all the way to fairy

Chapter 560 Guess

Chapter 560 Guess
Yunli quickly took out the small bench and snacks, and urged, "Speak first, and eat after you finish."

Seeing the familiar process, Dodo was satisfied, and immediately said excitedly: "As soon as Chu Nan left Lingxi's sight, she cried and made noises, and the flame of the blue spirit almost burned herself. I heard from others that since the spirit boat She has been like this since she got sick.

The disciples of the Illusion Palace are discussing in private whether Chu Nan is sorry for Master Lingxi..."

Yunli is anxious to die personally, as I said a few days ago, "The key point, let's talk about the key point."

"Don't you say that the most important thing in a speech book is foreshadowing?" Dodo tilted her head in doubt.

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched, and she said seriously: "This is not a script, it's a real incident, and the real thing should be highlighted."


Dodo nodded half-understood, thought for a while, and replied: "Just now Suxi Zhenjun asked Chu Nan's age, and then asked for a little of Chu Nan's blood to perform secret techniques, and a jade pendant in his hand flashed. Shan, and then he said that Chu Nan is the son of Daoist Lingxi."


"Well... When I left, he was ecstatic and frowned again."

Yunli was stunned. The big family that has lasted for tens of thousands of years has many descendants and a huge family. It is not possible to confuse the bloodlines, and most of them have secret techniques to identify bloodlines.

Obviously, the secret technique performed by Suxi Zhenjun is to identify Chu Nan's blood, and the result is self-evident.

Chu Nan is Lingxi's child!
But how is this possible?
Chu Nan also has an older brother...

She stopped suddenly, but she hadn't noticed much before, the faces of the Chu brothers had no similarities, Chu Nan had sword-like brows and star-eyed eyes, Fengshen was handsome, while Chu Feng's face was much more ordinary.

Because the elder brother Chu Feng is really competent, everyone has never thought about it.

In my memory, Chu Feng is the most ordinary one among the three young masters, but his superiority is that his temperament is as cold as ice, which makes people remember deeply, and he will not feel inferior to Lin Chenye Chuning in the slightest.

"So, Chu Nan was adopted by the Chu family?"

Yunli found it unbelievable. In order to make friends with Chu Nan, it would be convenient for her to enter the Tianxin Pavilion to find the panacea. She asked the disciples of the Tianxin Pavilion to learn about Chu Nan.

Chu Feng and Chu Nan came from ordinary people, his parents died early, and he grew up with his uncle's family.

The uncle's family treated them very badly. When Tianxin Pavilion went to select disciples, the vicious aunt kept Chu Feng at home, trying to block his journey to immortality.

If Muli is the father of the Chu family who 'died early', the Chu family would not dare to abuse his son even if he was just a small qi cultivator;

If he wasn't Chu's father, why did he put Chu Nan in the ordinary farmhouse since he was deliberately planning to give birth to a child?
"Has he been hunted down by his enemies?"

Chu Nan was talented, and when he was sent to the Chu family, he was still young and hadn't reached the age to test his spiritual roots, so there was no possibility that Mu Li would give up if his talent was not good.

After thinking about it, it is only reasonable to meet an enemy and do it as a last resort.

Since there are enemies chasing and killing him, the identity of his son must not be revealed, and the best choice is to find an ordinary family to raise him, and wait for the sect to select disciples to enter the big sect smoothly.

"Hey, that's not right. With Mu Li's talent and cultivation, it is very likely that he is a disciple of the Great School. Wouldn't it be better to send the child back to the teacher's sect? Put Chu Nan in the mortal country under the jurisdiction of Tianxin Pavilion, could it be that he is a disciple of Tianxin Pavilion ?His enemy is the same door?

Also, Lingxi is the granddaughter of Suxi Zhenjun, so it would be great to let her bring her back to the Mirage Palace, what is she doing in such a big circle? "

Wei Lin squinted his eyes: "So, Mu Li's identity is shady."

"You mean that Muli has enmity with Phantom Palace? Since they are mortal enemies, why do you want to find Lingxi to be the mother of the child..."

Halfway through the speech, Yunli came to her senses and immediately widened her eyes: "Revenge?"

Wei Lin nodded slightly.

Yunli was so shocked that her eyeballs almost popped out, "Damn it! It's a big deal, has the way of repaying the avengers these days developed to the point where your descendants have my blood?"

"It's revenge, but it's also protection."

As he said that, Wei Lin was startled suddenly, and stood up suddenly, the spiritual power surging all over his body overturned the fruit plate, and the small bench under Duo Duo's buttocks was also reduced to dust.

Holding the half-gnawed spiritual fruit in her hand, she sat on the ground blankly, unable to recover.

Yunli quickly took out a new small bench and fruit plate, slipped her collar before she could react, put the small bench back under her buttocks, and stuffed the fruit plate into her arms.

