Chapter 273
Yunli blinked, looked at Su Xu with grievance, lowered her head, and whispered: "I have never been to the Zongmen Medicine Garden."

Mu Yan followed and lowered her head, secretly sighing, these two people are too tacit to understand, when this talk comes down, the reason why they haven't appeared for a long time is attributed to ignorance, and they are too fascinated by watching Lingzhi.

Next to her, An Ran seemed to be choked by her words, and finally added, "Forget about embarrassing yourself, and bring Ayan with you", and stopped talking.

After a while, the four of them finally reunited with Chu Nan, and Su Xu was distracted by An Ran successfully, and said, "You made Chu Daoist laugh, there are so many rare and rare herbs in your sect, the two of them were fascinated by it for a while."

He spoke vaguely, Chu Nan thought they had found Yun Li and the other, so he said a few words politely, and then put the matter aside.

When they arrived at the door, most of the people had come out, but the real Yu Danyang hadn't appeared yet. Helplessly, as one of the people in charge of entertaining the guests this time, Chu Nan had no choice but to go back and look for it again.

After a while, some people came out one after another, including disciples from Four Seasons Valley, Phantom Palace, and other sects. Yunli couldn't help but feel emotional. Speaking of it, Tianxin Pavilion has a sense of Datong sect.

At this time, she noticed that there was something wrong with the expression of a monk at the door. It was a sturdy male monk. There was no emblem on his clothes, so he couldn't tell where he came from.

He was queuing up to settle the accounts on the warrant and return the warrant, his face was calm, and he turned his head to talk to a monk behind him from time to time, but the eyes that looked around from time to time showed that he was Not as calm as it seems.

The deacon in charge of the warrant in Tianxin Pavilion was quick in his hands and feet, with a friendly smile, and soon it was the turn of the burly man.

Yunli clearly saw that after he handed over the warrant to the deacon, he subconsciously clenched his fists, and couldn't help but look around, as if observing the terrain.

Soon, the deacon nodded to him and said softly, "100 yuan."

The man loosened his clenched fists, took out the spirit stone according to his words, and when he turned and stepped out of the gate of the park, he showed a relieved expression on his face.

Just when he had stepped out of the park with one foot and was about to step out with the other, a sudden change occurred.

At the gate of the park, three saber-toothed ghost fish popped out of the winding clear stream on the right, and gnawed at the man's face.

The accident happened so suddenly that the man couldn't react in time. When he came back to his senses and wanted to shake off the saber-toothed ghost fish, half of his face disappeared.

The crowd of onlookers was also clearly divided into two factions. The monks who came to the medicine garden for the first time like Yunli and others all looked confused, while the steward and other monks who had been here before sneered, sneered, or scorned.

When the man finally got rid of the saber-toothed ghost fish, his body was covered with large and small blood holes, and he looked miserable.

"Brother Li!"

The man standing behind him just now was paying the bill at this time. Seeing this situation, he exclaimed, and then yelled at the deacon: "What's going on? How can you let the monsters hurt people!"

After yelling, he wanted to go out to help the strong man, but when he didn't want to, the deacon said calmly, "150 spirit stones."

The man was stunned, and when he realized it, he was even more furious. He grabbed the deacon's skirt and roared: "Do you still have the heart? My brother is being attacked by a monster. If you don't stop it, it's like nothing else. How much spirit stones should I pay?" !"

At such a close distance, almost all of his spit sprayed on the deacon's face.

The faint expression on the deacon's face froze, and he brushed his hand away mockingly, with malice flashing in his eyes.

Suspicion flashed in the man's heart, but he didn't care about it, and wanted to rush out to save others again.

A female cultivator next to him stopped him and gave him a quick wink, "Don't be impulsive."

The few of them should know each other. Hearing what the nun said, the man stopped, glanced around, and found that the eyes of the deacon and some people were watching the show, and he hesitated.

The guards of Tianxin Pavilion outside the door saw him hesitate, so they stopped waiting, and stepped forward with a cold face, and one move ended up with the strong male cultivator who stumbled and stood up.

Unknown, Yunli and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, but they also vaguely guessed something.

After killing the man, the guard disciple dug out a dozen elixir plants from his storage bag and gave them to the deacon of the park, and then threw the man's storage bag to his fellow disciples.

