all the way to fairy

Chapter 350 Butterfly

Chapter 350 Butterfly
Yunli supported him to the ground, it's not good to pick someone, he has to find someone who is sick, and he is about to be in a secret place full of dangers, it's too much a test of acting skills!
"Are you OK?"

Wei Lin pressed his fist against his lower lip, coughing lowly, his face was so pale that it was almost transparent, his forehead was dripping with cold sweat, making people worry that he would not be able to catch his breath in the next moment, and he would go straight to the west.

"Cough, cough, no. Cough, cough." Without a word, he could only wave his hands weakly.

"Fellow Daoist, it's very dangerous to go to the secret realm like this, it's better not to go." Mu Yan was also worried when she saw it. With such a disease, whether she can survive through the space passage is a matter of opinion.

Wei Lin continued to wave his hands, Ji Ruochen on the other side hurried over, took him from Yunli's hand, patted his back gently, and said gratefully: "Thank you very much."

"You guys don't know, my senior brother's weak disease was brought out from the mother's womb. The spiritual doctor said that it can't be cured, and we can only live for four or five years at most, so we want to try our luck in Jiuliyuan. Chui Lian, I am lucky enough to find some natural and earthly treasure, it will be the best to cure the elder brother's illness, if I can't find it"

His voice was low, with some hoarseness after crying. The few people didn't know Xing Lili before, and now their minds were all on the sudden vibration, and they didn't notice the subtle abnormalities in his voice.

Gradually, the vibration subsided, and a circular hole more than three feet in diameter appeared in mid-air, appearing and disappearing from time to time, with a dim blue light on the edge, and scattered colorful light spots moving inside, like cheerful fish tails Son.

The secret realm is open!
Everyone's spirits were shocked, and they didn't care about other things. They all turned their eyes to the Nascent Soul powers who appeared.

This group of Nascent Soul powers was obviously not the first time they faced such a situation. They stood in the air calmly and orderly, with thick spiritual power pouring out from their palms and slowly pouring into the cave entrance.

The entrance of the cave gradually stabilized, no longer appearing and disappearing, and everyone could clearly see the darkness behind the colorful light circle.

After waiting for a while, the passage was completely stable, and the disciples of each sect entered quickly and orderly according to their sects and families.

As the first sect in the Canglan Continent, the Taiyi Sect was among the first to enter.

Yunli glanced past Wei Lin who didn't know when he stopped coughing, held Mu Yan tightly, and whispered, "The space may not be stable, we may not be together after entering, if we separate, no matter what the situation, Hurry up and wait for me with your defensive magic weapon, and I will find you soon."

While speaking, the disciples of the Taiyi Sect in front had already entered, and they also hurriedly jumped into the cave.

Yunli felt that her eyes were pitch black, and she was in a very small space, very cramped, and soon the squeeze passed, and her eyes lit up again.

"It's so beautiful." Seeing the scene in front of her clearly, Yunli almost blurted out, and at the same time quickly raised her plantain fan to stay in the air.

On the light blue sky, there are a few calm clouds hanging, the bright blue flower sea is gently swaying in the breeze, and the pink blue and pink purple butterflies are flying above the flower sea, sprinkled with fluorescent light while waving their thin wings.

In the next second, Mu Yan also appeared not far in front of her. It seemed that they were lucky.

"This!" Mu Yan was also amazed by this beautiful scene, and immediately became vigilant, "Is there any danger?"

Although she hasn't participated in secret realm training much, she also knows a truth, the more beautiful something is, the more dangerous it may be.

Especially Jiuliyuan, countless ancestors have proved with their lives that this is a hell that eats people.

Just as she was about to activate the defensive magic weapon, Yunli had already flown to her side and stretched out her hand to pull her onto the plantain fan.

"Aside from flowers here, there are also butterflies, and most of the dangers are also poisonous."

As she said that, Yunli took out the Yueying Mingxin umbrella and put it on top of the two of them, and quickly formed a spiritual shield. After doing all this, she began to observe carefully.

The flowers in Huahai are all of the same species, with six tongue-shaped petals, the edges are lavender, the inside is dark blue, and there is a dark yellow stamen in the center, which looks very ordinary.

"What kind of Lingzhi is this?" She turned her head and asked Mu Yan. She didn't know much about Lingzhi, so she had to ask a professional about it.

Mu Yan frowned, "The color is similar to the chrysanthemum, the shape of the petals is slightly different, but the leaves are quite different. The chrysanthemum has sword-shaped leaves, but it is a heart-shaped leaf." Lowering her body, the tip of her nose moved ,"smell--"

"Don't smell it!" Pulling her up, Yunli broke out in a cold sweat, what if it was poisonous.

"Uh," Mu Yan said awkwardly, "I forgot that this is a secret realm."

Beginners in alchemy, don't have spirit stones to buy spirit plants, and don't have the strength to pick them by yourself, and the relationship with the same sect is as thin as toilet paper, so it is very difficult to meet a spirit plant.

She had no choice but to not miss any opportunity, and gradually developed the habit of stepping up to observe, smell, and recognize Lingzhi whom she didn't know.

Mu Yan smiled shyly, and made up her mind to get rid of this habit. The secret realm is full of dangers, and if you don't pay attention, you will lose your life.

"Eh?" She glanced over, surprised, and blinked, "Am I dazzled?"

"what happened?"

"Look at the butterflies."

"What's wrong with the butterflies?" Yunli was alert. These butterflies seemed to be afraid of people and avoided them far away, so she focused on the flowers first, and only glanced at the butterflies roughly.

She turned her head to look at a blue butterfly not far away, and saw it flapping its wings and dancing among the flowers, sometimes chasing and playing, sometimes resting quietly on the petals, except for the little fluorescent lights scattered between the flapping of the wings, which are quite special, Don't wait for the others!

Yunli was shocked, and when the butterfly flew to the junction of the corolla and the stem, her figure twisted briefly.

She rubbed her eyes, no, this is not the previous one, this one is smaller than the previous one.

Disappeared out of thin air and reappeared out of thin air, is it possible?
A flash of light flashed in her mind, she turned her head and stared at a cluster of flowers next to her, trying to confirm her guess.

After staring at it for a while, another pink and purple butterfly suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already blue.

Sure enough, the one that disappeared and the one that reappeared were not the same one,
After thinking about it, she took out a spiritual fruit, raised some juice and sprinkled it on a nearby butterfly.

Then he stared at it, and after waiting for a long time, the butterfly finally disappeared.

Yunli quickly moved the tip of her nose, and the sweet smell of the juice had disappeared without a trace.

"It's not in this space anymore." Yunli was shocked. Normally, even if she died, there should be a smell left, but the smell of the juice has completely disappeared. There is only one explanation for this. After disappearing, they went to another space.

"Could it be that this is the entrance to another world?" After saying this, Yunli was stunned.

I didn't see the butterfly when I teleported just now, so this different world should not be the Canglan Continent.

After thinking about it, what if she had overlooked it, and she asked, "Did you see the butterfly when you teleported just now?"

She didn't hear Mu Yan's answer for a long time, she turned her head strangely, and Mu Yan half-kneeled on the plantain fan without moving, with her head turned to the right.


Yunli was startled, turned her head to follow her gaze, and met a pair of amethyst-like eyes.

 Thank you Yingshi for your great reward! ! !

  Thanks to 941 Dessert and Huahuamo for their monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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