all the way to fairy

Chapter 576 Tragedy

Chapter 576 Tragedy
"It's hard not to know."

Ruoshui Zhenjun has a complicated expression: "She is the first person in history to come to her door and ask to join the Remnant Night Pavilion."

The four of Yunli were astonished, they looked at Xu Yueqing as if they were looking at a fool.

"Do evil!"

Zhenjun Ruoshui sighed softly, and said eloquently: "I think you all already know that she is the daughter of the Sanhe City lord."

"and many more!"

Yunli stopped him, and said in disbelief, "You mean, she is the real Xu Yueqing?"

Ruoshui nodded.

Yunli was even more confused, and blurted out: "Could it be that the whole city lord's mansion died of Gu worms?"

Xu Yueqing was expressionless, Ruoshui sighed again, and said, "Yes."

Yunli's mind is a little knotted. The Canye Pavilion has wiped out all the Sanhe City's city lord's mansion. As the city lord's daughter, Xu Yueqing is actually loyal to the Miemen enemy!
Also, although Sanhe City is not as big as Tianyun Mausoleum and other big cities, or even Ziguang and other cities, it is still a medium-sized city. Under Xu Yueqing, still entrusted with important tasks?

She turned her head and asked An Ran Mu Yan: "Master Xu has only one daughter, right?"

Not long after they rescued Xu Yueqing in the Weeping Fairy Valley, they specifically checked that the owner of Sanhe City, Xu Zhixing, only had one daughter, and she had been thinking about it for many years.

Being interrupted by her again and again, True Monarch Ruoshui was not impatient, so Duoduo quit, pouted and said dissatisfiedly: "Sister Yun, didn't you say, don't interrupt when you are listening to the story, listen carefully to True Monarch."

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched, she really said this, touched the tip of her nose guiltily, and said, "Please tell me, Zhenjun."

It was rare to see her deflated, True Lord Ruoshui couldn't help laughing, cleared his throat, and said, "She is Xu Zhixing's only daughter, the daughter of him and a Lu Dingsheng. It is difficult for monks to reproduce offspring, not to mention that Xu Zhixing was already a golden child at that time. In the later stage of Dan, the possibility of having another offspring is almost zero.

He didn't want to give up the unexpected blood, so he bought the stove and took it home. After giving birth to the child, he declared to the outside world that it was born of Taoist partner Linglong.

Daoist Linglong is as disgusting as swallowing a fly, but she can't make any progress after forming the alchemy, and her family also relies on Xu Zhixing, so she can only admit it with her nose; Continue feeding him. "

Yunli's eyes widened, she raised her hand to cover her mouth, she really wanted to complain, this is too heartless, after all, she is his daughter's biological mother!
"Actually, for this unexpected daughter, Xu Zhixing loves her very much. He is afraid of falling when holding it in his hand, and afraid of melting if he holds it in his mouth. He will never pick the moon if he wants the stars.

Xu Yueqing has a good talent in Fuzhi. When he was 13 years old, he drew a mysterious hidden talisman and used it quietly. He followed Xu Zhixing to give him a surprise. By the way, he tested the power of the hidden talisman. woman who betrayed her mother. "

Xu Yueqing, who had been silent all this time, suddenly became short of breath, and stared angrily at True Monarch Ruoshui, trying to stop him from continuing.

Zhenjun Ruoshui looked at her sympathetically, and continued: "Being dazed by anger, she stepped forward to reason, Xu Zhixing naturally couldn't tell her the truth, and kept vague, which made her even more angry, and stabbed the unsuspecting man with a knife." The birth mother's heart, the birth mother died on the spot.

Although Xu Zhixing was furious, he still felt sorry for her daughter, but he still didn't tell the truth. He didn't want the real Linglong to know about this, so he took advantage of Xu Zhixing to go out and told her the real identity of the woman.

She broke down on the spot, hating Xu Zhixing for not telling her the truth, hating his cruelty, hating Linglong's cruelty, and even more hating her own stupidity.

She wanted to take revenge on Xu Zhixing, the real Linglong, and destroy the filthy City Lord's Mansion, so she took the initiative to find Canye Pavilion to join. "

The embarrassing past was announced to the public, Xu Yueqing stared at them like an angry beast, feeling the sympathetic gaze on her, she clenched her fists.

"Don't look at me with that disgusting look, a group of sanctimonious hypocrites may be so vicious in their hearts. I only hate that I have limited talent and cannot kill all the hypocrites in the world..."

Looking at her who was a little crazy, Yunli thought, "Her biological mother, can't it be Yaoluding?"

As the city lord, Xu Zhixing won't find it difficult to get the cauldron, so why can't he let Xu Yueqing's biological mother go?
Ruoshui sighed, the crimes committed by Can Yege are not limited to exterminating families and cities, there are also many ethical tragedies.

