all the way to fairy

Chapter 289 Humiliation

Chapter 289 Humiliation
Under such circumstances, it was difficult for Yunli and the others to go back to the room, so they simply found a table by the window and sat down. Leaving at this time seemed to be behaving strangely and arousing criticism.

An hour later, Su Xu and the others came back, and everyone in the hall looked over. Xu Linghui and the servant half hugged and helped the limp Xu Ruoya into the inn.

Halfway through the journey, Xu Ruoya, who was full of grief, suddenly broke away from the hands of Xu Linghui and the servants, and rushed to grab Su Xu who was next to him. His face was ferocious, his eyes were like sharp knives, and he was almost crazy: "Where is the picture stone left by the murderer?" , I want to see, I want to see, I want to tear that bastard into pieces!"

The defenseless Xu Linghui staggered a few steps from being pushed by her, regained consciousness and hurried forward to hug her, "Auntie, calm down, my cousins ​​have already left, and they don't feel at ease when you look like this."

Hearing this, Xu Ruoya burst into tears, she let go of Su Xu's lapel, and her whole body collapsed on the ground, distraught: "They died so badly, I don't want to avenge them, so they have to leave Don't worry."

Xu Linghui couldn't help shedding tears when she saw her aunt, who was so elegant and beautiful in normal times. She raised her eyes to look at Su Xu, and begged, "Young master Su, just show us. See you soon. Auntie can't say no." Can guess some information about the murderer."

"This..." Su Xu hesitated. Strangers like them felt their scalps go numb and their backs felt chills when they saw that scene, let alone a mother who saw her child being hacked into pieces while she was still alive. tortured to death.

"Show them."

A voice sounded from behind, and everyone looked over, it turned out that it was Zhenjun Fuyu and others who had come.

Su Xu was helpless, lowered his head and said softly to Xu Ruoya: "Mrs. Wen, go back to the room first, I'll show you."

Fuyu didn't want to but said, "It's right here."

Su Xu turned his head in astonishment, looking at Fuyu with puzzled eyes, the content of the picture involved Wen Xuelian's reputation, in such a large audience, this made Mrs. Wen feel so embarrassing.

Fuyu said indifferently: "This matter has caused a lot of trouble, and there are different guesses. Let everyone take a look, so as not to speculate in private."

Yunli didn't believe that he would be so kind, and the spread of such a terrifying portrait would only make more people panic.

Immediately, she understood.

This is paving the way for the eradication of Canye Pavilion in the future. Now let everyone see how cruel and bloody the murderer is, and later reveal the identity of the murderer Canye Pavilion killer. Concentric.

Su Xu, who was clear about the inside situation, quickly thought of this, and after a moment of silence, he took out the photo stone.

As soon as the picture appeared, Xu Ruoya froze immediately, and then looked at Zhenjun Fuyu with red eyes and resentment. She didn't believe that he hadn't seen this photo stone. How could he propose to watch it here in such a picture and in such a situation? !

Facing Xu Ruoya's hateful eyes, Zhenjun Fuyu only glanced at her, and then moved away, not paying attention at all.

In the eyes of the superiors, low-level monks are like ants, and the dignity of life and death is a matter of their words.

Yunli looked at her sympathetically, which was definitely a double injury for a mother.After sighing, she glanced at Fuyu again, and found that he was staring at Xu Ruoya rightly, with some scrutiny in his eyes.

A flash of light flashed in her mind, and Yunli suddenly realized that she had guessed wrong earlier.

Fuyu's main purpose should be to expose Xu Ruoya's flaws in her humiliation and grief, to see if she knew the murderer, and to investigate the relationship between Wen's family and Canye Pavilion, paving the way for the future.

At this time, a few more people rushed over, Yunli took a look, it was Chu Nan and his master Jinshu Zhenjun who brought them here.

They were stunned for a moment when they saw the photo-recording stone played in public, and Zhenjun Jinshu glanced at Zhenjun Fuyu in displeasure, nodded to several Zhenjuns, and then fell silent.

After all, Zhenjun Jinshu is a woman. Seeing such a scene, she feels the same way. Naturally, she doesn't like what Zhenjun Fuyu did. It's just that there are four Zhenjuns here. Why did she not even ask, and she decided that the decision was made by Zhenjun Fuyu? Woolen cloth?
Yunli was slightly puzzled in her heart, but then she thought again, since they are both true kings, they must be of the same generation, so it's not surprising that they know each other better.

