all the way to fairy

Chapter 257 Sorry for Being Late

Chapter 257 Sorry for Being Late

After thinking about it, the injured Zhenjun at that time had already been called Po Moyou Canye Pavilion, this matter could not be hidden much, and it would soon become a secret among the disciples, so he simply sold Guanshi Xu to save face.

As the steward of the deacon's hall, Steward Xu holds the lifeblood of all the outer disciples and handyman disciples, so he might not be able to use him in the future.

She transmitted voice again: "Yuemo has something to do with Canye Pavilion."

Manager Xu was horrified. Qingque Mountain was the property of the Lin family, which was in charge of teaching, and it involved Canye Pavilion, so it really shouldn't be too much involved. He nodded gratefully at Yunli.

Seeing that he listened, Yunli talked about the business, "I'll pick up Xiao Hei."

Manager Xu smiled, "It turns out that my nephew came here for this matter, no need, Daoist Danyang has already left the customs and brought Cang Jie back."

Yunli was surprised: "So fast?"

"The alchemy assessment is about to begin, and the real person should prepare early for his exit."

Yunli is still puzzled, there are still several years to go, isn't this preparation a bit premature?

Coming out of the deacon's hall full of doubts, two flying swords descended from the sky and stopped directly in front of her. Seeing An Ran and Mu Yan on the flying swords who had been missing for a long time, Yunli was so happy that she rushed over to hug Mu Yan, saying repeatedly : "Ayan, I miss you so much."

When she was over excited, she remembered how many people looked like they were about to go out, so she couldn't help but ask, "Where are you going?"

Although the Zongmen's rumors have died down now, there are still undercurrents surging in private, isn't it good to go out at this time?

Sure enough, Mu Yan smiled and nodded, and then warmly invited her to go with her. An Ran next to her resisted not to speak, but it was obvious that she also very much hoped that she could go outside to catch up and breathe.

Thinking that her little essay hadn't been finished yet, Yunli reluctantly refused. When she went to Tianyun City at this time, she had to find a way to report to Zuimenglou and the pavilion.

She hasn't finished the draft yet, and Shuying Xiaozhuli doesn't know what's going on with the senior brother, so it would be great if the things she made up indirectly tricked the senior brother.

Seeing her resoluteness, Mu Yan didn't force her, she didn't want to, Lin Xi quit, and dragged her along with her.

Yunli: .
After being speechless for a while, she remembered that today the head of the church personally instructed Mo Huai to practice, in other words, Mo Huai would go to the Hall of Supreme One, and her residence was halfway up the mountain of Taiyi Peak, on the way to the Hall of Supreme One.

She was even more speechless, Lin Xi was really on guard, after thinking about it, she stopped fighting with Lin Xi and jumped directly onto Wen Xueluo's flying sword.

If she drags it on here, it seems that she has a ghost in her heart.

As soon as she came out of Huzong Mountain, three secret messages ding-ding-ding in her sea of ​​consciousness.

An Ran: "Father, Queen, Empress, Grandmother, are they all okay? There are others, are they all okay?"

Mu Yan: "Did you go to the Misty Swamp? I heard that many people died. Are you okay?"

Wen Xueluo: "Is it your revenge to expose the blue book?"

Yunli put her chin on Mu Yan's shoulder in front of her, and went back to Anran first: "Everything is fine at home, I just miss us, the imperial grandmother even found out the paintings we painted in the Compassionate Ning Palace, Auntie thinks I asked Lin Xi about you, but I didn't dare to ask because of the difference between Xian Fan and Xian Fan."

"However, when I first arrived, I mentioned your situation to the emperor's uncle. They shouldn't be worried. My brother married the eldest daughter of the Pingyang uncle's mansion."

After rambling on and finishing the matter, An Ran felt a little depressed, raised her eyes and looked forward, a vast expanse of whiteness, just like her current mood, at a loss, wondering if she could go back in this life.

After answering one question, Yunli preached to Mu Yan again: "Don't worry, I'm fine, and I took advantage of the opportunity to hold a big thick leg, and won you a place to study in Tianxin Pavilion Medicine Garden."

"Really?" Mu Yan's eyes lit up, and she held her hand to confirm.

Tianxin Pavilion Medicine Garden is a sacred place in the hearts of mainland alchemists. If you can go inside and take a look, you can know a lot from Lingzhi alone, not to mention that there are often alchemists fighting skills in the medicine garden. What a great opportunity to watch and learn.

Uncle An is the direct descendant of Zhenjun Fuyu, and the Tianxin Pavilion is also connected with the Taiyi Sect. Naturally, she can go in and out of the medicine garden to observe and study. Her status is low, and it is even more difficult to get in. Now it's alright, she can also go.

