all the way to fairy

Chapter 275 Goodbye Tsing Yi

Chapter 275 Goodbye Tsing Yi
An Ran explained in detail: "You have already established your foundation, and you urgently need to increase your cultivation. There is the main medicine of Yangyuan Pill, Yangyuancao, so that the blue dock lotus we need will not be eye-catching;"

"In addition, the secret realm of Jiuliyuan will be opened in two years. You are poor, so you can buy more spiritual plants and ask Ayan to help you refine some rejuvenation pills, tonic pills, and various detoxification pills. Therefore, Mitsubishi White, The two detoxifying herbs, Ziqinhua, are also placed here with you."

Yunli: .
In fact, she didn't want people to know that she was poor, and no one came to rob her, so it would affect the way of making money.

An Ran continued: "Do you have enough spirit stones? Buy more, the grade of panacea is not low, it is obviously impossible to refine it at one time, forget it if it is not enough for me, you can ask Chu Nan to borrow it, it will be more convenient." persuasive."

"Uh," Yunli thought for a while, and said, "I borrowed spirit stones from outsiders, will Zhenjun Fuyu think that I am embarrassing for the sect?"

After thinking for a moment, An Ran nodded. Not only was it embarrassing, but the majestic leader of the Taiyi sect actually asked a monk from another sect to borrow a spirit stone, and he was also suspected of insinuating disharmony with the same sect.

"You can borrow it from us in public, and find a few more people."

After thinking for a while, she said again: "We need a lot of portions, and it's eye-catching for my cousin to buy too much. Ah Yan, you use alchemy as an excuse to buy some."

Mu Yan nodded, took a pen and wrote down a few prescriptions that needed these medicines.

An Ran said again: "Baiyue Lianxin is the main medicine, and the sect has it. I'll come up with a solution."

Yunli reminded: "Don't take it directly, you find a way to sell it to Jinye Pavilion, and I will buy it back."

An Ran nodded, Yuebai Lianxin costs 5 high-grade spirit stones per plant, and with her status, taking it rashly will attract attention.

"The other main drug, Jiuchonglou, is produced in Tianwu Forest. It is extremely precious. No matter whether anyone in Tianxin Pavilion knows about panacea, as long as we propose to buy it, it will definitely attract attention. Then we will buy it in my name."

Yunli hesitated: "This is too dangerous."

"It's okay," An Ran exhaled, and took out a long list, "This time I came to Tianxin Pavilion, I was going to buy more precious spiritual plants that we don't have, and it would not be conspicuous to add this."

Yunli was slightly stunned. It turned out that the cousin came here with a mission from the sect, but she was still worried, "There is no problem with Tianxin Pavilion, but what about Zhenjun Fuyu?"

No need to think about it, this list must have been made by Fuyu Zhenjun, it is not easy for him to come forward and buy it in the name of a junior, but he is the one who made the list, so he will definitely know that there is too much medicine.

An Ran smiled: "I not only help Zongmen to buy, but also buy some that I need, it doesn't matter."

"You say that this medicine is very expensive, how can you use it in the elixir you are refining now, Zhenjun Fuyu will definitely take care of it."

An Ran raised her eyebrows: "Then do you have other ideas?"

Mu Yan suddenly said: "The first person in this alchemy assessment can enter the core medicine garden and choose three spiritual plants at will."


Yunli's eyes lit up, there are such good things!Cousin has been alchemy all the year round, so she can still give it a try for the top title, if not, she will go to do something for strong competitors such as Mu Erya tonight.

An Ran poured cold water on it, "Don't get too excited, this top name does not refer to the top name of the monks in the Foundation Establishment Period, but the top names of all the alchemists who participated in the election."

"I'll go, who came up with this rule? It's so unfair! No matter how good an alchemist in the Foundation Establishment Stage is, he can't compare to an alchemist in the Golden Core Stage who has cultivated as a Nascent Soul."

Frustrated for a second, she raised her head again, staring at the two with burning eyes: "Who are the most popular candidates to win the championship this time?"

An Ran: "What do you want to do?"

"Find an opportunity to arrange for them the magic of the Jiuzhong Building. After they get the Jiuzhong Building, try to steal it, rob it, or fool them into auctioning it at the Jinye Pavilion."

An Ran and Mu Yanqi were speechless, and they looked at her in the wrong way. It was thanks to her that she could figure out how to steal and rob Yuanying Zhenjun.