While doing this, she turned her head and hurriedly asked, "What did you think of?"

Wei Lin let out a deep breath, and finally suppressed his loss of composure. Instead of answering directly, he asked, "After coming out of Jiuliyuan, the Zhongshan Department saw Chu Nan again. What changes do you think he has made?"

"Change..." is definitely not about forming a pill or becoming mature.

Yunli thought about it carefully, and quickly remembered: "The changes have indeed been great, the demeanor has been condensed, and there is an indelible heaviness between the eyebrows and eyes, as if carrying something.

When you had an epiphany in Dayan City, I asked him, and he said he was mature, so I didn't think much about it.You mean, he knows his identity? "

Wei Lin half-closed his eyes: "To be precise, I know who my father is."


Wei Lin's eyes were piercing, and he slowly said, "Xing Ye."

"What?" Now it was Yunli's turn to lose her composure, and the spiritual breath in her body smashed the new fruit plate stool to pieces.

Duoduo pursed her lips, took out a new set, and moved to the side, away from the two of them.

Wei Lin analyzed in a deep voice: "Xingye himself is the son of the head of the Wugu sect who raised him outside in order to prevent being taken over by others, and his family has a long history of education, so he will most likely do the same.

The Wugu Sect is the public enemy of Canglan. If Chu Nan's identity is exposed, it will be difficult for other sects to protect him, but Master Suxi can do it.Suxi attaches great importance to Lingxi, the granddaughter, and loves Wuwu, even if she knows the truth, she will help conceal it. "

Yunli was still a little skeptical: "These are all speculations. There are so many evil cultivators, so it's impossible to say that Mu Li is another evil cultivator."

"In the Weeping Immortal Valley, Jing Zhe could clearly overwhelm Hei Hua, but pretended to be evenly matched, creating a situation where the three parties were in control. Although the reason we speculated earlier was reasonable, it was not enough compared to Yunshu Immortal Mansion and Killing Us .

Xu Yueqing is a spy who has not penetrated into the four major sects. If it is damaged, it will be replaced. With your lesson before, Canye Pavilion will not pin all its hopes on one person.

Therefore, she is not important enough to make Jing Zhe give up Yunshu Immortal Mansion.Jing Zhe would do that, there must have been someone in our group that he had to protect, who was more important than Yunshu Immortal Mansion.

Except for the children raised by Xingye outside to inherit the incense, I can't think of anyone who is more important than Yunshu Immortal Mansion. "

After she digested it for a while, Wei Lin continued: "Not to mention the four of us, Mo Huai is Fang Mo, Fang's family was wiped out by the Remnant Ye Pavilion, and he almost died that night, so it can't be him.

Xu Yueqing is a spy of Canye Pavilion, since she is the child who inherits the incense, it is natural to completely draw a line with Canye Pavilion, it is impossible for her to do such things as a spy.

The only one left was Chu Nan's master and apprentice, Dong Qi was begging for a living on the border of Chu State, if it wasn't for Tian Dao's action, she might have been transformed by a Gu insect, and the possibility of her being the one was very small. "

Yunli swallowed, "Chunan is the only one left."

She suddenly remembered something. When they first came out of Jiuliyuan, they met Bai Lu in Linxi Town. At that time, Bai Lu had no intention of attacking them, and passed by calmly.

Later, Chu Nan called Po Yueyi's identity, so he had no choice but to act.

At that time, she thought that Bai Lu was because of her own fault, but now it seems that she thinks highly of herself, the seven monks from the four major sects who walked out of Jiuliyuan must be a big problem for Canye Pavilion in the future, how could such a good opportunity come so easily let go.

If Chu Nan was Xing Ye's child, everything would make sense.

His strength was not the strongest among them. If they all died and Chu Nan lived, he would definitely be suspected afterwards.

This is something Xing Ye never wants to see.

With a few things in front of her, she had to admit that this guess was probably true.

After being silent for a while, Yunli looked at Duoduo: "Go back and tell your two sisters not to spread this matter."

If Chu Nan's identity is exposed, not to mention the four major sects, the Ye Xiao family, and other sect families who have been hurt by Can Yege will not let him go.

Suxi Zhenjun is alone, how can he not leave him at every step.

After sending Douduo away, Wei Lin asked, "What about you, how will you face Chu Nan in the future?"

Yunli suddenly felt dizzy, they were plotting to ambush Xingye, and somehow he became a friend's father.

However, Xing Ye must kill him!

Back then, if he hadn't secretly indulged him, Lan Shu wouldn't have dared to reveal his brother's appearance, and the people in the mission hall wouldn't have dared to do so without his tacit approval for the various assassination missions that followed.

Not to mention, he concocted Gu worms to harm the living beings, causing the Zhongshan family's living beings to suffer.

Whether in public or private, he must die.