Lin Xi, who was on the opposite sword, glanced at the hands they were holding, with a face full of disgust, "It's sticky."

Yunli didn't care, "You are jealous of our relationship."

An Ran looked back at them, and saw Yunli's chin resting on Mu Yan's shoulder, hanging on Mu Yan's body like a boneless body, holding the hand hanging by her side, she couldn't help muttering, "It's really crooked."

Yunli chuckled, and continued to inform Mu Yan of her family's situation via voice transmission, and then she could deal with Wen Xueluo with peace of mind.

"You actually want to ask Wen Xuelian, right?"

During the sound transmission, she kept her eyes on Wen Xueluo, seeing her body stiffen imperceptibly for a moment, and then quickly relaxed. She didn't answer, but the silence already explained the problem.

Yunli's eyes flickered slightly, and she asked, "Do you still have the bottle of detoxification pill you took?"

"Why are you asking this? As I said, there is only one pill." Wen Xueluo was vigilant and impatient. Anyone who was threatened repeatedly because of the same thing would not feel better.

"I know, I just want a bottle." Yunli secretly rolled her eyes, making her look unreasonable and unreasonable.

Since the detoxification pill has been stored for tens of thousands of years, there must be residues on the medicine bottle, so it's hard to say that Ah Yan can analyze something from it.

Such an important thing as detoxification cannot be pinned on only one method.

After a long while, Wen Xueluo's words came to mind in the sea of ​​consciousness, "I'm still here, I'll find a chance for you later."

Yunli curled her lips, "A friendly reminder, Lan Shu deliberately got close to Wen Xuelian, thanks to my wit, Lin Xi didn't mention you."

After the transmission, without waiting for her answer, he continued: "Tsk tsk, I'm just a little curious. The deputy cabinet master has been investigating in Qingyao City for so many years. It is reasonable to find out how many mouse holes there are in the Wen family. Why did Geli suddenly let Lan Shu approach your sister?"

"She's not my sister!" As soon as she finished speaking, she received Wen Xueluo's rebuttal.

Yunli pursed her lips. It turned out that Wen Xuelian was her sister. The reaction was so intense. It seemed that there was a story between the two sisters.

After this rebuttal, Wen Xueluo was completely silent. She stood in front of her, and Yunli could not see her expression, but the flying sword under her feet shook slightly, obviously its owner was upset now.

Yunli didn't send voice transmissions to anyone, but quietly thought about how to report when she met Yingmei later.

Seeing that it was almost time to reach Sky Cloud City, Lin Xi pouted: "Senior Sister An, you have to accompany me later."

Yunli looked puzzled, didn't she come out to play?What's with this reluctant tone?

She tugged on Mu Yan's sleeve and asked, "By the way, what are you doing here?"

Mu Yan looked at Lin Xi sympathetically but with some doubts, "The head teacher said that last time we didn't know how to be polite and neglected Fairy Xu, and asked Senior Sister Lin to go to her to make amends, and invited her to the sect as a guest."

The corner of Yunli's mouth twitched. It's been more than half a year since this incident, isn't it too late to apologize now, and the headmaster is so busy, and he doesn't care about the quarrel between the little girls.

An Ran lowered the flying sword and smiled at Lin Xi comfortingly, "Naturally."

After thinking about it, this time I was going to make an apology. For her and Lin Xi, Xu Linghui naturally didn't want to embarrass her, but for his cousin and A Yan, he couldn't say for sure.

"Ayan, you send the elixir to the alchemy hall first, and wait for us at the city gate after it's over."

Yunli hurriedly said, "I'll go too, I'll go too!"

Zhengchou how to avoid Lin Xi's sight, the cousin gave such a good excuse, it is worthy of the friendship of pranking people, bah, and wit fighting Bailian together since childhood, this tacit understanding, leverage!

After parting ways, she and Mu Yan first took the elixir to the alchemy hall for consignment, then went to Jinye Pavilion to return the spirit stone, and then went to the restaurant to open a private room with pride. Reward yourself well, but actually sneaked away to Zuimenglou.

"You can be regarded as coming, the pavilion has been urging you." Seeing her, Ying Mei was obviously relieved.

Yunli sighed pretendingly, "Isn't there no way to do it? Once I go back to the sect, there will be turmoil, so I don't want to act rashly."

As she was speaking, a wall obliquely in front of her was rippled like the surface of water, and then Wei Lin walked out from inside.

Yunli opened her mouth wide, "Why are you still here?"

(End of this chapter)

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