all the way to fairy

Chapter 270 Abandoned Medicine Garden

Chapter 270 Abandoned Medicine Garden
Yunli sighed, the entanglement technique didn't work, she lost her mobility after a while, and the green vine should have dissipated without the spiritual power to support it.

She commanded Huan Shiling and wrapped it around Mu Yan's waist. With Huan Shiling who shared her thoughts, she could deal with accidents at any time.

Get ready, she released her breath again, and Mu Yan shuddered. It may be because she has experienced it once and her body has adapted a lot, or it may be because of the barrier of spiritual power. Although she was still trembling this time, No loss of mobility.

Yunli also felt relieved, and swam forward with all her strength.

When they got close to a certain distance, the saber-toothed ghost fish found them, felt Yunli's breath, and stopped in place one after another, not daring to move, even those of the seventh and eighth ranks.

Yunli's hanging heart sank, it seemed that her divine beast's aura not only deterred land monsters, but also water monsters.

Swimming over like a sharp arrow, those saber-toothed ghost fishes naturally backed away wherever they passed.

Immediately, she found it difficult to see the formation on the stone wall, she had never learned formation before!

Looking through the storage room, he placed an isolation formation obtained from Zhenjun Zhiming in front of the stone wall. The isolation formation of Zhenjun Yuanying should be of good quality.

Best of all, she backed away a few steps, and summoned the flame with her hands, and the surrounding water suddenly boiled, bubbling and bubbling.

After Fei Yan appeared, the saber-toothed ghost fish around did not dare to take a breath, and some of the lower ranks even rolled their eyeballs and died; Mu Yan couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Yunli hurriedly approached the formation with Fei Yan, under the flame, even the most mysterious formation was burned, and a small door appeared on the stone wall.

She quickly took Fei Yan away, and let it cook for a while, and this group of saber-toothed ghost fish should be boiled fish.

After violently opening the small door, the two of them quickly entered, and what they saw was a piece of green, with stubbles of spiritual plants covering the top of their heads, growing and intertwined in a chaotic manner, without any rules at all.

She took out her plantain fan and flew over the messy spiritual plants, and she had a clear view of the terrain here.

This is a cave. The roof and walls of the cave are also covered by wildly growing plants. There are plants everywhere. Some spiritual fruits fell on the ground, and half of the fruits were rotten; The nucleus is slowly buried.

The two looked at each other, knowing that this place should be the secret medicine garden of a certain powerful person. For some unknown reason, the owner no longer took care of it, left it abandoned, and left it to fend for itself, and it became what it is today.

Instead, Yunli's eyes lit up, to have such a private medicine garden, at least he is also an alchemist at the golden alchemy stage.

For a sect like Tianxin Pavilion, even if the master retreats or has other affairs, it should be hung in the deacon's hall and find someone to take care of it.

Doesn't this deserted look mean that this medicine garden has no owner!

Among the monks, things that have no owner have always been obtained by those who are predestined. Since they came here, they are naturally predestined!

She turned her head and looked at Mu Yan with burning eyes, and asked expectantly: "Are these spiritual plants precious? How many spiritual stones are they worth?"

Mu Yan hesitated, "Probably, I don't know most of them."

She pointed to a flower on the left that was bubbling and releasing air-conditioning, "But that is the Frost Cloud Flower, the material of the Infant Pill, a mature Frost Cloud Flower, at least three high-grade spirit stones. "


Yunli gasped, and then became even more excited. Needless to say, the Frost Cloud Flowers here must have matured!

"Sent, sent"

She flew over happily, and was about to pick it. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a familiar plant in the shadow of the rock wall, and she immediately drove the plantain fan back.

Mu Yan was stunned for a moment, followed her gaze, and almost exclaimed, she covered her mouth and nose with one hand, and Yunli's with the other, and said via voice transmission: "Ziyuan Barley! Cover your mouth and nose quickly, poisonous."

Yunli was also shocked, for the Lingzhi from Yunshu Immortal Mansion appeared here, and after thinking about it, Yunshu Immortal Mansion is the fairy mansion of Zhenjun Lingchu's friend.

Since the owner of the Immortal Mansion had a good relationship with Zhenjun Lingchu, he thought that he would come to Tianxin Pavilion less often. No, it should be called Yaowang Valley at that time. It also made sense for Zhenjun Lingchu to give her some spiritual plants.

After she figured it out, the word Chuan appeared between her brows. Since Ziyuan barley appeared, it is impossible to say that there are other spiritual plants in Yunshu Immortal Mansion.

That's all for the rest, Shu Fangyi grows secretly, colorless and odorless, it's hard to guard against.