An Ran said unhappily: "You really are so easy to fool the Yuanying Zhenjun. Moreover, there are many spiritual plants in the core park. Although the Jiuzhong Building is expensive, it is not the most expensive, so they will not choose it."

Yunli suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Is this rule unique to this alchemy assessment?"

Mu Yan: "This has always been the rule."

"That's not right. The most rare spiritual plant in the core park is the holy spirit Zhulan. How many times have the alchemy assessments been held, why has no one picked it away?"

An Ran: "What's so strange about this, the leader of each session is the alchemist of Tianxin Pavilion, they dare to speak up."

Naturally, he didn't dare to drop it. After a long while, Yunli sighed: "Tianxin Pavilion is awesome!"

"Oh, I have to give it a try. First go to the seeded players to fool around and get someone to take out the Jiuzhong Building. If it doesn't work, I can only find a way to go in and steal it."

An Ran reminded again: "How do you want to fool around, the most popular candidates to win the championship are almost all Nascent Soul monks from Tianxin Pavilion, can you talk to them?"

"This." Yunli was at a loss for words, yes, not only did she have no reason to talk to the high-level monks in Tianxin Pavilion, she also had no friendship with other high-level monks who came for the assessment, and she couldn't talk to her.

After thinking for a while, she said, "For the winner, it is not necessarily the most precious elixir, but it may be the one you need most. You give me the candidate first, and I will study and think of ways to let They need the Jiuzhonglou the most."

There was no other way, An Ran could only agree to try her bad idea.

After arranging the matter of Jiuchonglou, Yunli asked again: "There is also this red yeast nectar, what kind of spiritual plant is this?"

The other spiritual plants, combined with the "Grass and Tree Illustrated Book" left by Zhenjun Lingchu, what they look like, what are their characteristics and effects, planting techniques and taboos, they are all clear, only this red yeast nectar, the two of them have nothing at all. Look for the illustrated book.

An Ran said casually, "It's the demon blood."

"Demon blood?"

Yunli was speechless, "Yaoxue" was just "yaoxue", why did she call it "red koji nectar", at first hearing it, she thought it was some kind of natural treasure!

Mu Yan explained: "This is the term used by our alchemists. There are many places where demon blood is used in high-level pills. Since we form an alliance with demon cultivators and call them demon blood directly, we don't respect demon cultivators, so we have a separate name."

Yunli: Hehe, it's so much fun to deceive yourself.

Mu Yan continued to explain: "It's not like any kind of monster blood can be called red nectar, it must be a monster with extremely noble blood."

A monster with a noble bloodline, do you count yourself?
As soon as this idea came to mind, a gentle voice sounded in my ears, "If you kill him yourself, don't blame me."


Yun Li stood up awkwardly, her hairs all standing on end, the voices just now were not from her cousin and Ah Yan, the room was equipped with an isolation formation, and there was actually a third person present.

She froze as she looked around.

The water surface was as smooth as a mirror under his feet, clearly reflecting his own figure, the hem of his skirt was submerged by about one centimeter, and his feet were cool.

Looking up, there are sparse lotus leaves in the front left, a pink lotus in full bloom, and two budding plants. There are two bamboo rafts in front of them. Water on.

There is a disc with Tai Chi pattern in the center of the sword body, and there are four thick metal chains on the disc, which lock the stone sword to the tree behind.

The trunk is dark red and very huge, with ugly scars drawn by the carving knife of the years, but the branches and leaves are still lush and full of vitality; several branches with teeth and claws stretch out, and the pink crown completely covers the whole water. .

"Here." The gentle voice sounded again.

Yunli followed the sound and looked up. On the pier at the top of the stone sword, there was a white jade low table. The woman in Tsing Yi was resting her elbows on the short table and her chin, and she was sitting lazily on one side of the short table. Standing is a pretty little maidservant.

"It's you!"

Yunli exploded, isn't this the woman in Tsing Yi who pushed her off the cliff!
Pointing her toes and flying up, she excitedly grabbed the woman in Tsing Yi's arm, saying incoherently, "Who are you, why are you here? No, where is this place? And why are you pushing me?"

The woman chuckled, brushed her hand away, and made a gesture of invitation, "Long time no see, don't you want to sit down and have a cup of tea?"

Yunli took a deep look at her, guessing that she didn't intend to run away, and sat down opposite her as she said.

(End of this chapter)

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