all the way to fairy

Chapter 512 Chapter 511 Resolving Gu

Chapter 512 Ground 510 Chapter 6 Unraveling Gu ([-])

Yun Li hastily retorted: "No, what's wrong is not the pure yin body, but the greed of the world! To die because of their greed, isn't it fulfilling the enemy's wishes, making loved ones hurt and enemies happy!"

"Dear one?" Yingmei murmured softly, with a look of regret in her eyes.

Yunli's eyes lit up, and she quickly answered, "Yes, think about your relatives, how sad they are when you die, and Yingyi, he is still here..."

Before she could finish speaking, she saw that the loss in Ying Mei's eyes turned into grief, and she continued to laugh miserably, "I don't have any relatives. After Xing Ye discovered that I was a pure Yin body, he slaughtered Mian Town. Tens of thousands of people in the town People will die because of me!"

She hammered her chest heavily, with an expression of crying and laughter on her face, she raised her eyes and looked at Yunli, "My life has been ruined. For me, living is more painful than dying."

Yunli shook her head, and wanted to persuade her again, but Wei Lin stopped her, "She is already in pain, don't make her suffer more."

"But..." Yunli hesitated, Yingmei saved her cousin and Dodo, she was their benefactor, how could she kill her benefactor with her own hands?

Besides, eliminating Gu worms is a great achievement in saving all spirits, how can such a person be annihilated under her Nirvana Heavenly Fire?
Wei Lin said softly: "No one else can empathize with her suffering. All we can do is respect her choice."

Yunli raised her eyes to look at Yingmei, her lips trembled slightly, those charming eyes stared straight at her, the light in her eyes was fragmented, there was no pain, only the exhaustion from the vicissitudes of life and the deep boredom of the world.

In those eyes, she couldn't see the slightest nostalgia for this world. Yunli's throat seemed to be blocked by a ball of cotton wool, which made her unable to breathe. She closed her eyes and replied hoarsely: "Okay."

Yingmei smiled slightly, "Thank you."

Yunli slowly raised her hand, and the aura of the fingertips flowed. With the movement of her fingertips, a simple rune was drawn in the air.

The rune has not yet formed, and everyone has been photographed by the breath on it, and they can't help but take a few steps back. The rune seems to be able to swallow everything. When it appears, the light, sound, breath, everything around it seems to be a bit dim. points, only a little bit of crimson fire shines brightly.

Gu King seemed to feel it, the green brilliance flickered rapidly in Ying Mei's heart, and the sharp claws frantically pulled, trying to break out of the body.

Yingmei's whole body was lit up with a little bit of aura, and there were scarlet lines spreading from the sleeves to the back of the hands and neck, which was the formation, the formation of the imprisonment formation.

For more than a year, apart from recovering from cultivation, she carved the imprisonment array on her body. Since Xingye used her body as a container for cultivating the Gu King, she couldn't drive the Gu King away, so she could only use her body as a cage. Trapped Gu King in the body.

The terrifying aura of the Nil Talisman became more and more intense, the Gu King went crazy, his crystal green wings spread out, his body stood up strangely, the tentacles on the top of his head stood upright, his eyes condensed into a bunch of eyes, vermilion flashed across his eyes, and layers of green bloomed all over his body.

Yingmei's dantian exploded, and the raging Gu worms flew out of her dantian along the path of spiritual power circulation, wreaking havoc in her body.

In an instant, Yingmei's entire body was surrounded by gray and green, and the white aura that imprisoned the formation on her skin was submerged in the green light.

She swayed, took a few steps back, and sat on the ground leaning against the big tree behind her. Her body was like fermented dough thrown into a hot oil pan, swelling up into big bags one after another.

"Little friend Yingmei!" Ye Zheyan called anxiously, took two steps forward, then stopped quickly, and asked from a distance, "Can you still hold on?"

Under the order of the Gu King, the Gu insects frantically devoured her flesh and blood, and the severe pain hit her like a tidal wave, and Ying Mei collapsed against the tree trunk.

Feeling the rapid loss of vitality, she raised her head with difficulty, and glanced at Yunli, who was trying to outline the rune. With the gnawing speed of Gu insects, she probably wouldn't be able to finish the rune.

Suddenly thinking about something, anxiety appeared in her eyes, she hurriedly turned her gaze to Wei Lin, and said with difficulty: "The pair...mother and daughter must be found, she...the Gu worm in her body has the potential to evolve into a Gu king. "

After finishing speaking, she moved her fingertips slightly. Before she completely became a witch, she mobilized the little spiritual power left in her body and merged it into the confinement array on her skin. Sheng's green light covered it.

That pair of female Gu has the potential to evolve into a Gu king? !
Everyone was stunned by the news. In just over two years, more than half of the two families were killed by Gu worms. All the spirits of the Zhongshan family were almost wiped out. They have already had a psychological shadow on these little worms, and they don't want to go through it again. once.

