all the way to fairy

Chapter 280 Opportunity

Chapter 280 Opportunity
No. 252 Mu Shaoxun, who was imprisoned in the fryer, just opened the storage bag, before taking out the red fruit, and felt four fiery eyes sticking to his body.

He looked over and saw the black-crested pheasant, the culprit of all this, and the nun holding it, with green eyes, staring straight at his storage bag.

The black-crested pheasant flapped its wings impatiently, trying to break free from the nun's grasp, but the nun of Tai Yi sect held it tightly, but stared at her storage bag without blinking, and swallowed her saliva .

Mu Shaoxun shuddered in fright, quickly took out the jujube fruit, and quickly put away the storage bag. This person and monster must be trying to rob him, right?
The sweet and fruity aroma at the tip of her nose disappeared, and Yunli looked back with difficulty. The moment Mu Shaoxun opened the storage bag just now, she immediately smelled an extremely sweet smell. She didn't know what it was Fruit, but her intuition told her that it was delicious!
Immediately afterwards, the little black chicken in his hand also smelled it, and immediately struggled to pounce on it.

The abnormality of the little black chicken naturally also attracted the attention of other people, because Mu Shaoxun is adjacent to the Yuan Chuan test area that owns the lop-eared velvet rabbit, and everyone thinks that it is still devoted to the lop-eared velvet rabbit, so they can't help talking about it.

"This black-crested pheasant looks so small, it's so cruel. The little rabbit is so cute, and it's so far away, it can do it."

"He looks like a chicken, so you really think it's a chicken. It's a black-crested pheasant with the blood of Kunpeng. It's a fierce bird, and it's nature to hunt and kill monsters."

A female cultivator next to her interjected in surprise: "Didn't you get a spiritual pet contract? Why are you still so wild?"

After the words fell, another person said mysteriously: "I heard that Daoist Danyang made an equal contract with it back then, not an ordinary spiritual pet contract."

"No way." Everyone expressed their disbelief.

Yunli was also very surprised. Most of the contracts signed between monks and monsters were master-servant contracts. Spiritual pets were monks' subordinates and obeyed their masters. Only monks from Tianxin Pavilion signed equal contracts.

Even they only enter into equal contracts with high-level bloodline monsters who cooperate with them, and the spiritual pets they find in private are still master-servant contracts.

Daoist Danyang, as a late Jindan cultivator, signed an equal contract with a fifth-order monster. How could this be possible?
Thinking about the usual behavior of the little black chicken, that proud, lively, and unscrupulous appearance, it seemed that she had signed the oppressive clause, and she believed it a little bit.

"it is true."

At this moment, there was a soft voice, very familiar, Yunli looked over, and saw Qiu Yunjie's special smile on the corner of her lips.

"I heard that when the real person went out to practice, he encountered two big monsters fighting in a secret place. When he was in danger, the tenth-rank black-crested pheasant offered Lingzhi as a reward, and begged the real person to take his child away, but he held it back." Another big monster."

"The real person was grateful for the kindness of the black-crested pheasant, so he signed an equal contract with the little black-crested pheasant to protect it from growing up."

Yunli pursed her lips. The story generally made sense, but the details probably weren't as righteous as she said.

Monster beasts are very wary of human cultivators. This equal contract should be fought for by his mother Xiao Hei.

Looking down at the little black chicken that was still struggling in his hand, Yunli suddenly realized that this was a very good opportunity, a chance to get Jiuchonglou!
Daoist Danyang gave up a large sum of spirit stones, and with his status as Fuyu Zhenjun's beloved disciple, as well as his previous relationship with Tianxin Pavilion, he finally suppressed the matter.

As soon as he got back to the stage, he saw his family's spirit pet staring directly at the field, with its sharp beak, wings, and claws all in one battle, trying to wrestle out of Yunli's grasp, and rushed over to bite.

He asked helplessly: "What happened to it?"

Yunli glanced around, and sent him a voice transmission: "When that Mu Shaoxun opened the storage bag just now, Xiao Cangjie suddenly became agitated. Milky white spiritual fruit."

Daoist Danyang was taken aback, the milky white spiritual fruit, Cang Jie grew up eating all kinds of spiritual fruit, what kind of spiritual fruit made him so eager.

Yes, through the contract, he felt that his pet was very eager and excited, so he quickly calmed it down, and then communicated with it in detail.

Seeing that they were using the contract to communicate, Yunli didn't want to disturb them, so she could only wait patiently for them.

