all the way to fairy

Chapter 261 Mo You's News

Chapter 261 Mo You's News

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but once again lamented the four chicken thieves, let the Xiao family, who already had a grudge against Can Yege, rush forward, and she did not know how to act, firstly to lower the vigilance of Canyege, and secondly to preserve herself With the strength of the three, the Xiao family will be pinned down here.

One sentence counts, high, really high!

On the front stage, after Ye Guanshi finished his opening remarks, he motioned for the first auction item to be sent up, and began to talk like a lotus flower, boasting that the auction item was the best in the world.

Yunli withdrew her gaze, and thought about it, Jingzhe had ordered that all disciples outside were not allowed to return to Qinghe Valley, and many people in the pavilion went to other mountains to avoid the limelight, but why did Ying San choose Tianyun City? He didn't want to see Ying San Charm?

Turning her eyes, she continued to inquire through sound transmission: "So you came to Tianyun City to avoid the limelight?"

"how is this possible!"

Ying Sanru's tail was stepped on, and he immediately denied, "Mo You suddenly returned to the pavilion, and lost the news of Qianjiu, and the pavilion asked me to come to Tianyun City to cooperate with the spies here to find out about Qingqueshan. "

"When did Mo worry go back?"

Yunli is suspicious. There is no obstacle from Qinghe Valley to Tianyun City, and it will take seven or eight days to ride the spirit boat. Now that the investigation in the south is so tight, Yingsan will definitely detour, and he must be cautious along the way. Most likely he chooses to use his own sword , the time required is less than ten days.

It has only been half a month, and he arrived. After doing the math, he set off from the pavilion almost a day or two after the Qingque Mountain accident.

Mo You just got rid of the chase once and for all, with her cultivation level during the Qi training period, it will take some time to go back, how is this time calculated?

Ying San was stunned, "I hear what you mean, do you know about this?"

Yunli narrowed her eyes slightly, and after a while, she sent back a message: "When she ran away, I was by the side."

"Did you really go to Taiyi School as a secret agent?"

Ying San was surprised. During the days when she disappeared, there were faint rumors in the pavilion that she was on a spy mission, but he didn't believe it. Such a master who refuses to suffer, doesn't look like a spy. , she really became a spy, and she was still in Taiyizong!
She simply described the situation of Mo You at that time in detail.

Ying San was shocked, "She returned to the pavilion that day."

Thinking about it again, Mo You came back very suddenly and mysteriously, almost no one saw how she entered Qinghe Valley.

Other times, people may not notice, but not these days.

Qinghe Valley doesn't allow her disciples to go back now, and there are people guarding at every entrance. How could no one see her when she came back?
He swallowed, thinking of a possibility, and said via voice transmission: "Wouldn't her space teleportation circle be directly teleported back to the pavilion?"

Yunli gasped, and couldn't help but sit up straight, causing Mu Yan who was next to her to look at her and ask with her eyes.

She shook her head at Mu Yan, all signs showed that Ying San's conjecture was true, and the bracelet that Xingye gave Mo You was a fixed-point teleportation formation.

She admitted that she was sore, why didn't they have such an excellent means of escape.

Wait, she just came out of Zuimenglou, she didn't hear that Yingsan was here, she tentatively asked: "Uncle, haven't you gone to see Aunt Yingmei?"

Ying San didn't answer, even though she couldn't see her, she could guess that his face must be very depressed now, and she waited for a while before receiving his voice transmission: "No."

He arrived in Tianyun City yesterday, and when he thought of accepting Yingmei's command in the next few days, he was so stunned that he lingered outside the city until it was dark. At night, people came and went in Zuimenglou, and it was not safe for him. Then he dragged on for another night with peace of mind.

When I saw the auction of Jinye Pavilion today, Diandian came here. It only happens once a year.

With his temperament, Yunli knew it was the result.

No, I have to let him go to Zuimenglou early. If the senior brother heard his intention, he would definitely notice the time conflict. After thinking about it, he would guess that the means Xingye left for Mo You to save his life was fixed-point teleportation.

If there is no accident, he will have to bring Mo You with him when he goes out in the future, and he must fully understand her various methods and cards.

She began to persuade her earnestly: "Uncle, it's useless for you to escape like this. If you stretch out your head, you will also get a knife. If you die early, you will be reborn sooner. If you finish the matter earlier, you will leave sooner."

