all the way to fairy

Chapter 372 Devour

Chapter 372 Devour
Facing everyone's awe-inspiring questioning, Wei Jie smiled lightly and remained silent.

Mu Yan asked suspiciously: "Did he really do it?"

Because he was the first to provoke the chaos, she paid close attention to this man and didn't see any unusual behavior from him.

He didn't even use his spiritual power, and he just gave orders to besiege the skeleton monks at first.

"It's not him." Yunli shook her head, "It's only at the Jindan stage, and I don't have such great skills yet."

There are quite a few people present who are higher than Wei Jiexiu, and it is impossible for them to be unaware.

They didn't transmit these words, Wei Jie looked over with sharp eyes, and said meaningfully: "So sure, does the little girl know Jin Danqi very well?"

Yunli didn't dodge or evade, she looked back generously, without a trace of fear in her eyes, "Since I'm going to be with you seniors for ten years, I naturally need to get to know them better before I can rest assured."

Wei Lin stared, "Look at the corpse!"

Everyone subconsciously followed his gaze, and not far behind the Blood Tiger Guard, several corpses were piled up in a small pile.

It was the group of monks from the Skeleton School with blue faces and black clothes!

They were the first group to die, and the big pool of blood stains under them had disappeared. What was even more frightening was that the corpse at the bottom was slowly sinking into the ground.

Yunli was startled, what kind of formation is this?
Even now, she didn't feel any fluctuations in spiritual power. If she hadn't watched the corpse sink a little bit, she wouldn't have noticed the existence of the formation at all.

Perhaps, it's not a formation.

She felt cold on the soles of her feet, and subconsciously communicated with Huan Shiling, wanting the imperial weapon to fly.

Quickly remembering that this place is forbidden, he couldn't help leaning towards Wei Lin, haunted?

Not long after, the corpse was completely engulfed and lost its support, and the corpses above it slid to the sides and scattered around.

Silence, deathly silence!

In the dark night sky, the phantom of the Golden Emperor Chrysanthemum floated high, silently looking down at them.

The light from the fluorescent stones above everyone's heads was dim, swaying tall shadows, and they looked like ferocious ghosts.

After a long while, everyone came back to their senses, one day Wu Dalu cultivator couldn't help his teeth chattering: "Wei, Wei Jie, what are you doing...!"

Before the questioning was finished, another corpse sank slowly, as if a certain switch had been turned on, one corpse after another fell into the ground, and the bloody corpses all over the ground disappeared in a cup of tea.

Everyone turned their attention to Wei Jie tacitly. Such a method is indeed not something that a Jindan stage can do.

Not to mention the Golden Core, even the True Monarch of the Empress Yuan would definitely not have such means.

Even though he knew it in advance and saw it with his own eyes, Wei Jie still couldn't help his heart palpitations. He quickly cleared up his expression and said softly: "As you can see, the ground, walls, trees, water sources, etc. will devour the dead, why is that so, "

Having said that, he stopped, his eyes slowly swept over everyone's eyes, and said word by word: "Because this is not the real Jiuliyuan."

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Everyone was in an uproar, they had guessed all kinds of possibilities, but they never suspected that this was not Jiuliyuan.

Although the mountains, rivers, and monsters and spirit plants were all marked in the map handed down by the ancestors, they also firmly believed in the vast plate and complex terrain, which was completely different from the Jiuliyuan they saw now.

The secret realm of Jiuliyuan is unpredictable and vast, and the map is not complete, so it is normal that there are no records.

"Isn't it Jiuliyuan? Master Wei, don't be joking, the teleportation in the secret realm cannot be interfered by human beings."

"Over tens of thousands of years, the Jiuliyuan Secret Realm has been opened many times, but I have never seen it before. Haven't you seen the Nascent Soul Zhenjun of each faction? How could you enter the wrong place!"

"That's right, it's not Jiuliyuan, so where is this?"

Faced with doubts, Wei Jie remained calm. He looked at another Jindan cultivator in Tianwu Continent, and said, "Fellow Daoist Zuo, do you think this is Jiuliyuan?"

The middle-aged Zuo's face was so gloomy that water dripped out. He stared at Wei Jie, gritted his teeth and said, "Isn't it good to let nature take its course?"

"Zuo Zhenren of Chixiao Sect." A monk from Tianwu Continent murmured, and immediately exclaimed: "Could it be true?!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a cultivator from the Cangxuan Continent next to him hurriedly asked: "Fellow Daoist, can you clear up the confusion, who is this person?"

"The Scarlet Firmament Sect has a long history and profound heritage. Zuo Zhenren's ancestors are even more amazingly talented people who came out of the secret realm of Jiuliyuan."

Everyone suddenly realized that their ancestors had come here to experience it, so they naturally knew more than others. "

Yunli looked at Lin Chen. He is Ling Su's direct disciple and a member of the Lin family. Does he know that too?
There are not a few people who have this idea with her, even Su Xu, Chu Feng, Ye Chuning, etc., all looked at Lin Chen, hoping to get his confirmation.

Naturally, there are ancestors from other continents who walked out of Jiuliyuan alive, their eyes dodged and they remained silent.

Wei Jie had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, and chuckled, "It seems that many people know this."

Seeing that everyone who might know was forced to remain silent, a refined middle-aged male cultivator saluted Wei Jie respectfully: "Please tell Zhenren Wei."

Wei Jie didn't hold back, "This is just the entrance to Jiuliyuan. If you want to enter the real Jiuliyuan, you need enough blood."

Everyone was in an uproar, and combined with the blood of the corpses that sank into the ground, they had to admit that this was very likely to be true.

Yunli raised her eyes to look at the phantom of the emperor Rustica chrysanthemum in the air. She felt that something was wrong before. She had never seen such a fair and just experience. The baby had to wait for everyone to be born before it was born. It turned out that it was to induce them to kill each other.

Taking the secret treasure as a guide, it was obviously man-made, and she felt uneasy, collecting so many bloody corpses, what did the people behind the scenes want to do?
Wei Lin was thoughtful and asked, "How much blood is enough?"

Wei Jie smiled, and slowly said, "Half."



One after another, the sound of inhalation sounded, and half of the personnel were lost at the door before they actually entered, which was too bloody.

Su Xu murmured: "Half of the people are here, no wonder there are very few people who can get back from Jiuliyuan alive."

When everyone had digested it, Wei Jie raised his voice and said: "Everyone, the secret realm of Jiuliyuan is dangerous. The higher the cultivation level of those who survived, the greater the chance of our survival and the greater the harvest."

After a pause, he said again: "This time, the Golden Core stage has entered again, and those mysterious places can also be found out."

Even though they knew that he had other intentions, everyone couldn't help feeling hot when they heard these words. It was because of Jin Danqi that so many talented monks came in this time.

Wei Jie turned his gaze and landed on a young man beside Master Zuo, with a cruel arc on his lips: "It's better to share half of the heads with everyone."

Zuo Zhenren took a step forward, blocked the boy behind him, and said angrily: "Wei Jie, don't bully me too much!"

Yunli looked at the young man. The young man's cultivation base was at the early stage of foundation establishment, and he was just qualified to enter the secret realm. Most importantly, he was an alchemist.

After recollection, everyone stared at the alchemist around him, yes, since the dead must be killed, the alchemist who is not good at fighting is obviously the first choice.

(End of this chapter)

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