After a while, Daoist Danyang also looked at Mu Shaoxun who was in the center of the field, with eagerness in his eyes.

Yunli pretended to be concerned and transmitted voice: "Master, what's wrong with Cang Jie? Is there something wrong with that spirit fruit?"

"I'm not sure what it is. According to Cang Jie, it should be a kind of spiritual fruit that is very useful to monsters and can greatly enhance cultivation."

After thinking about it, he added, "The taste should be good too."

Yunli glanced at the little black chicken, it's not bad, it's similar to what she feels.

"Really, that's great, Xiao, Cangjie can break through to the sixth level in one fell swoop after eating it."

"It's not the sixth level, it's the seventh level."

Daoist Danyang suppressed the excitement in his heart and allowed Cang Jie to directly break through from the fifth-level monster to the seventh-level monster. This spiritual fruit must be extraordinary.

Does it have that much effect?Yunli suspected that the biggest attraction of the fruit was its deliciousness, so she didn't think it would increase her cultivation much?

However, now is not the time to worry about these things. Surprise floated on her face, "That's really great. At the seventh level, the larynx can be melted away, and people can speak out, so I can take better care of it in the future."

After finishing speaking, she was secretly proud, she also learned the tricks well, to deal with Daoist Danyang, it is right to start from a small black chicken.

Daoist Danyang had a faint smile on his plain face, and the depression that he had just lost the Lingshi disappeared.

After thinking about it, Yunli slowly said: "It's just that I was young and Cang Jie frightened the two of you just now. Uncle Shi, you have a noble status, and every move you do touches people's hearts. It would be bad if fellow Taoists misunderstood us as a bully because of this." gone."

"This..." Daoist Danyang is in trouble. Facing high-level monks, low-level monks will inevitably be short of breath. Even if there is no such thing as just now, the other party will worry about being blackmailed and threatened, not to mention what happened just now.

Yunli, who had been observing his expression, suggested thoughtfully: "How about this, I will take the opportunity of paying them back the spirit stones to apologize privately to Mu Daoyou, and then ask him to sell us the spirit fruit. "

This is a good way, and by apologizing, no one will know that he is looking for Mu Shaoxun because of the spiritual fruit, so Daoist Danyang nodded immediately, and looked at her softly, "In that case, there will be Master Nephew Lao Yun. "

Yunli suppressed her joy: "Uncle Master, you are welcome. I also have a destiny with Xiao and Cangjie. I am also happy that it can break through as soon as possible."

After discussing it properly, the two stopped the sound transmission and continued to watch the assessment.

Suddenly, Daoist Danyang turned his head and asked, "Why do you keep calling it Xiaocangjie?"

Didn’t I call Xiao Hei fluently? Yunli smiled: “Because it’s so small, so cute.”

Daoist Danyang just asked casually. Although Yunli was pleasing to the eye, he didn't want to communicate with her, an outsider, about alchemy. It was too much effort.

Scanning around, all the disciples in the same sect except him at the Golden Core Stage were the Foundation Establishment Stage disciples, and they were all in the examination room right now.

"Where's Xiao Xu'er?" Although Xiao Xu'er learned the way of swordsmanship, after all, she grew up in Taiqing Peak, and after being influenced by her ears and eyes, most of her common sense is still clear.

Yunli is so hurt, I just offered to help, Maestro, can you cover up your disgust a little bit.

Angry, she replied with a good temper: "Someone made trouble yesterday, Senior Brother Su went to help."

She just realized something was wrong when she said the words, looked up, and found that Chu Nan was not there, didn't it mean that a few small families were making trouble, it's been a day and night, and it hasn't been dealt with yet?

Then Wen Xueluo was not there!
The matter is serious, Wen Xueluo is not someone who likes to meddle in other people's business, logically speaking, she should stay in the arranged room all the time, practicing diligently, why is there no one?

With the Yunshu Immortal Mansion, she can't be taken away. Could it be that the troublesome family that Su Xu dealt with has something to do with Wen Xueluo?
What kind of aristocratic family would attract Wen Xueluo's heart?Is it the Wen family?
Scanning the audience, she only knew Wen Xueluo and Wen Xuelian from the Wen family, and they didn't know each other very well. There were so many families in the audience, she didn't recognize them.

After thinking about it for a while, she still had no idea, so she put the matter aside, even if a big thing happens now, it is not as important as getting the Jiuzhong Building!
(End of this chapter)

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