The Yaolu cauldron made by Canye Pavilion is very popular among some high-ranking monks. Under the control of Zuimenglou, each of them was sold for a sky-high price, and Xu Zhixing's financial resources could not afford much.

Yunli suddenly realized that the Yaolu Ding itself was a commodity of Canye Pavilion, and Xu Yueqing was born as a commodity. In the eyes of Canye Pavilion, she herself belonged to Canye Pavilion, so she was assured of taking her into the pavilion and entrusting her with important tasks.

She looked at Xu Yueqing with pity, she probably didn't know that the Yaolu cauldron was made by Canye Pavilion.

Several people present had a deep understanding of Remnant Ye Pavilion, almost as soon as she uttered it, they understood what she meant, and when True Monarch Ruoshui acquiesced, their gazes suddenly turned subtle.

Facing such gazes, Xu Yueqing was a little flustered, and said unconsciously: "If you want to kill or cut, you can do whatever you want."

Before Yunli and the others decided whether to tell her the truth, Duoduo, who had listened intently to the story, blinked and started a series of questions of her own.

"It's obviously her fault. She killed her own mother. Why should she hate other people? The Yaolu Cauldron is a bad thing. Canyege forced her mother to become a Yaolu Cauldron and destroyed Sanhe City. How could she go to Canye?" How about being a killer?"

As she said that, she looked up at Zhenjun Ruoshui, as if she was a stupid student asking for answers: "Zhenjun, I still don't understand why she is so loyal to Canye Pavilion."

"What did you say?" Xu Yueqing was shocked and rushed towards Duoduo.

Duoduo reacted very quickly, dodged quickly, and hid behind Yunli, while Yunli raised her hand subconsciously, and a layer of spiritual power barrier stopped Xu Yueqing.

Xu Yueqing clapped both hands on the barrier, her face pale as paper, her scarlet eyes moved back and forth on Yunli and the others, and asked sadly, "What does she mean? What does she mean?"

Yunli pursed her lips, and said, "Do you know Zuimenglou? Every year Canye Pavilion will send medicine stove cauldrons to Zuimenglou in major cities."

There was a bang in Xu Yueqing's mind, it went blank, and there was a buzzing in her ears, she couldn't see or hear anything.

She slid against the barrier and sat on the ground, muttering: "Impossible, impossible..."

In an instant, Xu Yueqing felt that she had returned to that day, when the always indifferent and elegant 'mother' sat on the top, with a cruel light flashing in her eyes, every word was like a sharp arrow, and ten thousand arrows pierced her heart.

Wisps of cold air penetrated through the floor, through the clothes, and seeped into her body, making her shiver with cold.

In this life, all I can ask for is mother's love, something that everyone can get, why is it so difficult for her?

She flattered her nominal mother, but only got her cold revenge. To avenge her mother, she did not hesitate to join Canye Pavilion. In the end, all the tragedies in her life were caused by Canye Pavilion!

Xu Yueqing raised her head and laughed loudly, with a shrill voice, crying blood every word: "This life is just a joke!"

As soon as the words fell, she fell straight down, with a bright red oozing from the corner of her mouth, she bit her tongue and killed herself.

Feeling the gradually cooling corpse on the ground, Yunli sighed softly and said, "Bury it."

A few days later, an unexpected person came to Qingyu Mountain.

Looking at Ji Ruochen who was in a daze before her, Yunli was very surprised, "Why are you here?"

"All Canglan is chasing me, where can I go?" Ji Ruochen was full of resentment, he was a spiritual doctor who was obsessed with medical skills, did not care about the world, and had never killed anyone, but was hunted down by the entire Canglan Continent.

"Uh," Yunli touched the tip of her nose, it was related to Donglu, and they were always paying attention to the situation in the mainland, and they had heard about Ji Ruochen for a long time.

He got to where he is today, she admitted, and they were partly responsible, but, "How do you know we're on Lantau Island?"

"Sister told me."

"Xu Linghui?" Yunli was astonished, so many people knew that they were on Qingyu Mountain, it seemed that security protection had been strengthened.

Because Ji Ruochen became the target of Canglan's pursuit, Yunli naturally wanted him to stay, pointing to the peaks of Qingyu: "Except for Qiliang Peak for us, and Qingshu Peak for the master and apprentice, the other peaks are up to you. , Once settled, the Absolute Spirit Formation will be resolved."

Ji Ruochen's eyes were wide open, he had never seen that the main protective formation of any sect was the Absolute Spirit Formation.

As a spiritual doctor with little combat power, safety is naturally the most important thing. He did not hesitate to choose the mountain next to Qiliang Peak and named it Wanghui Peak.

Yunli was speechless, the name was chosen because of Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone in the world knew it.

