all the way to fairy

Chapter 284 Wen Xueluo's Revenge

Chapter 284 Wen Xueluo's Revenge

Looking at the bloody and ferocious scene in front of him, Chu Nan analyzed, "The servant of the Wen family in the courtyard was killed by one move, but he tortured Miss Wen so much. The other party must hate the Wen family very much."

He took two steps forward, pointed his fingertips at the human skin, and his spiritual power stretched the entire human skin apart. The human skin was cut like a tattered sack, covered with criss-crossed, thin and dense cuts, which could no longer be seen. Wen Xuelian's appearance.

Withdrawing his spiritual power, he retreated to the previous vacant seat, and said to his colleague next to him, "Clean it up, and freeze it as usual."

Yunli was surprised: "What do you do when you freeze it?"

Such a horrible and infiltrating situation should be cremated quickly.

Chu Nan: "When such a big thing happened, we naturally have to give an explanation to the Wen family. We have already sent a letter to the Wen family, and I believe someone will come to take care of the funeral soon."

Yunli pursed her lips, and then took this opportunity to investigate the Wen family further.

She still couldn't figure it out, Wen Xueluo could wait to get revenge after coming out of the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm. At that time, her cultivation base should have reached the golden core stage, whether it was revenge or escape, she would have more chances of winning, so why be so anxious.

However, the Wen family is also very powerful. The Remnant Ye Pavilion has been secretly investigating for eight years, and the four major factions have been investigating it secretly for more than four years. It is also miraculous that the Wen family can survive for so long.

After Wen Xueluo fled with Yunshu Immortal Mansion, she thought that she would soon hear the news that the Wen family was destroyed, but she didn't expect that the Canye Pavilion didn't even have a showdown with the Wen family, and Lan Shu had to approach Wen Xuelian. Break into Wen's house.

If it is said that there is nothing tricky in it, no ghost will believe it.

Soon after Wen Xuelian's body was sorted out, it was frozen. Chu Nan took the photo stone and gave it to a disciple to take Wen Xuelian's body back. The group of them continued to search for Wen Xuelian.

In the evening of that day, a disciple of Tianxin Pavilion sent a message and found Wen Xuexing.

When a group of people rushed to the place, the blood on the ground was warm, Chu Nan immediately used his spiritual sense, ordered a few disciples to stay behind, and the rest of the people searched around this place as the center.

Yunli looked at the same human skin on the tree with crooked neck, white bones, flesh and blood organs on the ground, she broke off a branch, turned the kneecap over, and there was pink flesh in the gap below, "It seems that I walked in a hurry."

A Tianxin Pavilion male cultivator left next to him said: "Isn't that right? As soon as we got to the vicinity, Senior Sister Zeng noticed that there was a formation. We immediately split up and called other brothers and sisters to investigate this place as the center. We also quickly organize people here." Break the formation, let him escape if you don’t want to.”

Are you sure they escaped?

Yunli complained silently, she glanced around, this time not only the flesh on the knees was not cleaned, but also the arrangement of the internal organs was a bit messy, Wen Xueluo probably hid in the Yunshu Immortal Mansion, maybe when the people outside started breaking the formation, Wen Xuexing is not dead yet.

She suddenly gave a light "Huh".

When he retracted his sight, he caught sight of something shiny out of the corner of his eye, and with a sweep of consciousness, there was a shadow stone pressing on the edge of the left lung lobe. Most of the stone was under the lung lobe, and a small piece of it was covered with blood and mud. .

And because everyone was eager to find the murderer, the situation here was very similar to Wen Xuelian's scene before, and everyone ignored the inspection of the scene, so they didn't find it immediately.

Tong Yewei followed her gaze, was stunned for a moment, and said blankly: "I put the picture stone on it."

In order to avoid the Wen family's backlash when they arrived, they used photo stones to record the whole process from discovery to freezing away as soon as this happened. This is also a common method used by monks.

Not only used in such occasions, but many important occasions will also be recorded with photo stones, in case there is no way to investigate later.

Yunli pointed to the top, reminding: "This is not your picture stone."

Tong Yewei raised his head, and sure enough, the picture stone he put was still floating quietly, his eyes widened like copper bells, and he stammered: "That, that, is this, the murderer's?"

Several other left-behind personnel also gathered around, and someone said: "It may be that someone threw it here before, and the murderer didn't pay attention."