Without waiting for Master Jinshu to stop her, Xu Ruoya choked the servant who was helping her with both hands, and forced herself to read on. When she saw the four words "in the same way" written by Wen Xueluo stroke by stroke, she shuddered. His pupils dilated, and his hands suddenly squeezed hard, causing the servant to yell in pain.


The people who fell into fear after watching the picture stone were awakened by the cry of pain. Wen Sheng looked over and saw a few scratches on the arms of the servant who was supporting Xu Ruoya, with blood bubbling.

Xu Linghui was still thinking about the murderer's words "in his own way". When she saw the blood trough that Xu Ruoya grabbed, her heart tightened. Could it be that her aunt really did this to the murderer?

While thinking about it, she signaled the servant to treat the wound, and another servant next to him tremblingly replaced the previous one to support Xu Ruoya.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Zhenjun Fuyu's mouth, and he nodded to Zhenjun Jinshu: "Everyone is here, let's go in."

Yunli raised her eyebrows. It turned out that Fuyu was waiting for Zhenjun Jinshu just now. Suddenly, she understood a little. In the lead, Fuyu and Jinshu Zhenjun are the persons in charge of the investigation of Remnant Ye Pavilion.

The shopkeeper of the inn was also very winking, and immediately ordered Xiaoer to take a few real monarchs to the upstairs box, and hurriedly prepared tea and brought them out.

Su Xu stepped forward to help Xu Ruoya, and said gently: "Mrs. Wen, let's go in."

"I'll come." Chu Nan also took a few steps forward, and whispered to Xu Linghui on the other side, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, Xu Linghui couldn't go in.

Xu Linghui stared at him silently for a moment, then silently handed Xu Ruoya into his hands.

Since she couldn't escape, Xu Ruoya took a deep breath, brushed the two away, and said, "I'll go by myself."

The onlookers were silent. In the situation just now, Xu Ruoya clearly recognized the murderer. The last line written by the murderer and the deep scratches on the servant's arm were played back and forth in front of everyone's eyes, and an answer was ready to come out in their hearts.

Lin Miaotong next to her suddenly let out a 'ha', looked at Xu Linghui who was staying there, and asked maliciously: "Friend Xu, do you know the murderer?"

Xu Linghui's face was ugly. The actions of the four factions made her realize that the origin of the murderer was not simple. Otherwise, the four factions would not intervene even if the aunt had a grudge against the murderer.

She recalled the three years she had stayed in Taiyi School, and she had a vague thought in her mind, could it be related to Canye Pavilion again.

Hearing this, she looked at Lin Miaotong coldly: "Friend Daoist Lin, speak carefully."

"There's nothing to be cautious about. Isn't this obvious? Your aunt and the murderer clearly know each other. It's not too much for me to ask you out of curiosity, right?"

Lin Miaotong, who came out of the depression of failing the assessment, also recovered her thinking, and immediately went back without showing any weakness.

As the head disciple of Taixiao Peak, she knows something. In recent years, many elite disciples of the sect have been away all the year round, and the senior brothers of her direct line have also been out. It all shows what kind of mission they are actually performing secretly.

In addition, after Mo You's identity was exposed, the grievances and resentments between her and Mo Huai gradually spread in private. These years, Mo Huai has been chasing after her like crazy.

Many people vaguely guessed what it was, but they didn't point it out.

Xu Linghui let out a cold snort, and left with a flick of her sleeves. The crowd of onlookers also knew that this was not an easy matter, and they could not get involved, so they dispersed one after another.

Yunli and the others also took advantage of the opportunity to return to the house, Xu Ruoya's mind was shaken, and she had no time to pay attention to her surroundings, but the Wen family was not sure, if someone had seen Wen Xueluo, it would be a bad idea to recognize her.

An Ran was shocked by the situation in the picture stone. She couldn't help but think to herself, if one day when Fuyu's fangs were exposed, would she be like Wen Xuelian, her dignity and pride being trampled under her feet, and she would be slaughtered like a beast? .

Moreover, I may be worse than her, the enemy is stronger, and I don't know any fighting skills, and I don't have the slightest ability to fight back.

The light in her eyes slowly gathers, slowly becoming firm, no, she will never let herself fall to that point!
She took a deep breath and ordered: "You two stay outside, Ayan, and I go to sort out the recipes."

(End of this chapter)

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