Now, there is still a fish that slipped through the net. They are both shocked and afraid. The remnants of the Wugu sect did not rely on a sleeping Gu king to make such a battle, pay such a heavy price, and finally wipe out all the Gu. Worms, but now they are told that there is another one who can only evolve into a Gu king!
This is not, isn't this a scam!

Glimpsing Yingmei's situation from the corner of her eye, Yunli's heart trembled slightly, enduring the throbbing pain of the sea of ​​consciousness, and accelerated the speed of outlining the runes. Finally, the moment before the light in Yingmei's eyes completely dissipated, the runes were formed.

Everyone in shock felt that the world in front of them was illusory for a moment, as if the world was also photographed by runes.

The flustered heart calmed down a little, so what about the Gu King, Yun Li's rune, he still had to be annihilated, besides, it just had the potential to evolve into a Gu King, not a certainty.

Xuan'ao's runes trembled slightly, and immediately flew into Yingmei's eyebrows, her bubbling body froze for a moment, and a little scarlet light rose from her body, tearing and burning the lingering green flowers around her.

One breath, two breaths...

The crimson flames became more and more intense, and the bright flames engulfed her completely. Yunli's eyes were sore, and her fingertips trembled uncontrollably. She killed a person who was kind to them and all sentient beings. Powerless, the sea of ​​consciousness was so painful that it was about to explode.

"Ali." Wei Lin called out worriedly, and stepped forward to support her shaking body.

"I'm fine." Yunli twitched the corners of her lips, looked at the blazing flames, and said softly: "It's just that this feeling is too bad. The pure yin body is a gift from the heavens, but because of the greed of people, let her behind bars
Ying San, Ying Yi, Xing Luo, they all wanted her to live a good life, but the complicated relationship with them made her extremely tugged, and she lost the motivation to live. "

Wei Lin was silent, it was because of feelings that he was in pain, if Ying Mei hadn't developed a mother-daughter affection for Lan Shu in the care, and hadn't gradually wavered in getting along with Xing Luo;

Or if she is a person who pursues fame and fortune, does not value feelings, and does not value the friendship that grew up with Ying Yi and Ying San, she will not be so desperate.

Soon, everything was burnt up, and Ying Mei had nothing left, only a cluster of crimson flames floating in the air under the tree, burning quietly.

The whole audience was silent, although they had seen the dominance of Scarlet Flame before, but that time, they did not see the whole process.

Just one rune can completely annihilate a cultivator without leaving even a trace of breath. This was the case with the Nascent Soul stage killer last time, and the same is true for the current Jindan stage Yingmei.

Everyone was fearful and fearful, now that she is only at the early stage of Golden Core, if she conceives later, she can use it freely, who will be her opponent in the Canglan Continent then!

Ye Zheyan's eyes flickered slightly, and he said, "This rune is so powerful, if Xingye comes..."

The fearful people suddenly woke up. That's right, Yunli and the two of them are allies now, and Xingye is about to arrive. If this rune has the same effect on Xingye's level of power, then wouldn't they Don't worry.

Yunli exhaled deeply, raised her hand, and Fei Yan flew back, sinking between her eyebrows.

She secretly rolled her eyes, "What are you thinking, will Xingye give me time to outline the runes? Will you stand there and be hit by my Nirvana?"

What can hurt Xing Ye and others is not only her Nirvana Talisman, but also the methods of Ling Su, Fu Yue and most other post-Yuan monks. The key is that they will not stand there and let you hit them.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Ye Zheyan felt something was wrong. He sighed and rubbed the center of his brows, "After fighting for so long, my mind is confused."

After finishing speaking, he looked at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "The crisis has not been resolved, everyone can't relax, the formation master is going to repair the formation..."

Yunli curled her lips secretly, it was really up to them, Xingye would have killed him long ago, she turned to Wei Lin: "Let's go in."

She has overused her consciousness, and she desperately needs sleep to recover.

An Ran immediately took out the Linglong Room, Wei Lin carried her in, and after setting her up, said to Duo Duo on Mu Yan's head: "Duo Duo, go and see what's going on at Xing Ye."

Although Ning Wujue is a great power in the upper realm, but now he is hiding in Fuyu's tattered body, and his soul is incomplete. As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a snake. If he is not Xingye's opponent, he has to find another way .

Duoduo transformed from a butterfly hairpin back into a human form, pursing her mouth: "The two of them are so scary, I don't want to go."

She and Ning Wujue had been neighbors in Nether Ghost Lake for many years, and she always took a detour when she saw him, and she was afraid to find him alone;
And that person, that sword really left a big shadow on her. Thinking back to this day, she can't help being afraid. Fortunately, she ran fast, otherwise she would definitely be chopped into pieces.