Hearing this, everyone became excited, saying that the case was going to be solved!
Yunli didn't think so. The photo stone was placed under the lung lobes, and Wen Xueluo couldn't see it. In addition, the photo stone couldn't be placed there to record by itself, it had to be activated with spiritual power first.

Tong Yewei and the others quickly realized it, but since the photo stone appeared, it's okay to take a look, just in case there is an unexpected surprise.

After seeing the scene in the picture stone clearly, a group of people wanted to spit out their dinner overnight.

The murderer and the others saw it but didn't see it. He was covered in a black robe, with a mask on his face, a hood on his head, and even his hands were wrapped with black cloth strips.

Yunli didn't know what to say anymore. It seemed that Wen Xueluo had learned her lesson because she was identified by hand on Dengtai Mountain last time.

And this photo stone records the murderer's process of committing the crime, from Wen Xuelian to Wen Xuexing, it completely records how their brother and sister changed from a living person to a pile on the ground.

The first picture shows Wen Xuelian falling naked on the ground, Yunli clearly heard the sound of swallowing saliva coming from her ear, and when she tilted her head, she saw Tong Yewei move her eyes away in embarrassment, most of the male cultivators looked away. Staring straight at him without blinking,

The female cultivator surnamed Zeng who discovered the formation here blushed and cursed angrily, "Beast!"

A group of male cultivators then moved their eyes away, but couldn't help sneaking a peek.

This charming scene was quickly washed away by the blood. Wen Xuelian was terrified and dazed, curled up, pinched her neck with her hands, opened her mouth wide and tried to say something, but she didn't make any sound, and didn't use any spiritual power. Obviously , She had her acupuncture points and spiritual veins sealed.

Then I saw the man in black wave his sleeves, and the spiritual power swayed her to the stone wall behind, and then threw out a dagger, fixing her right hand on the cave wall.

Although Wen Xuelian couldn't make a sound, the distorted face, the tears streaming down, and the fear in the depths of her pupils all said how painful it was, and even the people who watched the video felt their palms go cold and couldn't help it. Hold your hands tightly.

After three more daggers flew out, Wen Xuelian was nailed to the stone wall in a big shape. At first, the man in black rushed up fiercely, stabbing and slashing at her body, as if venting his anger.

After a while, the white carcass became bloody.

After that, his anger dissipated a lot, and he began to appreciate her fear, slashing left and right carelessly.

And the scene after that made everyone's scalps tingle even more, and a gust of cold air rushed from the ankles to Tianlinggai.

The brothers and sisters of the Wen family were skinned, fleshed, and convulsed alive.
Under the hands of the man in black, the two of them are not human, even inferior to pigs in the mortal world. Even if pigs have to suffer, they are tortured to death alive.

At the end of the picture, the man in black turned around, facing the photo stone, stretched out his fingers wrapped in black cloth, and wrote the four big bloody characters "with his way" in the air with spiritual power.

Tong Yewei caught the falling picture stone in a daze, and it took a while to spit out from his throat: "Return the body in the same way? Has he been treated like this by the Wen family before?"

Zeng Yi, the only Tianxin Pavilion female cultivator who stayed behind, had a pale face and trembling all over, "It's not impossible."

She took a deep breath and controlled her teeth to chatter: "If the murderer was really hurt by the brothers and sisters of the Wen family or other members of the Wen family, how could he still be alive?"

Some people speculated: "Perhaps the relatives of the murderer were hurt like this, or the brothers and sisters of the Wen family didn't make it to the last step."

Yunli was silent. She always felt that Wen Xueluo hadn't finished writing this sentence because the formation was about to be broken, and it was more in line with her temperament to "repay it twice in the same way".

Another tall middle-aged man next to him wiped his face, "The female cultivator is too scary, so cruel!"

Although Wen Xueluo was covered in black robes and did not speak the whole time, her walking posture revealed her gender, but Wen Xueluo obviously didn't care about these.

Tong Yewei: "Junior Brother Chai, don't jump to conclusions. Although the murderer behaves exactly like a female cultivator, it is not impossible to be a male cultivator."

Yunli glanced at him, this man is really cautious.

She lowered her eyes to restrain her emotions, Wen Xueluo was actually wearing Can Yege's black robe, it seemed that she also wanted to temporarily throw the blame on Can Yege.

Although she really wanted to jump out to cooperate with her and expose this matter, she shouldn't recognize this robe.

 Thanks to book friends 854***766 and Meet Yuan for being such two big monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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