Yunli pursed her lips, "The initiative in this matter is not in my hands, if Chu Nan still recognizes me as a friend, I will not alienate him because of Xingye; if he wants to seek revenge from me, I have nothing to say. "

Wei Lin nodded, "Continue to set up the formation, it's better to report the revenge in person!"

At this moment, thousands of miles away, in the Mirage Palace.

Looking at Lingxi whose eyebrows were still tightly locked together in his sleep, Chu Nan felt very uncomfortable. His mother turned out to be Lingxi of Mirage Palace!

His childhood memories are already blurred, and most of the embarrassment about his uncle and aunt was heard from other people.

The only thing he remembers is the helpless feeling when he was said to be a child without a father and a mother.

It turns out that my mother is such a person, gentle and beautiful, she must be very gentle when she is normal.

It's a pity that I haven't seen her in normal times.

At this time, Suxi Zhenjun opened the restraint and came in, looked at the quiet mother and son, and sighed softly: "Now, you still can't recognize her."

As for when they will be able to recognize each other, he is not sure, perhaps, they will not be able to recognize each other in this lifetime.

Chu Nan's eyes flickered, "You know who he is now."

Su Xi nodded heavily. In fact, it's easy to guess. Mu Li took the child away and didn't raise it himself. The biggest possibility is that there is a problem with his identity.

In response to evil cultivators and evil cultivators, the Witch Gu Sect had a precedent of raising their children outside, Canye Pavilion had already made arrangements to fight against the four major factions, and the most likely one was Xingye.

"Don't worry, no third person will know about this matter." The key linking Mu Li and Can Ye Pavilion is that he took the child away but did not raise it himself.

As long as Chu Nan's identity is not exposed, even if everyone speculates that Xing Ye may leave blood outside like his father, they will not think about Lingxi Chu Nan.

Chu Nan lowered his head, his voice dry: "Don't you blame me?"

"Blame what you do, and you can't choose your parents. He is him, and you are you. What he does does not represent you."

Chu Nan's nose was sour, and he was on the verge of tears. When he learned his identity, no one knew how terrified and tormented he was.

Worried about his identity being exposed, his master, relatives, and friends turned against each other; he was ashamed of Can Yege's evil deeds, and every time one more person suffered because of Can Yege, he felt that his guilt was deeper.

It's ridiculous that once he persuaded Yunli not to associate with Qianjiu, and even said high-sounding words, he persuaded Mo Huai to let go of his family feud and move on.

Obviously, it was his father who caused their tragedy.

Chu Nan stared at the ground not far from his feet, and said hoarsely: "I am a coward. I dare not tell Master, Junior Sister Yun, Brother Mo, or anyone. I am afraid they will... "

Speaking of the latter, his voice trembled so much that he could hardly make a sentence.

Su Xi put his hand on his shoulder, and said softly, "With great-grandfather here, don't be afraid."

All of Chu Nan's strong support was completely shattered in front of these words, and tears rolled down uncontrollably.

He just wanted to be a young man full of justice under the sun, and he didn't want to bear the so-called blood feud.

But ah, there is only a thin line between heaven and hell, and in an instant, his so-called pursuit and belief became a joke.

Lingxi was already well protected by Suxi Zhenjun, not many people knew about her situation, and few people knew about what happened between her and Chu Nan.

When Suxi rushed back to Qinghe Valley, he covered up the matter by casually admitting to the wrong person.

With the passage of time, many people left from various sects and sects. Dan Yin casually made an excuse of lack of personnel, and asked Xu Yueqing to follow the disciples who sent supplies to Tianyun City.

"Things such as pills are imported, you must be cautious and cautious..." After the routine speech, Dan Yin casually ordered Xu Yueqing and another female nun sent abroad, "Both of you supervise and record, all the distribution process of pills, In the hands of anyone, it must be clearly recorded."

"Yes." The two girls agreed in unison.

As soon as she left the alliance's deacon office in Tianyun, the female cultivator couldn't help complaining: "Since you don't trust us, what are we doing here?"

The supervisor said it nicely, but in fact they were not allowed to touch the pill.

Xu Yueqing smiled: "Be careful, these pills are all going to be sent to Qinghe Valley, so Daoist Dan Yin will naturally take care of them."

After a pause, she said again: "Isn't your goal to leave Fenshui City? Now that you've got what you want, it doesn't matter whether he believes it or not."

The female cultivator immediately felt relieved, "That's right, I wasted so much effort before I persuaded Steward Wang to let me join the material escort team. Now not only have I joined the material escort team as I wished, but I can also not go back to Fenshui City for the time being. What a surprise! .”

 Thanks to Tinglan Anzhi 0116, pink kite, book friend 530***477, fairy father, radish rabbit, book friend 20171113192744818, and Yizhixiang for their big monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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