei's hand stopped, traced the patterns on it with her fingertips, and said leisurely: "Xu Haoxuan, the master of Xuanyu Sect, is a closed disciple. I heard that he has some talents in the medical field."

It is also because of this that they didn't go into details after finding out his identity at first. In Shuying Xiaozhu lived the seniors of the Lin family who were recuperating. The details are also normal.

It wasn't until they went back to check Fuyue's whereabouts and found that he went back and forth between Lin's house and Shuying Xiaozhu three times in the month of disappearance, that they realized the abnormality.

And guessed that it was not unusual for the previous juniors of the Xuanyu Sect to go there, even Xu Linghui may have come to the Lin family to let him go to Shuying Xiaozhu in a reasonable way.

"Shuying Xiaozhu is heavily guarded. Our people only found out where Fuyue went. As for why he went there, it depends on you."

Naturally, Wei Lin didn't say anything else, he didn't want other people to intervene in the matter of helping Zhenjun Zhenjun, the matter of sealing was too much involved, the more people knew about it, the more dangerous they were.

"Where's Miss Mo You?" Ying Mei waved her round fan, asking Mo You, but looking at Wei Lin.

Without waiting for Wei Lin to speak, Mo You said softly, "Since I followed Senior Brother Qian Jiu out to practice, I naturally have to go with me."

Wei Lin glanced at her, but didn't refute. He also noticed that as long as he stayed away from him, there would be dark clouds, lightning and thunder above Mo You's head.

With Master Huijue's Buddhist relics around, although it is not possible to chop it down, it will follow wherever it goes, and it is a shining target.

Yingmei and Yingmei turned around and asked, "How do you plan to enter?"

Wei Lin looked at Mo You, got up and walked out, "I don't need Aunt Yingmei to worry about this."

After leaving Zuimenglou, Wei Lin took Mo You for a stroll on the street for several days in a row, and Mo You couldn't figure out what to do.

On the third day, as soon as they entered Tianxingfang, they saw Xu Linghui standing at the gate of Jinyi Pavilion with a maid, "Are you sure Brother Chuchen will come here?"

Lu Yi nodded, "The mistress of the Spirit Talisman Hall said that his young master is going to visit the Jinyi Pavilion today, so there must be nothing wrong."

Xu Linghui straightened her clothes and was about to go in when she caught a familiar voice.

"Junior Sister, would you like some vestments?"

She followed the voice, and the boy in blue and white turned his head slightly, looking down at the girl beside him, with a vague smile on his lips.

The clear morning light fell on his flawless and delicate face, and the whole person seemed to be shining, so beautiful that it was a bit unreal.

The girl next to him was covered in a light pink cloak, and the big hood covered her tightly, and she turned sideways, making it impossible to see her face clearly.

She could only hear her slightly puzzled voice, very soft, like a feather brushing against her ears, "We're not here"

"Grandmother!" Xu Linghui couldn't help but interrupt her, the young man in front raised his head, looked over the crowd, and looked at her indifferently.

Xu Linghui moved lightly, walked up to the two of them, and said with a smile, "Grandfather, what a coincidence."

Wei Lin nodded, and continued to question Mo You with his eyes.

Mo You was a little confused, who is this person?
Following his gaze, Xu Linghui seemed to have just seen Mo You, smiling like a spring breeze, "This sister is right!"

Seeing Mo You's face clearly, she covered her mouth with an exclamation and took two steps back, then put it down quickly and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I lost my composure, what's wrong with this little sister?"

Mo You hurriedly lowered her head, reached out and pulled the hood down, the purple blood vessels on the back of her hand were so frightened that the servant girl who followed slowly exclaimed again, and the passers-by turned their eyes on them.

Wei Lin took two steps forward, put Mo You behind him, and said to Xu Linghui, "This is my junior sister. She has a strange disease and frightened fellow Taoists. Please forgive me."

Xu Linghui quickly calmed down, her face was covered with large and small purple blood vessels, it was really scary to see it at first, but she is also a monk, so she still has the ability to bear it.

She covered her mouth and giggled, and then winked at Wei Lin playfully, "Benefactor said this but underestimated Huier, although Huier has a low level of cultivation, she is quite courageous."

(End of this chapter)

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