Looking around vigilantly, sure enough, a series of spiritual plants that exist in Yunshu Immortal Mansion, such as Shufangyi, Ziyuan Barley, Jiuyehua, Pinglianguo, and Bilanhua, are also found here.

When she was looking at it, Mu Yan was also looking around. After looking around a few times, she frowned and murmured softly: "Why are there so many poisonous spiritual plants?"

Hearing this, Yunli Maliu took out Zhenjun Zhiming's Yueying Mingxin umbrella and opened it, covering the two of them, "It can isolate most of the toxins."

Mu Yan's eyes lit up, "It's amazing!"

Yunli smiled, took out a stack of storage bags, and rubbed her hands excitedly: "Go to work, let's remove all the spiritual plants here. Leave the poisonous ones to me, and you dig up the non-poisonous ones."

The outstretched hand paused, and added: "Well, after all, it is the medicine garden of the seniors of Tianxin Pavilion, let's leave one of each kind for Tianxin Pavilion."

Mu Yan was stunned, "Where did you get so many storage bags?"

"There are always some idiots who want to squeeze the persimmons, what can I do." Yunli spread her hands and said helplessly, but the tone, no matter how you hear it, you deserve a beating.

Thinking of what happened at the gate of Tianyun City last time, Mu Yan instantly understood what she meant, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

Under the full firepower of the two, after an hour, except for the weeds, the spiritual plants in this place were sparsely distributed, and only the worst-looking one remained of all kinds of spiritual plants.

After the messy Lingzhi was dug away, a dusty and exquisite house was also revealed.

After being dazed for a long while, Yunli murmured to herself: "I'll go, and there's such a reward!"

Mu Yan is a little excited. The owner of the Linglong House left in the medicine garden is self-evident. Most of them are alchemists. The Linglong House of the alchemist is not greedy. A few high-level alchemy recipes, or a detailed Lingzhi record Can.

"Let's go!"

Yunli pulled her excitedly, hurried forward, and gently opened the door.

The faint light shines in, and the first thing that catches the eye is a portrait on the opposite wall, a woman in a water-blue dress, holding a silver mask in her right hand, which seems to have just been taken off her face; her pink face Leaning slightly to the left, as if looking at something, there is a docile Nether Tiger under his feet.

In the lower corner of the portrait, there are small red characters with the words "Gift to Ling Chu" written on it.

She is True Monarch Lingchu, but why is she the Nether Tiger?
Yunli was puzzled, if there were no accidents, the Nether Tiger that the senior brother met in the illusion was the mount of the master of the Immortal Mansion, and Zhenjun Lingchu also had one.

The Nether Tiger is a monster living in the center of Tianwu Forest, which is a forbidden place for human cultivators, and the owner of Yunshu Immortal Mansion is not that capable, and dares to go wild in the core territory of demon cultivators.

Reminiscent of the cooperation between Tianxin Pavilion and Yaoxiu, the same situation should have happened in Yaowang Valley before. Alchemists are not good at fighting. Since Yaoxiu has cooperated with them, it is reasonable to send some monsters to sign a contract with them for personal protection.

She couldn't help sighing, it's great to be friends with Zhenjun Lingchu, and she was giving away both Lingzhi and Lingchu, and the only one universal detoxification pill was even given to her!

Wait, why do you feel that Lingchu Zhenjun is a bit stupid?

Moving his eyes away from the painting, he glanced roughly at the room. On the left is a bed with layers of curtains hanging down. There are formations outlined by silver lines on the curtains, which are probably protective isolation formations.

Now that there is no spiritual power support, and the formation has not been activated, her spiritual consciousness is easily penetrated into the account. There is a white bone lying on the bed, and a painted silver mask is quietly placed beside the jade pillow. On the side of the mask is a shadow stone.

Glancing at each other, the two walked over together, and as expected, this bone was Zhenjun Lingchu.

"Let's look at the Photo Stone first."

As she said that, Yunli input her spiritual power, the light on the photo stone flickered, and a figure appeared.

It was an extremely weak woman, her appearance was somewhat different from the portrait, but it was still the same person.

However, with deep sunken eye sockets, protruding cheekbones, dark purple lips, and bluish complexion, Yunli was greatly surprised by the poison at first glance. Are you sure this is Zhenjun Lingchu?

Isn't she a top alchemist who refined the universal detoxification pill? How could she still be poisoned?From the looks of it, it seemed that he died from this poison.

 Thank you book friend 20210806194014893 for your great reward! ! !
  PS: Let me talk about one thing. I only found out when I looked back a few days ago that the owner of the Yunshu Immortal Mansion was also mistakenly written as Lingchu Zhenjun. I am contacting the editor in charge to revise it. Please bear with me, cuties.

(End of this chapter)

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