Ying San's face darkened when he heard it from behind, he was being stabbed and dead, and he didn't want to go anymore.

Also, since Qinghe Valley is not allowed to enter, he will have to stay here to help in the future, and the information will be sent back by Yingmei, so he obviously cannot go back.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the chattering voice continued, "Aunt Yingmei is not what you think. What if she has any difficulties? You misunderstand her so much now, and when the misunderstanding is resolved in the future, how can you face her? On the front line, see you in the future."

Ying San was speechless, why did he feel that Xiao Qianshi had also become talkative?

If there is any difficulty, she is now in control of the power, even the Golden Core cultivator in the pavilion will politely call Junior Sister Yingmei if she sees her.

He was about to take over the right to speak by sound transmission, but it was not easy to meet him once, so he had to have a good time talking.

But she heard her say: "Oh, I've always been curious about one thing, we are all code names, why not Aunt Yingmei?"

Ying San was stunned for a moment, Ying Ying was Ying Er when she entered the pavilion, later she became the head of Zui Meng Lou, greeted and sent her away, saw many people, so she changed her name to Ying Mei.

After hearing the reason he said, Yunli was still suspicious in her heart. If it was just a pseudonym to conceal her identity, it would be fine to call it outside, but it wouldn't be necessary in the pavilion.

But she remembered that when Mang Zhong forced them to eat Devil May Cry, she once said that after entering the Remnant Ye Pavilion, the past will be erased, and the code on the token is their name and so on.

But these are not important, the most important thing is to persuade Yingsan to report to Zuimenglou as soon as possible, she just started, Yingsan interrupted her, "Concentrate on watching the auction, don't talk."

Yunli smacked her lips. She never expected that one day she would hear the words 'don't talk' from a chatterbox.

Forget it, forget it, it's too late, Yingsan should be suspicious if she persuades her again, if she can't think of a way to come out in two days, the senior brother will not leave Tianyun City in a short time.

After a while, it was the turn of Zhu Jinsang to be auctioned, and Yunli cheered up.

The Hibiscus mulberry that can be auctioned in Jinye Pavilion must not be ordinary. It is of high quality, and although the price is a little expensive, it is not outrageously high.

They didn't even think about picking up the cheap ones. Those who wanted Zhu Jinsang were basically alchemists. Everyone knew exactly how much it was worth, and they couldn't pick it up even if they wanted to. Therefore, when Mu Yan gritted her teeth and raised the price to the limit, she also Take it down.

After taking photos of Zhu Jinsang, their purpose of coming here has been achieved, Yunli asked through voice transmission: "Are we leaving now? Are the cousins ​​already healed?"

Mu Yan: "Senior Sister Lin will not let her go until the afternoon when she returns home, so there is no rush."

Yunli nodded, "Then leave after the end."

She began to observe the auction with great interest. The second-generation Xius of Tianyun City on the second floor were throwing money in a big way, and some people who were bored below maliciously raised their prices. For a while, it was more interesting than the auction items on the stage.

Ai Ai's voice transmission suddenly sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, "Then what, do you really think Ying and Aunt Yingmei have unavoidable difficulties?"

Yunli's spirit was shaken, she had heard it!

She suppressed her excitement and said very objectively, "I don't think so. You and Aunt Yingmei have been friends since childhood. You know what kind of person she is. As an outsider, I can only see the surface. , you still have to understand it carefully.”

Ying Mei's desire to kill the deputy pavilion master is very unusual in itself, and there is a great possibility of hidden secrets. She believes that as long as Ying San is willing to think about it, she can always think of some clues that were ignored before.

After hearing her words, Ying San remained silent, and did not send her voice transmission until the auction was over. Seeing that he was leaving in the direction of Zuimenglou, Yunli raised her eyebrows, it seemed that there was no need to take risks to come out again.

Next, she plans to retreat. Since she is going to the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm, she will naturally have to work hard to improve her cultivation. Taking advantage of this time, she can see if she can break through to the sixth level in one fell swoop. In addition, retreat can also avoid interrogation from Canye Pavilion.

Overtly and secretly, all kinds of clues have been planted, and then it is natural to let it ferment. Without her news, the two sides can be evenly matched and compete fairly. Who is better depends on their own methods.

(End of this chapter)

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