Seeing this, Yunli and the others also understood that just now the deacon said that the man spent a total of 100 yuan in spirit stones, and each of the ten or so spirit plants that he took out cost more than this price.

Apparently, the man stole the spiritual plants in the park, and before he planned to pay the spiritual stones, he was noticed by the saber-toothed ghost fish at the door.

Now, his fellow disciples had nothing to say, and after handing back their warrants, they left in despair.

Tianxin Pavilion returned the man's storage bag, and now they have a more important matter than the man's aftermath, sharing property!
Yunli panicked a lot in her heart. She never expected that there would be a security check. I wonder if the saber-toothed ghost fish they got would find it?
She lowered her head and thought, and the saber-toothed ghost fish found that stealing Lingzhi must not be through the smell. First, the spirit plant was stored in the storage bag, which cut off the smell;
Secondly, some of the monks who came in also had some spiritual plants themselves, and the saber-toothed ghost fish was not smart enough to distinguish which ones were from the park and which ones were brought in by guests from outside.

Why would that be?

She stared at the meandering stream, and a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind. There are such streams everywhere in the park. She thinks that there are saber-toothed ghost fish everywhere in the stream, and they have seen them.

Their spiritual plants were obtained in the formation, and there is no way that the demon fish will see them. Besides, they should not dare to attack themselves.

Thinking of this, she calmed down a little, only to realize that Mu Yan beside her was also a little flustered, and her breathing was a little heavy.

Yunli quickly touched her finger lightly, signaling her to calm down.

After a cup of tea, Daoist Danyang and Chu Nan came out. As disciples of Taiyi Sect, they naturally didn't have to queue up to return the warrants like other monks.

Chu Nan put away their warrants and handed them over to the steward, and did not ask them for tickets for watching and studying.

For allies, it is natural to be generous. If Tianxin Pavilion wants all these spirit stones, it will be too petty.

Tianxin Pavilion is not stingy, and Tai Yizong is not ashamed to take advantage of it. Those who want to buy spiritual plants usually go to the deacon of the park privately after the alchemy assessment.

When walking out, Yunli deliberately pulled Mu Yan to her left. The two walked in unison. After stepping out with their right feet together, their bodies froze for a moment. out left foot.

Naturally, someone noticed this little anomaly of the two of them, but they didn't think too much about it. The newcomers who came to the medicine garden for the first time had just seen the bloody scene, and it was normal for them to be afraid.

When both feet were firmly on the ground outside, there was still no surprise. They looked at each other and let out a sigh of relief.

After a while, the disciples from the four major sects came out, and Chu Nan raised his voice and said, "Everyone still has some important matters to discuss, and we will go directly to Hengyue City tomorrow."

"Now let's go to Hengyue City first. Everyone, have a good night's rest. I wish you all the best tomorrow and be on the list. After the assessment, we will gather in Tianxin Pavilion to celebrate!"

What he said made all the alchemists excited, and they sacrificed the flying magic weapon one after another, with great momentum, and vowed to make a great achievement.

Chu Nan smiled lightly, turned to Yunli and asked, "Junior Sister Yun, do you want me to give you a ride?"

After the words fell, Yunli felt a scorching gaze fall on her body, she looked over, and Mu Erya on the opposite side didn't expect her to look over, her face froze with jealousy, she took a breath before reacting, and turned her head away .

Yunli smiled secretly in her heart, this girl might be in love with Chu Nan, she waved her hand and sacrificed her plantain fan, "No need, I also have a flying magic weapon."

Su Xu persuaded: "You have just built the foundation not long ago, and you haven't practiced the flying magic weapon much. There is still a certain distance to Hengyue City. You should take the flying sword of fellow Daoist Chu."

Yunli shook her head like a rattle, she didn't want to be a light bulb, she jumped onto her plantain fan neatly, and said, "I've been practicing for half a month, and it's very stable. Ah Yan, come up!"

Hearing this, Chu Nan shook his head disapprovingly, "We're all here, and we're not in a hurry, it's okay for you to practice on your own, and it's fine if you take someone else, and you'll fall and fall when you turn around."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Yunli felt Mu Erya's jealous eyes again, and the corners of her mouth twitched, "Sister, are you the reincarnation of jealousy? It's too easy to get jealous."

(End of this chapter)

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