Thinking that they left in a hurry, Liang Guo didn't inform the family that there was still a space teleportation formation, and it was still short of finishing.

Yunli had to go back, of course, this time An Ran and Mu Yan were also accompanying them, and after Duoduo sent them back, they returned to Qingyu Mountain, in case there was something wrong here, they could be notified in time.

Sending Douduo away, the three of them disappeared, preparing to meet Emperor Huijia and Empress Wen, "Uncle is getting old, and I handed over some affairs to the prince a few years ago..."

She was telling An Ran about the situation through voice transmission. As soon as she left the gate of the Lenggong Palace, she saw a woman in a palace costume meandering towards her, followed by twenty or so eunuchs and maids. They were neatly lined up and looked very dignified.

An Ran paused and asked, "Who is that? Why is it so kind?"

"Zhao Wanying, she is now the Crown Princess."

Because of the health pills and Lingyu they took back, the elders are in good health. The prince is now approaching sixty and still lives in the East Palace. Zhao Wanying, the princess, has been a princess for decades.

Hearing this name all of a sudden, An Ran only felt strange, and it took a while to pull out this person from the depths of his memory, and then he realized that the years had passed.

She was a little flustered, and suddenly she didn't dare to see her parents.

Yunli saw at a glance that she was more timid because of her closeness to her hometown, so she didn't urge her. She felt the same way back then.

An Ran's emotional timidity and the strangeness of being separated for many years disappeared in the tears of Queen Wen.

Mu Yan also went home to take a look, but she didn't show up, she silently looked at the completely unfamiliar Earl's Mansion, and then left.

The three of them worked together to deploy the rest of the teleportation formation, and hurried back to Lantau Mountain.

Everyone in Canglan searched for several years, but they couldn't find any trace of Ji Ruochen. Naturally, the aristocratic families other than the four major sects were overjoyed, united as one, and asked to participate in the Eastern Continent. Many monks even rushed to the eastern sea area early to guard the Tianshui cage formation forward.

The four major sects that could not attack Xuanyumen released the news that Yunli and his party were on Qingyu Mountain, but the situation did not turn out as they expected.

The high-ranking monks from various sects pretended to be deaf and dumb. Only some low-ranking disciples, who were not afraid of tigers as newborn calves, rushed to Qingyu Mountain with enthusiasm. After being beaten fat by Yunli, they went back in despair.

Later Yunli got annoyed and let out a word, they could not only kill Xingye Jingzhe, but also anyone in Cang Lan, if they dare to attack again, they will never return.

After that, no one dared to come to the door to provoke, and those Nascent Soul powers who were silently watching from behind also completely lost their minds.

No one is a fool, everyone in Nanling City, Fuyue and the others saw that Qianjiu was bound to do so, now that there is news about them, if he doesn't go, but instead encourages them, there must be a conspiracy.

Besides, after decades of confrontation, they knew the strength of Xingye Jingzhe very well. Both of them died at the hands of Yunli Qianjiu.

In this situation, Dodo expressed puzzlement.

Yun Li said deeply: "This world is like this, when you are weak, everyone will bully you and want to gain benefits from you;
When you are a little stronger than those around you, they will be jealous of you, frame you, and want to trample you down;

When you are a bit stronger than others, they cater to you and praise you on the surface, but they will slander you in private and try to pull you down;
However, when you are particularly powerful and become an object they cannot reach, they will worship you and respect you. "

Dodo thought for a while, and said: "So, we have to work hard to become very strong, right?"


Yunli raised her chin, and said loudly: "Subdue those who are not convinced, and no one will dare to provoke!"

Zhenjun Ruoshui on the side listened thoughtfully, and sighed: "It's the truth!"

He was born as a casual cultivator, and it was extremely difficult when he first entered the path. To pick a spiritual plant and a few pills, he had to cheer up all the time. Once people knew about it, someone would come to snatch it.

This situation lasted until the formation of the alchemy, and almost no one planned to murder after the formation of the baby.

After waiting for a while, still did not see Fuyue and others coming, Yunli was stunned, others would give up because of their strength, Fuyue Buyuan shouldn't.

They are bound to win, it has been several years, why is there still no movement?
With doubts, she retreated, followed by An Ran, Mu Yan and others. Ruoshui Zhenjun had reached the stage of cultivation, and was responsible for guarding the safety of Qingyu Mountain and warning them.

Cultivation does not know the time, and the time of retreat is particularly fast. It was not until one year before the opening period of Donglu that Fu Yue Buyuan came to ambush him again.

Went out to inquire and got the news that Bu Yuan returned to Four Seasons Valley a few years ago. As for Fuyue Zhenjun, he was ambushed and killed from Shuying Xiaozhu. After he announced his retreat, Canglan never heard from him again.

(End of this chapter)

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