Mu Yan was helpless, her nature was hard to change, and the little bit of courage Dodo built up by kicking Xingluo was returned to her original form by Xingye's sword.

She squatted down and persuaded softly: "You just hide in the void and watch, you don't have to face him."

Duo Duo pouted, still reluctant.

Yunli on the bed was so tortured by the throbbing pain from the sea of ​​consciousness that she couldn't sleep, she stretched out her head when she heard the words, "Hurry up, don't be wordy."

It's not like asking her to fight, it's shameful to dawdle.

Duoduo pursed her mouth and dodged into the void.

An Ran wondered: "She listens to you!"

Yunli raised her eyebrows, "Who made me a fierce sister? You are all good sisters, and I am the fierce sister."

When it comes to this matter, she has a lot of resentment, obviously she didn't do much to Dodo, she didn't beat or scold, but in Dodo's heart, she is more terrifying than evil spirits.

An Ran couldn't stop laughing, and said to Mu Yan: "I know you love her, but when it's time to be strict, you have to be strict. She is young and ignorant, so you have to teach her slowly, and you can't just follow her."

Mu Yan was silent, and let out a breath, "I have to teach her well."

In the past, she always thought that Duo Duo was still young and lived such a pitiful life since she was a child, and felt pity for her.

However, with her ability, she is destined not to be just a playful child, especially in their current situation, which is full of dangers.

On the other side, Duo Duo quickly arrived at the destination, she poked her head out quietly, only to see Xing Ye flying upside down, and fell hard on the hard rock wall.

Cracks appeared in the center of the smooth stone wall, and the cobweb-like slits exploded in all directions, the broken stones fell like rain, and the black ink long sword that frightened her fell to the ground.

Duo Duo trembled, as expected, the weirdo was even more terrifying.

"who are you?"

Xing Ye was horrified. The opponent had been suppressing him for so long. If he hadn't been dragged down by his sick body, he would not be his opponent at all.

This feeling is very similar to that of an old man who is getting old, holding on to his sick body, and dealing with naughty children. Even though he has thousands of experiences, it is difficult to put it to good use.

And he himself is that naughty child. Compared with the other party's rich experience, his secret combat skills and experience perception are like a child who has no rules.

He finds it inconceivable, when did Cang Lan have such a character?
Ning Wujue was so angry that he was dying, this body was old and was taken away again and again, it was already dilapidated, relying on his strong soul power to barely maintain it, this phoenix has a very black belly, it dug a hole well.

We must force him away as soon as possible!
Recalling this, Ning Wujue's face was cold and cold, "It's a bit fixed, but I haven't practiced Xueming Kungfu. Why, have you found a better technique?"

"Who are you?" Xingye asked again, his heart was already turbulent, and those who didn't understand this sentence naturally didn't understand.

But as the person involved, he immediately understood what the other party was asking.

Back then, he obtained the Blood Darkness Kung Fu from Jiuliyuan, and he could practice all the way to Mahayana's kung fu without any restrictions, which was extremely tempting. He also thought about changing to the Blood Darkness Kungfu.

After thinking about it again and again, he still gave up.

Xueming Kung Fu is not a serious technique at first glance. He is a rare genius with spatial spiritual roots. Even without Xue Ming Gong, he can still ascend as a baby, so why bother to follow any crooked ways.

This skill was put on hold until it was stolen by Shuang Jiang.

After experiencing the extermination of the sect, his state of mind has changed, crooked ways, since the world believes that the Wugu sect is crooked, if he doesn't do some crooked things, wouldn't he be sorry for their slander!
This person knew that he was the one who brought back the Xueming Gong from Jiuliyuan.

Back then, apart from Jingzhe Bailu and Ling Su, were there other people who came out of Jiuliyuan alive?
Xing Ye carefully recalled the scene at that time, and felt that it was impossible. At that time, the Nether Ghost Swamp suddenly changed, the swamp was blocked, and endless black energy spread from the bottom. The three of them relied on his space spirit root to forcefully build a passage, Just escaped.

As for Ling Su, that coward, he did not enter the Netherworld.

Just as he was in doubt, he saw the corners of the opposite person's lips twitch slightly, "If you didn't want to see how that little bug changed from a human cultivator to a demon cultivator, do you think I would let you go?"

Xing Ye's gaze was slightly concentrated, and his heart was full of hesitation. Is this what he meant?

Although his heart was full of waves, his face was still calm, and he asked coldly: "What do you mean?"

Ning Wujue didn't speak, but his eyes were clear about everything.

Xingye's heart sank to the bottom.

 Thanks to me, Da Luo Jinxian Xiaocute, for the reward and monthly pass, I was shocked!

(End of this chapter)

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